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Law Multiple Choice

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25. If admissions are not answered within 30 days:
a. They are deemed admitted
b. The judge dismisses the case
c. An extension is automatically granted
d. None of above

26. Correspondence should be place in a file:
a. Chronologically, with the latest date on top
b. By author
c. By recipient
d. Chronologically with the latest date on the bottom

27. Pleadings should be placed in a file:
a. By party
b. Chronologically, with the latest date on top
c. Chronologically
d. Chronologically, with the latest date on the bottom

28. The document production section of the file contains:
a. Requests for production of documents
b. Response to requests for production
c. Deposition transcripts
d. Client files

29. The memoranda file contains:
a. Inter-office memos
b. Memos to the file
c. Project assignment memo
d. All of the above

30. The legal research file contains:
a. Legal research memos
b. Memos to the file
c. stare decisis
d. Legal research memos and case law

31. A good paralegal sets up a file so that:
a. Anyone can retrieve anything from the file
b. She/he knows where everything is
c. Ever file is different
d. B and C

32. The paralegal should go to the courtroom a few days before trial:
a. To see where the electrical plugs are
b. To see the size of the courtroom
c. To see if there is a projection screen
d. All of the above

33. A paralegal should set up all files the same way because:
a. Consistency speeds filing and retrieval
b. They should not all be set up the same way
c. There is only one proper way to set it up
d. All files are the same

34. A subpoena duces tecum:
a. Is used for depositions
b. Must be served by a sheriff
c. Demands that the subpoenaed person bring documents
d. A and C

35. The producing party keeps a copy of the documents they produce because:
a. They might lose them
b. They can charge the clients for the copies
c. A and B
d. They want to have a complete record

36. The following are acceptable trial exhibits EXCEPT:
a. Not to scale prejudicial illustrations
b. Scale Models
c. Video tapes of a "day in the life"
d. Blow-ups of a page of a contract
e. All of the above

37. A paralegal should dress professionally and conservatively in the court because:
a. They represent the client's interests
b. They do not want to call attention to themselves
c. They are a member of the trial team
d. They must go in and out of the courtroom a lot
e. All of the above

38. All of the following are responsibilities of the paralegal during trial EXCEPT:
a. Witness coordination
b. Gathering of the witness files
c. Preparation of the opening statement
d. Set-up of audio-visual aids
e. None of the above

39. An exhibit must be __________________ after it is offered.
a. Admitted
b. Objected to
c. Copied
d. None of the above

40. Copies of trial exhibits must be made for:
a. The judge only
b. The judge and all trial counsel
c. The judge and the court reporter
d. The judge, the court reporter and all trial counsel

41. A trial kit should contain:
a. Paper clips
b. Staple remover
c. Extra exhibit labels
d. Band-aids
e. All of the above

42. In trial, the exhibit is marked:
a. On an exhibit label after it has been admitted
b. By the judge
c. After it has been admitted
d. In the lower left-hand corner

43. The privileged log contains:
a. The number of challenges uses
b. The Substantive contents of the privileged document
c. Hot documents
d. Bates numbers of privileged documents

44. A deposition roster is useful because it tells you:
a. The location of the deposition
b. The length of the deposition
c. The cost of the deposition
d. None of the above

45. In order to be discoverable, evidence must be:
a. Relevant
b. Relevant and calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.
c. Relevant and admissible
d. Admissible

46. The person to be examined at a deposition is referred to as:
a. The notary
b. The depositor
c. The deposer
d. The deponent

47. Depositions vary from the scope of most other discovery devices because:
a. They are not limited to the other party
b. They are not limited by relevancy
c. They may not provide access to documents
d. They are not limited by privilege

48. When the witness who is not a party is to bring documents to a deposition she/he should be served with:
a. A rule 34 request
b. A summons
c. A subpoena duces tecum
d. A court sanction

49. Since the paralegal is likely to be the person to fill out a subpoena, what information DOES NOT need to be on the subpoena?
a. Date, Time and Place
b. Title of action
c. Name of attorney
d. Name of paralegal
e. Witness's name and address
f. If times need to be brought, a statement of necessity

50. In preparing for a deposition, a client should be told:
a. To be truthful
b. How to answer
c. To watch for cues from his attorney
d. To memorize answers
e. A and C only

51. Immediately following the deposition the paralegal who attended the deposition should:
a. Not do anything until the typed record of the deposition is available
b. Prepare interrogatories
c. Prepare requests for production of any documents mentioned in the deposition
d. Summarize the deposition

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