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    Business Management

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    Resistance to Change: Different Structures and Cultures

    Organizations have distinct structures and cultures that influence their direction and reactions to change. Your director is thinking about proposing a new process for sales that represents a fairly large shift in the way things are currently done. The director would like to meet with you to discuss any possible resistance to th

    Changes to Increase Profits, Market Share, and Quality

    Look around and be the observer. If you were the owner of your employer's business what changes or modifications would you implement to increase earnings or profits, market share, brand visibility, quality, or to reduce your product-to-market cycle time or product returns?

    Cost Management

    Dr. Stephanie White, the Chief Administrator of Uptown Clinic, a community mental health agency, is concerned about the dilemma of coping with reduced budgets next year and into the foreseeable future, but increasing demand for services. In order to plan for reduced budgets, she must first identify where costs can be cut or redu

    Companies and market research

    As a manager of a leading consumer goods company such as General Mills or Procter & Gamble, are you comfortable doing all your market research online? Why or why not? Do you think your answer will change in a few years?

    Path-Goal Theory with a company example

    I need help finding an information on any company EXCEPT Starbucks, General Electric (GE), Hyundai Motor Company, Marriott, Southwest Airlines, Motorola, Toyota and IBM. I need about 150 - 200 words on an issue the company had (ie: employee morale) and how they solved the problem with the Path-goal theory of management. The path

    Positivism versus contsuctitivism

    Hospital managers are concerned that some patients with medical emergencies wait too long in the casualty department before they are diagnosed and treated. During a meeting, two groups of proposals have appeared: Several managers recommend observing and recording emergency patient numbers, waiting and treatment times, staffin

    Writing Business Letters

    Choose a big-ticket item that is rather complicated, such as a stereo system or a vacation in the Caribbean. Write a business letter to the company or organization that's offering the item, and ask four questions that are important to you. Be sure to include enough background information, so the reader can answer your questions

    Discuss role of CPA vs role of employee in preparing financial statements

    The majority stockholder of a small corporation tells you, the company's CPA, to "forget about preparing that cash flow statement" because he needs to take financial statements to the bank immediately. "Besides," he says, "we have more cash in the bank now than we did last year at this time." As the controller for the company, y

    Strategic Choice and Evaluation

    What are some types of alternatives strategies, organizations may use to realize growth given today's, and which one strategy would you recommend to an expanding company, like a small specialty foods company?

    Dominant power characteristics

    Prepare a 1 to 2-page paper in which you discuss your dominant power characteristics and how they assist you in influencing others in the workplace. Contrast your dominant power characteristics with those of your supervisor. Which power characteristics do you prefer to see in those that oversee your work? Please refer to chapte

    Nadler and Tushman Congruence Model - Starbucks

    The Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model is particularly strong in terms of Inputs, and I would like you to analyze Starbucks organization's key inputs. Start by reading the article as below : Nadler, D.A. & Tushman, M.L. (1980) A model for diagnosing organizational behavior. Organizational Dynamics, 9 (2), 35-51. Note: If y

    Strategic Management

    The managers of your company are deciding whether to develop a brand new product not yet seen in the marketplace or a version of a competitor's product that has already been launched into the marketplace. Management has called a meeting to discuss which way to go. They want to know if they should follow the "first-mover" the

    Forecast Technique

    Sandeep, I need help in writing a 300 words paper evaluating the forecast technique's available for Komatsu entering the country of Iraq and what's the best technique available to meet customers requirements. Please cite references.

    Strategic management

    Within the food service industry (restaurants that serve meals to customers, but not fast food), find examples of firms that have sustained competitive advantage by competing on the basis of (1) cost leadership, (2) response, and (3) differentiation. Cite one example in each category; provide a sentence or two in support of each

    Promotional push strategies and promotional pull strategies

    What are the similarities and differences between promotional push strategies and promotional pull strategies? What is an example of a situation in which an organization would use a push strategy? What is an example of a situation in which an organization would use a pull strategy?

    Team Charters: Dispute Resolution

    Review the following Team Charter: Team Ground Rules and Guidelines 1. Meeting Team Assignment Deadlines: We will post our individual portions early enough to allow the team adequate time to coordinate the final project and post it for final team review. Prior to start of the project, a timeline will be established to ensur

    Personal Value and Development

    Please assist with a 1500-1800-word paper on personal values development examining your personal values, ground rules, and/or ethics development. Focus on the developmental aspect rather than on a particular position on any issue. Define what your values are, the sources (people, institutions, events, etc. that helped shape yo

    Different organizations

    Select a product or service. Then select three different organizations that provide your selected product or service and compare the prices associated with your selected product or service. What is the difference between the prices among the different organizations? What is the rationale for this difference?

    Telebank Call Centers Operating Socio-Technical Systems

    Discuss how the Telebank Call Center operates as a socio-technical system. Please be sure to address the following issues, along with presenting any other ideas about this concept that you find interesting: How would you describe the organizational structure at the Telebank Call Center, in terms of the traditional categories

    Service Operations

    Please create a generic blueprint (flowchart) for a dry cleaning service that illustrates the service delivery process. I Activities in the first row are CUSTOMER ACTIONS II The second row IS THE ONSTAGE CONTACT PERSON = (customer/employee interaction. Activities seen by the customer) III The third row IS THE BACKSTAGE C

    Quality, Team Effectiveness, Employee Development

    No examples required. Please explain: 1. How can an employee be motivated by quality awareness? 2. How does the free flow of information impact team effectiveness? 3. Why is employee development essential to the organization's goals and objectives?

    Creating a new service

    I need a paragraph about creating a new service on: What do you think about a service where the food is freshly prepared or delivered, or even a pick up service. Can you please get a paragraph or 2 on this topic?

    Case recomendation

    I'm working on a Citigroup case study but have no idea how to do the last section and it seems difficult.Any help would be appreciated. http://www.afl-cio.org/corporatewatch/paywatch/retirementsecurity/case_citigroup.cfm Also, additional info about Citigroup financials http://www.citigroup.com/citi/fin/ I know the fu

    5-8 Powerpoint Slide

    Your team of corporate officers will be presenting training seminars to senior managers at the upcoming annual company conference in Maui. Utilizing the Library and internet resources, your team should research and prepare a presentation which highlights recent legal issues and cases. Minimizing the Risks of Vicarious Tort Li