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    Criminal Law and Justice

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    Should the Government Mandate Testing for the ASF Gene?

    For this question, assume that science has been able to identify the particular gene that is associated with an increased risk of adult antisocial behavior in that persons with this gene are four times more likely to commit a felony from the ages of 18-30 than are persons who lack this gene (call the culprit gene ASF, short for

    National Crime Survey

    Would you answer honestly if participating in a national crime survey asking about your criminal behavior, including any drinking and drug use? Why or why not? Explain how honesty and dishonesty impact self-report studies.

    School Violence and Dress Code or Uniform Policy

    Provide a quick synopsis of the current problem of violence in US schools. What are the reasons for suggesting a new dress code or uniform policy for the students? What does the proposed dress code or uniform policy look like? What are steps to ensure the students adhere to the dress code or uniform policy? What might some penal

    Discussing Juvenile Interviews 250 words

    Read the following article written by an attorney in New Jersey, discussing 10 tips for success while interviewing juvenile clients: http://www.abanet.org/genpractice/newsletter/lawtrends/0409/family/juvenile.html Is there any item that you would want to remove from the list? If yes, with what would you replace this item?

    Juveniles and Gang Activity

    Why do juveniles join gangs? What is the psychological profile of a gang member? What can parents do to help their children stay clear of gangs? What should parents do if they find out their children are involved in gang activity? Who should parents call, and what kind of information should they provide? How can the co

    Law Enforcement and Shared Leadership 300 word essay with reference

    What have been some of the benefits of shared leadership in law enforcement? Outline some of the benefits and describe how this power-sharing arrangement can assist in making successful policing decisions both administratively and in the field. 300 word essay with reference

    Little Rascals Day Care Center and Sexual Abuse

    Since the 1960s, every state has passed laws against child abuse and neglect. The most publicized sexual abuse allegations from the 1980s to the early 1990s were against the Little Rascals Day Care Center. Research the case and discuss the following: - Provide and overview of the facts of the case. - What was the prosecutio

    Grand Larceny: Returning Stolen Money

    Michelle worked two jobs as a security guard in Phoenix, Arizona. She was walking outside the building where she works at 6:30 AM, Monday, when two bundles of money fell out of an armored truck en route to a bank. Inside the bundles was approximately $500,000. Michelle had an inheritance that would post to her bank account on We

    Criminology and Theory Integration

    Why were the 1980s considered a period of crisis for criminology? What lessons can be learned from this crisis to avoid similar issues in the future? Why is theory integration important for the future of criminology? How do explanations of crime differ today from those in the past?

    U.S. Anti-Terrorism Policy

    What are the strong points of the U.S. anti-terrorism policy? What are its weaknesses? Minimum of 150 words.

    Stereotypes and Domestic Violence 325 word essay

    Johnny M. is a police officer with 20 years experience on the force. Once again, one night, he is dispatched to 123 Anycity St. to respond to a domestic violence call. It seems like he visits this couple at least once a month, and it is becoming more frequent. Every time, he separates them, talks to the husband, and gives him a

    Discussing Family Violence in Same Sex Relationships 300 word essay with reference

    Jill and Marlene live together in a committed relationship. Jill tends to be insecure and easily becomes jealous. She has started to become aggressive, and one night, her verbal battering crosses over to physical violence. Jill pushes Marlene, causing Marlene to stumble and fall hitting her head on a table. Blood gushing from a

    Risk Factors for Drug Abuse in Youths

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) falls under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and reports on the risk factors for drug use among juveniles. Among these factors are neighborhood characteristics, parental involvement, peer influence, religious involvement, and drug prevention o

    Juvenile Justice and Delinquents

    It is a common practice for parents and even the police and school officials to not report status offenses such as underage drinking and truancy from school, and many minor offenses such as stealing small amounts of money, fighting, and shoplifting, on the grounds that this behavior is just part of the growing-up process. In

    Counter Terrorism 350 word essay with reference

    The prevention of terrorist acts and treating a terrorist as a criminal are the highest priorities in the U.S. counterterrorism policy. What could be done to strengthen U.S. policy against domestic terrorism? 350 word essay with reference.

    Life Course Theories

    Discuss the definition of life course theories and how this theory differentiates from other criminological perspectives.