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    Basic Algebra

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    Radicals, word problems, and polynomials

    5.5 factor each polynomial completely 81 - q^4 Section 6 Reducing radical expressions EX 104) EX 22) Ex 88) 88. Traveling time. After leaving Moose Jaw, Hanson drove 200 kilometers at x km/hr and then decreased his speed by 20 km/hr and drove 240 additional kilometers. Make a table like the one

    Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions

    Please solve in lowest terms with parenthesis if necessary: Multiply 1. 16x^2/y^4 * 5x^2/y^2 2. 6x^5y^3/5z^3 * 6x^4/5yz^4 3. x^2+7x+12/x+4 * 1/x+3 Divide 4. 25xy^2/7z / 5x^2y^2/14z^2 5. x^2-12x+32/x^2-6x-16 / x^2-x-12/x^2-5x-24 Thank you!!!

    Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions

    Please solve the attached addition and subtraction rational expressions. Solve following addition and subtraction of rational expressions: 1. x-7 - 4 3 3 2. 1 + x+2 x x 3. 4x - 3 - 2x+8 x-7 x-7 4. x^2 + 9_ x+3 x+3 5. x^2 + 2x - x^2+5x+6 3x

    Operations on Rational Expressions

    Please explain as simple as possible how multiplication and division of rational expressions can be done. Please show examples of each in simple form by typing out linearly and use parentheses around top and bottom if there's more than 1 term.

    College Algebra

    Part 2: Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials, find a real-life application of a linear function. State the application, give the equation of the linear function, and state what the x and y in the application represent. Choose at least two values of x to input into your function and find the corresponding y fo

    Formula to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

    Using the library, web resources, and/or other materials, find a record-breaking temperature (in degrees fahrenheit) for a town or city of your choice. Include the name of the town, along with the temperature, and what record was broken. Give the formula for converting degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. Using the formula, sh

    Discrete math problems - theorem

    In basic algebra the following Theorem is used frequently. If x,y and z are any three real numbers and if x + z = y + z then x = y. The analogous statement for sets would read: Let A, B, and C be any three sets. If A union B = A union C then B = C. Prove in detail that this statement is false. (Hint: Giv

    Factoring Example Algebra Equations

    All of these problems have to do with factoring and must be factored completely: 1. (x _ 3)a _ (x _ 3)b 2. (y _ 4)3 _ (y _ 4)z 3. 3h2t _ 6ht _ 3t 4. 8y2 _ 14y _ 15 5. 81 _ q4 6. 3x2 _ 48 _ 24x

    Evaluating equations and ascending order

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Problems Show work Evaluate A) 14  B) C) 14 D) 14 Place the following set of numbers in ascending order. A) B) C) D) Find the five-number summary of the following set of numbers. 0.16, 0.08, 0.27,

    Algebra of Rational and Irrational

    0.123 as a percentage 6.8% as a decimal rational-irrational 17x -75. 12 2.32 Commutative property associative property additive Identity Property additive Inverse Property 7+ (8+y) = (8+y) + 7 (8+a) + 5 = 8 + (a+5) 4+0=4 Solve for u 194-u=292 Solve for x -5/7x=15 Solve for t 2t + 11 = 51

    Basic Algebra Express Decimals

    1. Express 775% as a decimal. 775% is 775/100=7.75 A) 775 B) 77,500 C) 77.5 D) 7.75 2. Evaluate. | -7 | + | 13 | | -7 | + | 13 |=7+13=20 A) 20 B) -20 C) 6 D) -6 3. Evaluate. 81 ÷ 9 - 16 ÷ 8 81 ÷ 9 - 16 ÷ 8 A) 7 B) 9 C) 6 D) 8 4. Express 9.41 as a percent. 9.4

    9 Simple algebra problems

    See attached file Problems I need help with: Show work Place in ascending order: - - Evaluate: |4|+|-3| |9|-|-4| Add: 7+(-9)+(-5)+6 Evaluate: |-27+14| Label as true or false: |-8|+|3|=|-8+3| Jean deposited a check for $625, wrote 2 for $68.74 and $29.95 and used her debit card to pay for a purch

    Word problems about formulas and rates

    (1) If Ramon can mow the entire lawn in x -3 hours, then how much of the lawn does he mow per hour? (2) Toxic pollutants. The annual cost in dollars for removing p% of the toxic chemicals from a town's water supply is given by the formula C(p) =500, 000/100-p a) Use the accompanying graph to estimate the cost f

    Interest and Logs

    Please show work 74). Find the present value of $45,000 if interest is 3.6% compounded monthly for 1 year. 72). Write each expression as a single logarithm with coefficient Assume all variables represent positive real numbers. 82). Given and . Find each logarithm without using a calculator.

