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    Ethics & Morals

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    Does it make a difference if there is or isn't a god?

    Can someone please help me so I can complete the following: Create a PowerPoint presentation (11-14 slides) in which you describe your personal viewpoint, as well as 3-4 related principle issues, concerning one of the topics in philosophy listed below: Does it make a difference if there is or isn't a god? Complete the

    Workplace Dilemma

    Need help so I can write an essay. 1. What was the ethical issue you experienced? 2. Who was involved? (Please use only first names or initials for the participants.) 3. What was the relationship of the other individual(s) to you? Analyze the ethical dilemma: 1. Was there a difference in power and autho

    The difference between intrinsic and instrumental values

    What does it mean to say that something has value? It is a way of saying that it has worth. Something that is worthless has no value except perhaps in the negative. However, values differ according to the entities to which the values in question are attributed. For instance, the value of a pen is not the same as the value of

    Meaning and Value

    How does one approach meaning and value from a philosophical standpoint?

    Questions on U.S. Citizenship

    Explain what it means to you to be a U.S. citizen. Define the "ideal American" in your own words. Explain the difference between a right and a freedom/privilege in the U.S. by providing examples of "rights" and "freedoms" American citizens have. Explain your thoughts and feelings about the preambles to the U.S. Constitution a

    Ethical Reasoning is applied.

    Can someone help me with setting an ethical argument for the victim's family and the DA in the following situation? Joe drove the getaway car during a bank robbery in which a teller was killed. Joe was caught and sentenced to 25 years to life under California's "three strikes" law. Fifteen years into his sentence -- gaunt

    Models and theories in philosophy

    What are some of the traditional/conventional models, theories, and practices embodied in philosophy, culture, and common sense that we typically draw on and make use of in creating a "realistic," objective picture of ourselves and the world in which we live?

    Ethical Reasoning

    Consider the moral ideals presented by the facts, the obligations of the parties to one another and consequences of alternative actions in reaching a determination. --------------- In an effort to reduce crime in their city, the citizens of a town in Michigan passed an ordinance that empowered police to impound and sell at

    Statement Interpretation

    Can someone explain this quote to me in clearer terms? Henry Buckle once said, "Society prepares the crime. The criminal commits it." Please help me to better understand the intent of this quote. Thanks!

    The Enron Scandal

    Our subject is The Enron Scandal which you can find on the following web page: http://www.scu.edu/ethics/publications/ethicalperspectives/enronlessons.html I need to answer the following question with 400 words: What ethical conflict was brought about in the conflict?

    Kant and Deontology

    Please provide two examples of how this theory intersect with your personal values (two different hypothecial examples). Two good paragraphs should be sufficient. Please do not respond by copying or referring to a website example--instead the answer should be in plain simple terms. Thanks.

    Humans and Animals are featured.

    1. Is it morally preferable to be vegetarian than to eat meat, poultry, and eggs produced in factory farms? Do conditions in those farms impose a moral duty to adopt a vegetarian diet? Why or why not? 2. Are there any reasons why humans' interests should count more than the interests of non-human animals? If so, can we conclu

    Ethics applied to Life

    I would like to know the importance of "Ethics applid to life," what can we learn from it, what are its values, etc. Please post five paragraphs that relate to this topic.

    What is conscience?

    This posting outlines the key elements involved in the notion of 'consience'.

    Affirmative Action Policies

    Do you agree that all affirmative action policies create unjust reverse discrimination? If not, which specific forms of affirmative action do you think escape this charge, and why do you think this?

    Discrimination in Society

    Is it true that racial and sexual discrimination continues in contemporary society? If so, in what forms does this discrimination exist and how significant an impact does it have on those who are discriminated against? For instance, How, if at all, does contemporary racism or sexism affect the ability of women and minorities to

    System of Inquiry

    I need some assistance on how to structure a code of ethics system of inquiry for the Society of Professional Journalists. Their code of ethics for the Society of Professional Journalists is attached. For you information, the assignment is attached: Develop a system of inquiry to be used in evaluating decision-making, p

    What is ethical intuitionism?

    Understanding ethical intutionism is complicated by the fact that the term has been used to refer to quite different philosophical theses. This posting outlines the key concepts involved and their relation to one another.

    Consumer Level of Expectation - Recalls

    In the news, there is periodically a report of a recall on a children's toy, baby furniture, or tires. Research a recalled product. Explain the level of expectation the consumer has when purchasing a product like the one researched. As a critical consumer, what are your expectations for ethical advertising? What are thre

    MacIntyre & Camus

    What does MacIntyre mean in his statement "the good life for man is the life spent in seeking the good life for man" and how is it related to Camus's image of Sisyphus? Why is it that "One must imagine Sisyphys happy"?

    Kant & Mill

    In my philosophy readings on Kant and Mill, I found Kant enlightening, but very difficult to understand in most respects. What I would like to know is what the true contrast between Kant's a priori "duty" and Mill's a posteriori or consequential considerations of "the greatest happiness for the greatest number" (deontology vs. u

    Hobbes & Hume

    In studying for my final essay exam, I am realizing there are a few things about some of the philosophers that I do not completely understand. One of the things I need to know about is how to compare and contrast the ethics of Hobbes and Hume. What are the basic psychological feelings (according to the two of them) that motivate

    Traditional and Modern Ethics

    I am having trouble researching the historical developments of both traditional and modern ethics, as well as what the connection between the two.

    Ethical Advertising

    In the news, there is periodically a report of a recall on a children's toy, baby furniture, or tires. Research a recalled product. Explain the level of expectation the consumer has when purchasing a product like the one researched. As a critical consumer, what are your expectations for ethical advertising? What are

    Journalistic Integrity

    Identify a definition of journalistic integrity. Examine policy guidelines for journalistic integrity utilizing the internet. Draft a policy guideline that you believe is important for practitioners in this field. I need a Power Point presentation with 10 slides and 3 outside sources. I also need notes with the slides.