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    Historical-Cultural Bkgrd & Contextualization

    An additional series of questions I discussed with my Christian buddies that I need help on are as follows: 1.) What is "historical-cultural background" in regards to Biblical interpretation? 2.) What is the significance of this material in interpreting the Bible properly? 3.) What is a brief understanding of the proc

    American view of The Bible

    How do most Americans view The Bible, The Historical Jesus, Paul, The Kingdom of God, the protestant/catholic relationship and the role of women in the church, regardless of if they are Christian or not?

    Jesus and the Cross

    1. Why did Jesus die on the cross? 2. What or who needed Jesus to die on the cross? 3. Did Jesus have to die on the cross for humanity and to save humanity? 4. Does the cross save and if so how?

    African American religion

    1. In regards to theological discourse, the church and society, what is the significance of color symbolism, the problem of the color line as manifested in a valuation of whiteness and devaluation of blackness? 2. What are the two fundamental factors contributing to the birth of the independent African American church in Amer

    Volunteer Trends, Discovery, and Mobilization

    Part I. Make an enumerated list of 25 effective methods for elevating church volunteer levels and thereby involving more individuals in ministry. For each method, include a 1-2 sentence description. List the resources or personally independently identifies. Take into account current volunteer trends both within and outside chur

    Circle of Life

    Black Elk introduces us to the "Circle of Life" perspective on time, space, and being, which is common to many primal religions. 1. Describe its understanding and perceptions of reality. 2. Contrast it to the more linear time, space, and being concepts of modern cultural religions. 3. Compare Black Elk's ideas with the

    Augustine's Conversion

    1.) What can I learn about St.Augustine of Hippo's conversion? 2.) I am inquisitive to know who witnessed to him? 3.) I am also interested to know what other factors led to his coming to faith in Christ.

    3rd Century Christian Persecution and Theology

    How did the periods of Christian persecution during the 3rd Century cause the Church to think about the doctrines of salvation and the church? Key figures in the church history and fathers of Christianity such as Novatius and Cyprian greatly shaped the doctrine of salvation in the third century. Their theology was informed by

    Themes in Amos

    Based upon Amos 5:18-25, please address the following: (1) What are the themes and ideas listed? (2) How are these themes and ideas reflected in other parts of the Hebrew Bible?

    Exegesis of the book of Amos

    Please provide a detail exegesis of the book of Amos. Areas of particular interest are as follows: (1) Amos 5:18-25 relative to historical context (2) What are the prophetic forms in Amos 5: 18-25 and how does Amos use them to convey his message. In the Book of Amos based upon the following resource Bibles what are the

    Controversies in Christianity

    1. A controversial Catholic figure, Alfred Loisy (1857-1940) is quoted as saying that Jesus preached the kingdom of God, but we wound up with the church. What might that mean today? 2. Jews and Muslims often claim that because Christians believe in the Trinity, they are not truly monotheists. Evaluate this claim. 3. If Martin

    Justification by Faith

    Justification by Faith: Consider the theological concept of justification by faith as developed in the apostle Paul's letter to the Romans. Consider the following beginning with Romans 1:17, how does Paul develop his argument regarding justification by faith, and how, specifically, does this relate to justification by faith?

    Progression Of Religion And Industrialization

    1. Give an example of an element of culture or society that has progressed, evolved or improved over time, whether centuries or millennia. Is it possible to see religion(s) progressing, evolving or improving over time in a similar way? 2. What challenges do modernization and industrialization pose to traditional religions like

    Development of the Synoptic Tradition

    Please use: readings (Jesus -Marcus Borg) and the biblical texts parenthetically (Mark 2:4-8) Describe the development of the synoptic tradition by describing Mark's context and purpose and then showing how Matthew and Luke revise the Markan text--according to their own contexts and purposes. What are the key factors in the f

    England Revival and Missionaries.

    What were the circumstances that contributed to the rise of the Wesleyan Revival in England, in life of the rampant growth of Enlightenment relative to 18th century England. Why did the revival succeed? What was the roll of missionaries in bringing Christanity to the Gobal South. How would this missionary enterprise b

    God's Self-Communication and Correlation of the Christian Faith

    - In your own words, describe how Rahner's theology blends his understanding of the human person, grace as God's self-communication, Jesus Christ as the definitive moment in God's movement to the world in self-communication, and the triune God the summary of this fundamental theology - Every moment in the history of doctrine is

    Christian Theology: Revelation

    How can I deliver a formal introductory lecture to an academia/ professional/advent bible readers who are part of an adult bible study group at my church on Revelation so that if they are paying attention they should leave my lecture knowing: (1) What revelation is. (2) The role that Revelaton plays in the Christian faith. (3

    Caribbean Emancipatory Theology: Is it still applicable?

    What happened to Caribbean Emancipatory Theology? Is it still applicable in the twenty-first century? The solution describes and provides an answer to the problem but also provides the student with ideas for possible essay and research topics in the field.

    The Scripture Way of Salvation

    The Scripture Way of Salvation-By John Wesley Based upon this text what would be three critical/open ended questions that could be derived from this text about this sermon?

    Justin Martyr

    Justin Martyr was well known apologist who defended Christianity by using Greco-Roman philosophy to describe the mysteries of Christian faith. He set the foundation for other Christian philosophers in that he discussed Christian theology with non-believers from a point of common ground.

    Assistance request re: Art Influenced by Hinduism pre 1200 BCE

    I aspire to be able to comprehend and understand the purpose of creating an expository or persuasive essay that explains a discovery regarding art influenced by Hinduism using cyber info. I need to reflect some sort of synthesis as well as an analysis of a relevant subject to my course and is required to be in the form of an

    Beauty, Truth, and the Good

    We are attracted to beautiful people and things, but they cannot completely satisfy our hunger for beauty. We want to know what's true about ourselves and the world around us, but answers always lead to new questions, because we hunger not just for facts, but for Truth itself. We love the good, seek it out, try to do what is g

    Thesis statement on Justin Martyr

    I am writing a research paper about Justin Martyr. I am trying to write a thesis statement, but I am having a hard time figuring out which direction to go in. I know that he was a second century apologist and he died defending his faith. I also know that he fought his fight on four fronts against pagan intellectuals, the state,

    Theory of Evolution and Philosophical Evolutionism

    The Catholic Church does NOT reject the scientific theory of evolution, but it DOES reject the philosophy of evolutionism. Discuss how the theory of evolution and philosophical evolutionism are different.