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    History and Philosophy of Law

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    Discussion Questions

    1, What are the primary concerns regarding managed care from the consumer 's perspective?, The provider's perspective ? The payer's perspective ? My answer: Managed care from the consumers perspective is just to get care in a timely manner and get it done as quicly as possible. The Provider's perspective- the provider also w

    Scientific Evidence

    Once again I am in need of help and clarity..... 1. Locate information on a case in which scientific evidence was used and provide a detailed analysis of that case and of that evidence. Provide why that specific type of evidence was used in that case. Specifically, explain why this evidence passed the Daubert test. 2.

    Important information about Problems with evidence

    1. Connecticut State Trooper Glover was working as an undercover officer in narcotics. He and an informant went to an apartment building in Hartford, where Glover knocked on the door of one of the apartments. A man (the defendant in this case) opened the door and in a 5-to-7 minute period sold $20 worth of heroin to Glover. Glov

    Crime Evidence Scenarios

    1. A young man robbed a woman in a women's restroom at the Washington National Monument. During the robbery, the woman had a good opportunity to see the young man. The woman immediately reported the robbery and described the young man who robbed her. Three days later, a young man (Crews) was improperly and illegally detained. Ph

    Microsoft Lawsuit is investigated.

    Research the Department of Justice lawsuit against Microsoft. 1. What is the current state of the ruling? 2. What is the next step? 3. What effect has any part of this suit had on Microsoft products? 4. What do you believe the future effect will be on Microsoft? 5. Were the courts consistent with precedent or setting a

    Description of Search and Seizure

    Two police officers were patrolling in a high-crime neighborhood. They noticed a parked car with two people inside (a driver and a passenger). The officers saw a young woman leaning into the passenger's window and handing the passenger an object, which they could not identify. At this point they approached the car and the woman

    Search and Seizure

    On a routine patrol, an officer noticed a parked car. Two people were inside, and they were in a high crime area near a bar that was known for gang activity. In the past, the officer had responded to calls from the bar for everything from murder to public intoxication. The officer testified that he stopped to see if the individu

    Criminal Procedure

    A gunman robbed a bank. No one saw him before he entered or after he left. The police soon arrived and canvassed the area. A witness, who lived behind the bank at the time, told the police he saw a car that resembled the defendant's. The witness said the car looked like it needed a new muffler, and he saw it race through the all

    Businesses and law scenarios are solved.

    Can you please answer these explaining the issue, rule/law, application and conclusion that can be drawn? Thanks. 4. Neil owned a violin that he wanted to sell and Linda wanted to purchase. Both parties thought the violin to be a rare Stradivarius violin. They agree on a price of $200,000. Later, it was discovered

    Questions about Agency Law, Partnerships, and Corporations occur.

    Can you help explain these by stating the issue, rule, how to apply it, and what conclusion can be drawn for each one? Thanks. 1. Dick Driver carelessly smashes his car into the rear end of another car while driving on a busy street. Although Dick had no way of knowing this, the other car's truck was filled with dynamite

    Crime Scene Analysis

    How would a crime scene investigator handle the situations below. Please include equipment that must be provided such as respirators and chemical suits or something as simple as gloves and masks. Discuss the manner in which officers should secure a crime scene after assuring public safety, and the policy for contacting other ag

    Crime Scene Analysis

    1, What are the health and safety concerns at a murder crime scene? 2. How does the initial officer approach the crime scene so as not to disturb evidence? 3. What are the initial steps to collect and preserve evidence. 4. What should officers do to secure a crime scene after assuring public safety, and the policy for c

    The Faragher/Ellerth defense is cited.

    1. The affirmative defense to an allegation of sexual harassment established by the Supreme Court in Ellerth and Faragher requires an employer to show: A) there was no sexual harassment. B) the party claiming sexual harassment consented to the conduct by tolerating it. C) it exercised care to prevent and correct the situati

    Agents and corporations are discussed.

    1. Whenever the agent's duties to the principal conflict with the agent's own interests: A) the agent automatically is regarded as having breached the duty of loyalty. B) the agent must disclose such fact to the principal, or be in violation of the duty of loyalty. C) t

    Multiple Choice questions are included.

    1. The legal concept of unconscionability: A) relates to the laws regarding ownership of boats. B) establishes that merchants most always buy at the lowest price. C) usually involves unequal bargaining power coupled with one party's use of this power to unfair advantage

    Case study question is solved.

    1. Monica owed Bob $500, which was more than a year overdue. Bob got drunk at a party and told everyone there that Monica had owed him $500 for over a year. Can Monica recover from Bob for defamation? A) Yes, because Bob abused his conditional privilege. B) No, because Bob has the de

    Multiple Choice - civil law, constitution, Federal Court

    1 - One distinction between civil law and criminal law is that: A) civil law can be created only by statute. B) criminal law is completely procedural. C) criminal law is concerned with breaches of duty to society at large rather than with wrongs against an individual in socie

    Corporate Law Economic Reform Program 9

    PROBLEM: There have been significant changes to Corporations Law which became effective from 2004. Part (a) Summarise the changes relating specifically to auditor independence contained in CLERP 9 (Corporate Law Economic Reform Program 9). [Hint: An internet search will provide numerous resources to assist you in finding deta

    Current problems faced by prison administrators are named.

    Today's prison administrator is faced with a fascinating array of challenges. What are some of the contemporary challenges facing the prison administrator today? How would you recommend that the administrator address these problems?

    An Investigation of Correctional Systems and Prisons

    One of the recent developments facing the public administration of corrections is that there has been an increasing call by public officials and the citizenry to privatize the prison systems in the U.S. Please answer the following: 1. I have been appointed as a public sector correctional administrator and need to make th

    Interoffice Memorandum of Law help is given.

    Facts: Janet Jones, a 4 year old, was visiting the home of friends of the family, Sandy and John Beach. While at their home, she was sitting on the bathroom counter, not far from a lighted and unprotected candle. Her nightgown came into contact with the candle causing her clothes to catch fire and injuring her. Janet acknowle

    Strict Liability for Abnormally Dangerous Activities

    Persons who engage in abnormally dangerous activities such as crop dusting or blasting: a. Are liable only if all the elements of negligence are proven against them. b. Are liable only if they intended to cause a particular injury. c. Are generally not liable for the injuries they cause because otherwise no one would un

    Defamation Suit Question is entailed.

    What differs in a defamation suit when the plaintiff is a public figure, as opposed to when the plaintiff is not a public figure? a. Punitive damages are available. b. The plaintiff need not prove actual injury to the reputation. c. The plaintiff can r

    Patent Question

    1. Should a drug manufacturer that holds a patent on a drug that is very effective for many AIDS patients be able to sell that drug well above its cost of production during the period of patent protection? 2. If so, under what circumstances? 3. Should these companies sell, or be required to sell, these drugs at lower p

    Statute and Case Law Relationship

    1. Explain the relationship between RELIGION and NATIONAL ORIGIN and relevant EEO statutes and or regulations. 2. Examine how the statute and/or regulations have evolved through case interpretation. 3. Describe how the case identified impact the employment environment.