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    Attention and Memory

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    Perception and Attention

    In about 300 words explain the relationship between perception and attention. Provide specific examples in your explanation.

    Trauma Induced Catastrophic Memory

    The original post: "Regarding a very common yet potentially debilitating occurrence that we observe, let's take a look at this. Many people who experience either direct or indirect trauma respond in different ways, but one common occurrence that happens is that they may be able to recall every detail and still have difficulty ta

    Designing a Research Experiment on Memory Recall and Group-Think

    Earlier on, I have proposed in undertaking an experimental research to explore the topic of false/fabricated memories in line with the phenomenon of groupthink. I have chosen this particular topic in forensic psychology as memory is an interesting topic to explore particularly because memory is the basis of eyewitness testimony.

    Creating memory distortion

    Please help with the following problem. I need help with explaining how factors can influence and create distortions of memory, and how one of those factors can create a memory distortion. Would you please provide me with an example? I understand better that way. Also, can you explain three consequences of memory distortion

    Anterograde Amnesia and Precipitous Loss of Semantics

    Can someone help me understand the comparison between the declines in working memory capacity and speed of processing with a pathological condition such as anterograde amnesia and the precipitous loss of semantics? I am starting with a description of symptoms of memory changed during an individual's lifetime.

    Understanding the Concept of the Working Memory Model

    I am struggling to understand the concept of the working memory model. Can someone help me understand the working memory model by providing an example of an experienced short-term memory loss, and help me explain the example of the short-term memory loss within the context of the working memory model. Also, what is a strategy I

    Learning and Memory Disorders

    Provide an example of a learning disorder and an example of a memory disorder as classified in the DSM-IV-TR (these are different from the behavioral disorders listed in the manual). Describe these disorders. How might a clinician evaluate each of these (what methods or instruments would be used)?


    As situations can be made inward or displayed outwardly, describe a real situation in which information can take on either form. Describe with great detail how those theories of attention can be made applicable to the given situation. Expand on those social and/or cultural factors which might influence attention in both this sit

    Theories of Attention and the Guided Search Theory

    Can someone help with a brief comparison of one early theory of attention to the guided search theory of attention? Also, please help with describing how these theories can apply to visual search. What is an example of one cultural and one social variable that might influence attention?

    Memory and Instructional Strategies

    How does understanding how memory works impact instructional strategies? Give an example of how sensory memory can be used in the classroom. Provide examples of instruction that require the use of short-term and long-term memory. How can you aid memorization during instruction? What works best for you when required to commit fac

    Aspects of Psychology - Memory

    You have probably noticed in your educational career that some people are very good at remembering facts and therefore do well at tests that require memorization. Other students, on the other hand, struggle with tests that require memorization. To understand how memory works, this exercise will ask you to trace the memory system

    Thinking and Memory

    Please help me with these questions. When Sharon was learning to drive, she could not imagine how she could ever remember to steer the wheel, flip on the turn signal, put on the gas, and still manage to turn the car! After driving for three years, Sharon's reactions have become automatic. Now, when she drives a car: - non-

    Positive vs. Fearful Emotions: Impact on Memory

    Explain the difference between positive emotions on memory and stressful or fearful emotions on memory. Why do positive life experiences last in long-term memory, while stressful or fearful life experiences are often lost or buried in people's memories?

    Learning and Memory

    Analyze human learning and memory. Address the roles of condition, reinforcement and punishment in the learning process (historically).

    Relationships between learning and memory.

    This solution answers the questions of what the relationship between learning and memory are, the neuroanatomy of learning and memory, and the moral processes of learning and memory. There are four main types of learning and their related forms of memory, and these are defined as well.

    Semantic Memory and Language Production

    - Explain the nature and function of semantic memory. - Analyze the basic functions of language. - Examine the stages of language production. - Explain the relationship between semantic memory and language production.

    Human Behavior and the Brain: Learning and Memory

    In discussing human behavior and the brain, what would be the relationship between learning and memory from a functional perspective? Why would they be considered interdependent? There are many studies on animals in regard to this information; have there been any case studies or research to map this relationship? What are

    Key Phases of Memory Function

    What are the key phases of memory function? What are some tricks that may be used to support memorization of new material?

    This is Cognitive Psychology -Attention and Consciousness

    A description of a practical situation in which information can be hidden or make to stand out. Explain how theories of attention apply to the situation, and indicate the social and /or cultural factors that might influence attention in both this stiuation and others. Then, apply what you have learned in the readings and exper

    Theories of Memory

    Considering the theories of memory, why can you remember the events in your life on 9/11/2001 and not on most other days?

    Memory Process

    Explain the concepts of working memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. Describe your selected test and your results. Explain the role of encoding and retrieval in the memory process and how they relate to your selected test and your results. Evaluate variables associated with encoding information and ease of r