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    Schools & Communities

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    Getting the Family Involved

    Different family members nurture the home curriculum: foundational skills, concepts, attitudes, and experiences are developed in the child's home environment. * Name other ways your grandparents have influenced your own learning. * Provide specific examples of knowledge or skills that grandparents help children aquire withi

    Research-Based Methods When Delivering Instruction

    Rationales for the use of research-based methods when delivering instruction to students with EBD are embedded. Why should one strive to use research-based methods when delivering instruction to students with EBD?

    Family Diversity

    * Select one type of family configuration (nuclear family, single-parent, extended family) and list the advantages and disadvantages for children of that family configuration. * Add any factors that potentially affect the selected family configuration. * Then reflect on how you as a potential educator will prepare yourself to

    Early Educational Models

    Please help with the following problem regarding early education models in America. Include references as part of the solution. Provide a comparison of education in the following areas of the United States: Old Massachusetts Bay Colony, the New England Colonies and the Middle and Southern States.

    Managing Students with EBD

    What should teachers expect of themselves when they become teachers of students with EBD (emotional behavioral disabilities)?

    EBD teaching benefits are briefly presented.

    Considering the bleak prognoses for many students with EBD, why should teachers spend time working with and teaching students with EBD? What markers will let teachers know they are making progress?

    Reflective Learning

    Discuss why these items might be the most significant to you: Home influence on attitudes and perceptions, School influences on attitudes and perceptions, and Community influence on attitudes and perceptions.

    Summative Assessments are Clarified

    If an instructor were to use assessment results as an evaluation of instructional effectiveness, should the test results be used as a formative or summative evaluation of instructional effectiveness? Please include a reference.

    Comparing task-specific, hypergeneral and skill-focused rubrics

    Rubrics Using the Internet, identify three different websites that have posted a rubric that is suitable in the classroom or worksite. Provide the link to the websites. Identify whether each rubric is task-specific, hypergeneral, or skill-focused and the reasons to support our decision. Discuss how you would interpret scores

    Examine school systems now and then

    Review the website of a school district in your area. Note at least five programs or areas of service that either surprise you or were not a part of the school system you remember. Why do you think these services are now part of the public school system? Should schools assume these responsibilities? Why or why not?

    Poor instruction's effect on EBD students

    How does ineffective instruction with students who face critical academic and social skills deficit contribute to or exacerbate the problem of EBD (emotional /behavioral disability)?

    ADDIE model

    This solution provides a better understanding of the ADDIE model and suggests library and online resources for better understanding how it might impact the success of an instructional intervention. Guidance is also provided for creating a paper addressing the following question: "Based on your research, reading on this topic, a

    Using deception in research.

    Why is deception a controversial practice in social science research? Find a recently published article in a refereed journal that reports an empirical research study in which some deception was involved. Describe what the researchers did, and what justification they gave for the deception.

    in-services and emotional behavioral disorder (EBD)

    What types of in-services would an administrator provide to make sure that teachers had the appropriate skills to recognize the early signs of emotional behavioral disorder (EBD) and intervene effectively to keep them from getting worse?

    Problem Solving

    Recall a work related problem you have faced. Describe the problem and how you handled it at the time. Can you think of policies or procedures you might have in place that would either have prevented the problem or made the problem less disruptive? Describe that policy or procedure.

    Leaership Refelection

    describe the leadership qualities of individuals whom have had a positive impact on your life. Include personal leadership qualities you believe they posses and the qualities you like to develop as a teacher and leader. Give specific examples of situations that demonstrate these leadership qualities.

    interpersonal and intrapersonal cultural challenges

    Think about the cultural challenges you have explored. Describe and analyze some major conflicts and issues for all diverse groups relative to interpersonal and intrapersonalcultural challenges. Be sure to cite where you got your information.

    research project execution using qualitative methods

    How do you determine how large a sample you need to do a research project using qualitative methods? Find an article recently published in a peer reviewed journal that reports a study using qualitative methods, and which explicitly identifies how the appropriate sample size was determined. Describe their justification.