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    Ethics & Morals

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    UTILITARIANISM by John Stuart Mill

    1. Summary of UTILITARIANISM, J.S. Mill; Hackett Chapters I-IV 2. What is the gist of Mill's critique against Kant's approach to ethical foundations? How might K respond? Who has the better of the argument, and why? 3. Between Mill & Kant, defend the figure w/ whom you least agree against strongest possible criticism by his

    Job satisfaction is discussed.

    Why should employers care about their employees' level of job satisfaction? Why are modern employees increasingly unsatisfied with their jobs? What can be done to improve their degree of satisfaction?

    Dissecting Immanuel Kant's theories.

    What is the "good will" of which Kant speaks in the First Section of the GROUNDING, and why is it the ONLY thing that he is prepared to say is "good without qualification"? What is "duty", as Kant uses the word, how does it differ from "inclination", and why does Kant think that moral principles (which stipulate what our dut

    Republic by Plato

    How would a careful reflection on the specific details of the Divided Line's account of how NOUS grows and thrives lead one to the conclusion that it is always wrong to do harm to others, and most especially to enemies and "deviants" and criminals? (at least 250 words)

    The Republic by plato

    Thrasymachus the Sophist has defined "Justice" as "the interest of the stronger parties". In light of Socrates' considered view of Justice as expounded over the course of the Republic a) in what sense would Socrates agree that Thrasymachus is entirely correct? b) in what sense would Socrates say that Thrasymachus is deeply c

    Kantian and Utilitarian Ethics

    For this first short paper, read the separate attachment, The Trolley Problems. 1. Please summarize the two Trolley Problems. 2. Apply Kantian ethics to the Trolley Problems. What answers would a Kantian give to the Trolley Problems and why? 3. Apply Utilitarian ethics to the Trolley Problems. What answers wo

    Price Fixing scheme

    Evaluate the price-fixing scheme from an ethical point of view (your evaluation should describe the effects of the scheme on society's welfare, on the moral rights of society's members, and on the distribution of benefits and burdens within society). In your judgment, did Clarence Burke act wrongly? Why? Was he morally responsib

    Moral standards are assessed.

    Assess the promotional practices of the companies in terms of the moral standards that you think are appropriate for the sort of environment in which the companies are operating. Relate your assessment to the three theories of the manufacturer's duties discussed in the chapter. Are any of these three theories particularly approp

    Effects of ethics are discussed.

    Does studying ethics inspire students and professors to be morally better people? Aristotle thought that we learned ethics only through life experience, and that intellectual or academic training did little to shape behavior. Of course, Aristotle also thought that the development of rationality gave people the objectivity to use

    Ethical issues

    Which of the ethical theories do you think that moral philosophers should focus on thinking about over the next 10-15 years (see below)? Which ethical issues will you continue to think about over the next 5 years? Please provide reasons for your views. Six basic ethical theories: virtue, natural law, Kantian, utilitarian, ri

    If I support freedom what duty do I have to uphold freedom?

    Does equality impose duties? Most Americans claim to embrace ideals of human equality and to condemn hatreds based on race, although ethnicity (Hispanic, Middle Eastern) and cultural heritage continue to be sources of controversy in regards to racial profiling, as in Arizona's new "show your papers" law. Most Americans claim

    Augustine's two contributions to the Christian world view.

    The influence of Augustine's views are timeless. What are the two contributions he made to the Christian world without addressing his views on the human body, sex and marriage and how did such views replicate in particular circumstances in his life. Are they traceable in certain moments of his life?

    The Shinto Religion (Japan)

    Explain the derivation of the term Shinto. What does the name tell us about the relationship with China and with Buddhism? Please explain.

    Purpose and Existence of God: Krauss and Swinburne

    Question: What does Lawrence Krauss mean by "purpose" and what ways do you see to assess his views given Richard Swinburne's proof from spatial order for the existence of God? Attached are the two short readings. I would like some help out a more thorough analysis on Krauss' view of "purpose" and maybe a clearer picture

    Hinduism: The Self

    Define the concept of Atman, and describe how it is similar to yet different from the typical western concept of self.

    Indigenous Religions

    Why are indigenous religions no longer called primitive religions; instead, they are now called primal religions? What are some of the reasons indigenous religions in the past recieved less scholarly attention than the dominant religions?

    Bentham and Mill

    1. Discuss Hedonism. 2. Discuss Utilitarianism and compare and contrast the views held by Bentham and Mill.

    Ethical decision making regarding abortion or adoption.

    Sherry is 32, never married, and employed as social worker for the VA. She enjoys the company of men and likes to party. Sherry gave birth to a daughter at 16. Angel, who is 16 and in 10th grade, was reared mostly by Sherry's mother, who is 60, legally blind, and living on disability. Sherry supports her mother and daughter.

    Utilitarian Calculation

    Apply the utilitarian calculation of painful or pleasurable consequences to evaluate a controversial ethical issue - abortion. What advantages and disadvantages do you see to the Utilitarian approach to ethics?

    Moral theories are contrasted.

    Help in Discussing the following (for full questions, see attached PDF file) 1: Ethical Objectivism 2. Emotive Theory 3. Social Contract Theory 4. Plato's metaphysical theories 5. Meno's statement "to desire beautiful things and to have the power to acquire them"

    Ecological Ethics

    Define deep ecology or ecological ethics. What are the consequences of taking an ecological ethic seriously?

    Returning Money You Find or Keeping It

    Imagine that you run a charitable organization that provides clothing, eyeglasses, toys and after-school tutoring for poor children. There is never enough money to provide for the needs of your clients. One day, you are leaving a shopping mall and notice an expensive billfold on the pavement. You pick up the wallet and find that

    Aristotle's criteria on virtues and vices

    Baby Boomer Bob is a professionally employed, married man with grown children and grandchildren. He works in a human services agency and lives in a gracious home with his bright, attractive, professionally employed wife. Bob actively assists in the care of his aged mother, volunteers as a referee for sports events for area yo

    Issues relating to drug testing

    In regard to the issue of drug testing, please discuss the pros and cons among the different examples presented below. In brief, is there any argument for or against increased testing in these areas? Thank you. 1. Drug testing in Sports 2. Drug testing in the construction industry 3. Drug testing for retail employees 4. Ra