    Exponential and logarithmic functions

    1) Find the domain of the following: a) Answer: Explain how you obtained your answer here: b) Answer: Show your work or explain how you obtained your answer here: c) Answer: Explain how you obtained your answer here: d) Answer: Show your work or explain how you obtained your answer h

    Algebraic Functions

    3x2 +3x-18 * x3-3x2+9x = x2 x3+27 (there should be a line between the bottom numbers and the top, it went away when I copied it to brainmass)

    Writing a formula

    You have a item that you bought but you lost the sales receipt. There are no price stickers on the item (one of those time saving features for stores) but you remember you gave the clerk $40 and received x in change. Given that the sales tax rate in you state is 6.65%, how would you go about figuring the cost of the item itself

    Statements, Logical Connectives and Truth tables.

    Here are some questions from a study packet for my final. I would like solutions and explanations so that I may practice before my big test. Thanks! 1. Write a simple sentence and then write the negation. Imagine situations where each statement is true or false. How does the truth value (true or false) of the negation state

    Exponential and logarithmic functions

    Part 1: Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials, find the logarithmic formula that gives the pH of a substance. State what each variable in your equation represents. Find the pH of a substance of your choice that is alkaline (basic). Using this pH, show how to find the hydrogen ion concentration, [H+], of th

    Basic Math-- Algebra & Geometry

    I desperately need help in solving these problems. I have attached MS Word Document, please help me step by step (show the work so I can understand it better for next time). Thank You Very Much!! ---------------------- ***Please see the attached file.*** ---------------------- 1. A restaurant has 7 booths and 16

    Solving cubic equation

    Dear TA, Please be kind to show me how to factor following equation. Find solution for x. The answer is x=2. I try to factor out an x but that doesn't work and I don't think using the quadratic equation would work either. Also, I try factoring out in pairs but that doesn't work either. Thank you in advance. Y=X+6 Y=X^3 X

    Windchill Formula Comparing

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Use the formula from Exercise 107 to determine who will feel colder: a person in Minneapolis at 10°F with a 15-mph wind or a person in Chicago at 20°F with a 25-mph wind.

    Basic Algebra

    1. Write the ratio 5 to 9 as a fraction. 2. Are the following two lines parallel, perpendicular, or neither? A) Parallel B) Perpendicular C) Neither 3. Complete the following statement. 8,000 lb = ________ tons A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 4. Write the ratio of to 6 in s

    Number of homes built over a period of time and pH value of a substance.

    Deliverable Length: 2-3 paragraphs Details: Library Assignment Part 1: Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials, find the logarithmic formula that gives the pH of a substance. State what each variable in your equation represents. Find the pH of a substance of your choice that is alkaline (basic). Using th


    Dividing days by months. For how many days of the year do you get a whole number when you divide the day number by the month number? For example, for December 24, the result of 24 divided by 12 is 2.

    Understanding nash equilibrium and game theory

    Driver 2 Left Right Driver 1 Left 0,0 -1000 -1000 Right -1000, -1000 0,0 -Does either player have a dominant strategy? -Is there a Nash equilibrium in this game? Explain -Why is this game called a coope

    MATLAB and projection and perpendicular formulas

    Hi, Can you help me with the Question in the second page of this assignment? a) Using the projection formula and the dot and norm commands in MATLAB, find proj(8,−3,1,2,1,2)(4, −5, 2, 6, 1, 3). b) Using the perpendicular formula and commands in MATLAB, find perp(8,−3,1,2,1,2)(4, −5, 2, 6, 1, 3).

    Algebra: Basic Word Problem

    Reverse the digits and find the product of 23 and 64. The products are the same. Does this happen with any pair of two-digit numbers? Find two other pairs of two-digit numbers (with different digits) that have this property.