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    Safe learning

    I need help with the theories of existentialism, idealism, realsim, and pragmatism and thier use in relation to educational planning. How will you take the best from each of these philosophies to create a rigorous and safe learning environment for all students?

    How do students best acquire new terms?

    Please help with the following problem. Provide at least 400 words in the solution. Which strategy of teaching vocabulary do you think is the most effective? Why? Explain your answer.

    Learning ESOL variations

    What are some differences in learning a first or second language? In what ways and under what conditions are learning a first and second language similar and different?

    Educational research

    In your role as Research Coordinator, use the Library, Internet, and other sources to research the term "action research." Based on your research and understanding of what action research is, discuss the following: Give examples of action research projects that researchers in your organization or field of study might engage i

    Need help on 2 questions.

    Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) When teachers have difficulty managing a student, the first step is to get the parents or guardians involved. Together, the teacher, the parents or guardians, and the student may work to resolve the issue. This is the first step in documenting a bigger problem with the student's behavior. Co

    Informed consent in educational research, especially with children

    Your organization has decided to engage in systematic research with the goal of constant improvement. You have been promoted to research coordinator. You have been asked to develop policies regarding soliciting participants in research studies. Research the concepts of human subjects in education research and, in particular, the

    What is your mission and vision statement?

    Just a suggestion - begin with the Vision Statement first. A Vision Statement should be 2-4 strong sentences that clearly express your dreams (visions) for your classroom. While you should include elements of technology, the statement should not be limited to technology. Another useful resource can be found on this website: h

    Pretesting is considered an all-but-essential step in survey research. No matter how experienced the survey researcher, pretests almost invariably bring to light item ambiguities and other sources of bias and error.

    Develop your research instruments that you will use to gather data in 612. Perform the reliability and validity checks on the instrument. Then prepare a short APA essay describing the reliability and validity checks you chose, how you performed them, and the results of the checks. Use at least one outside supporting source. Add

    Teacher accountability

    To whom are teachers accountable, and how does that accountability facilitate and complicate the meaning of teacher in today's culture?

    Media portrayals of teachers

    Interpret the differing views of teacher through the lenses of the media. What do examples in film, TV, print, and other media tell us about the meaning of teacher?

    Accommodating English language learners

    Make your top ten list of ways to help your English language learners successful in your classroom and then assess the ten steps by explaining how they benefit the ELL students. Please be sure to give credit to authors.

    Marketing assessment globally

    Question Details: Select a global company of your choice in the service industry. Using your selected global company as the subject matter, research the principles of marketing that impact this organization and prepare an APA paper that specifically: - Describe the main line of business of the company - Names four of

    ESOL Issues & Strategies

    The purpose for this assignment is to Develop, implement, and evaluate instructional programs in ESOL, based on current trends in research and practice. Provide evidence of the following Florida Educator Accomplished Practices: Continuous Improvement ; Diversity ; Human Development and Learning . I just need a sample answer

    ?What is inclusion?

    ?What is inclusion? What do you think are its advantages and disadvantages? How would you respond to a parent who demands total inclusion of their child in the regular education classroom?