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    History and Philosophy of Law

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    Victims in Organizational Contexts

    1. As a criminal justice professional, what do you feel is most important when studying victims of prison violence, school violence, campus violence, and workplace violence? 2. Should we look at how they are similar or should we address the manner in which each person was victimized?

    Victims in Organizational Contexts

    Victims of crime within controlled populations represent specific vulnerabilities to attack. Describe prison violence, school violence, campus violence, and workplace violence, and for each, discuss the most logical approach you believe would lower victimization rates. Defend your position for each.

    Juvenile Delinquency

    A. Analyzing Statistical Surveys and their results? 1.Who is conducting the survey 2. Where is the sample population coming from, do they represent the rest of the population? 3.What environment were the questions asked? 4. Who asked them? 5. How were they asked (personally, paper, computer)? 6.What were the specif


    What can be done to change the incidence of hate-crime? Is there one context of hate-crime that would be easier to address than others? Why? Use citations, as necessary, to support your position.

    Victimology & Terrorism

    Discuss in detail how terrorism creates "indirect" victims. Include a discussion of the terrorist as victim. Please include references and two articles on terrorism.

    Law Multiple Choice

    25. If admissions are not answered within 30 days: a. They are deemed admitted b. The judge dismisses the case c. An extension is automatically granted d. None of above 26. Correspondence should be place in a file: a. Chronologically, with the latest date on top b. By author c. By recipient d. Chronologically with the

    Law Multiple Choice

    1. Careless Review and screening of material by a paralegal may result in: a. A serious breach of ethics b. The unethical manufacturing of evidence c. Revelation of a clients secrets d. All of the above e. A and C only 2. Depositions vary from the scope most other discovery devices because: a. They are not limited to th

    Victimology Discussion General Idea

    I would like some guidance with the following: Why is the general idea of victim precipitation so controversial? Is the concept adequately supported by evidence? Please include references.


    List some of the common ways to identify an individual who is a victim of domestic violence. Explain how to effectively approach a situation in which a person you encounter is a victim of this crime. Support your position with evidence, research, and/or data. (List citations as necessary.)

    Victims of Political or Identity Status

    Discuss in detail how the context of domestic violence may be preventable from the perspective of the victim or potential victim and how that might be accomplished. You should include multi-disciplinary (i.e., police, courts, and other agencies) perspectives and use summary research data. Use the Library and other relevant websi


    List a minimum of 4 contexts of predatory crime and develop a brief description of what is involved in each. Discuss in detail how the different contexts of predatory crime may be preventable from the perspective of the victim or potential victim, and how that might be accomplished. Research and find resources and examples that

    Chief of Police

    Law enforcement administrators use a variety of management styles to set policies and make decisions. In some instances, an immediate decision is required and an authoritative type of style is utilized. In others, more time is available in which to make decisions and a more deliberate approach is possible. Consider the follow

    Legal Issues in Information Assurance

    1. Your supervisor at your place of employment asks you to host a WebEx GoToMeeting to fulfill a job related task. You are given login credentials which WebEx issued to your supervisor. You have been instructed to use those credentials from your company-issued desktop computer. The license for the GoToMeeting requires the "a

    Drugs and Crime

    What do you think has more effect on a person's inclination to abuse drugs: social factors or psychological factors? Support your answer with evidence.

    Drugs and Crime

    Discuss in detail the three contextual relationships between drug use and crime using examples from the newspapers, internet, or other professional or public journals. Your conclusion should include a comparative analysis of these relationships from your perspective, indicating which one invokes the greatest social threat.

    Bankruptcy Prediction

    I am working on a graduate level paper about using "Discriminate Analysis and other models" in Bankruptcy prediction and having trouble understanding the basic concepts of the overall nature of this assignment. I understand that it involves comparing statistical analysis but most of my research on "discriminate analysis" is taki


    Discuss the impact of cultural diversity on law enforcement practices. Identify and discuss trends in diversity in relation to the court and prison systems.

    Death Penalty Sentencing

    Can I get some guidance on the following below: 1. Black's Law Dictionary defines arbitrary as "...in an unreasonable manner, as fixed or done capriciously or at pleasure" (Black et al., 1991). In light of that definition, if the death penalty was outlawed for being arbitrary based on the lack of guidelines, does it stand t

    Youth and Corrections

    1. What correctional policies can be created from the principles of restorative justice (based on indigenous justice principles)? Are these values more compatible with some offenses than others? More appropriate for some types of offenders than others? 2. Can you explain why juveniles of color have higher rates of contact wi


    Do you agree or disagree with the argument that crime seriousness and prior criminal records are not legally relevant variables? Use references to support your answer. I need some ideas and suggestions. Thank you.

    Do the current death penalty sentences fit the definition of arbitrary?

    Black's Law Dictionary defines arbitrary as "...in an unreasonable manner, as fixed or done capriciously or at pleasure" (Black et al., 1991). In light of that definition, if the death penalty was outlawed for being arbitrary based on the lack of guidelines, does it stand to reason that current death penalty sentences fit the de

    Theories of Corrections

    You are the director of the probation and parole office in your county. The local paper is running an article on corrections and the types of theories that are used in modern prisons. Write a short summary article on the three theories of corrections. Consider the various prison systems and the focus of each. Summarize the artic

    Law Multiple Choice Questions

    1. The most well-known reference that covers citation form is commonly called: A. The Maroon Book. B. The Blue Book. C. Citation Form at a Glance. D. West's Annotated Guide to Citation Format. 2. A brief submitted by a nonparty with permission of the court is called: A. An

    Justice in the Courtroom

    1. Racial minorities make up a very small proportion of the lawyers and judges in the United States. What accounts for this? What difference, if any, would it make if more of the lawyers representing criminal defendants were racial minorities? Support your answer. 2. Evidence suggesting that prosecutors use their peremptory ch

    Cultural Perspective on Crime

    I need help with the following questions: 1. If most youth gangs are racially and ethnically homogeneous, should law enforcement use race and ethnic specific strategies to fight gang formation and control gang crime? 2. On the other hand, should law enforcement strategies be racially and ethnically neutral? What dilemmas

    Cultural Perspective On Crime

    1. Do you feel that minorities are overrepresented in the criminal justice system (CJS) because of prejudices within the system? I need ideas on what type of infromation to include to address this question. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.

    Affirmative Action Concepts

    Define the concept of affirmative action. Do you support or oppose affirmative action in the employment of police officers? Do you think affirmative action is more important in policing than in other areas of life? Explain.

    Police and Diversity: Crimes in North Dakota

    Using the internet and/or other resources, locate the arrest data for your state which is North Dakota. 1. Based on the statistics, do minorities commit more crimes? If so, which minorities? 2. Were non-minorities arrested more for any crime? 3. Could discrimination be a factor? How? 4. Based on the information from th