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    Basic Algebra

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    Slope Intercept and Line Equations

    Write equation in slope-intercept form: y+3= -3(x-6) Find equation of line that goes through the given point and has given slope. Answer in slope intercept form: (-1,-5), -8 Find equation of line. write answer in slope intercept form. "The line is parallel to -3x + 2y=9 and contains the point (-2,1) Find the equ

    Equation and Inequality

    Give a real-world example of where a business would have a need to find a break-even or equilibrium point. Then discuss the differences if the information was given as an inequality versus an equation.

    Functions of Two Projectiles

    Exercise 2.5 15. Cell Phones The following table gives the number of millions of U.S. cellular telephone subscribers. a. Create a scatter plot for the data with x equal to the number of years from 1985. Does it appear that the data could be modeled with a quadratic function? b. Find the quadratic function that is the best fi

    Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.

    Using formula A=Pe^rt How long would it take to double your money if you start with a principle of 2000 at 8% interest with continuous compounding. Round to the nearest hundredth's place. 4000=2000e^.08(t), solve for t.

    Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.

    Suppose that the function P=13+45In x represents the percentage of inbound e-mail in the U.S. that is considered spam, where x is the number of years after 2000. Determine the percentage of spam in year 2003. round to two decimal places. Using this model determine how many years to reach 95%.

    Law of Large Numbers and Gender Distribution

    Simulate a family of four children by flipping a coin 4 times, each flip of the coin represents one child in the family with male = tails, female = heads. Report the # of females in your simulated family. Now repeat this 30 times. When all the results are combined what is the proportion of females? Is the proportion the sam

    Mechanical Solution on Weber Model

    6) You need to locate a helicopter service to serve the following locations in Alaska. The average number of trips per month follows the "map." Locate the service to minimize the over all flying miles per month. Each grid mark represents 10 miles. Trips to A will be 2

    Net from the Sale

    Famous Danish Corp is replacing an old cookie cutter with a new one. The cookie cutter is being sold for 25,000 and it has a net book value of 75,000. Assume that Famous Danish is in the 34% income tax bracket. How much will Famous Danish net from the sale? a.61,000 b 55,000 c. 75,000 d. 42,000

    Algebra problem using radical and Rational Exponents

    For the following function, C computes a value, where if you add millions of dollars to the value, the result is the cost of implementing a city recycling project when x, as a percent(not its decimal equivalent), citizens participate. C(x)= 1.5x/100-x 1). Using this model, determine the cost if 60% of the citizens particip

    College Algebra

    See Attached for complete details of the problems. - The height of a rocket is given by the equation where the height is measured in feet above the ground and the time, t, is measured in seconds. How long will it take for the rocket to hit the ground? - Ann has a 32 oz. bowl of M&Ms on her coffee table. The candies are 50%

    Rational equation word problems

    Answer the following questions. Use Equation Editor to write mathematical expressions and equations. First, save this file to your hard drive by selecting Save As from the File menu. Click the white space below each question to maintain proper formatting. 1. The cost, in millions of dollars, to remove x % of pollution in a lak

    Annuities and Sinking Funds - Calculating Lump Sum Needed

    Carolyn Ellis is setting up an annuity for her retirement. She can set aside $2,000 at the end of each year for the next 20 years and it will earn 6% annual interest. What lump sum will she need to set aside today at 6% annual interest to have the same retirement fund available 20 years from now? How much more will Carolyn ne

    Evaluate the functions

    Answer the following question: For the exponential function ex and logarithmic function log x, graphically show the effect if x is halved. Include a table of values for all four functions. Evaluate the functions for the values of x given as 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. Rank in order from fastest to slowest the rate at whi

    Elementary Algebra: Basic Operations with Polynomials

    Elementary Algebra: Basic Operations with Polynomials) 2. Which of the following expressions represents the product of 3 less than twice x and 2 more than the quantity 3 times x ? A. -6x2 + 25x + 6 B. 6x2 + 5x + 6 C. 6x2 - 5x + 6 D. 6x2 - 5x - 6 E. 6x2 - 13x - 6 (Elementary Algebra: Substituting Values into Algeb

    Functions and Graphs

    1.Give an example of an exponential function. Convert this exponential function to a logarithmic function. Plot the graph of both the functions. 2.Form each of the following: ?A linear equation in one variable ?A linear equation in two variables ?A quadratic equation ?A polynomial of three terms ?An exponential fu


    Please see attached file for the complete details of the problems. WEEK 3 HOMEWORK DQ1 1. Why do you factor a quadratic equation before you solve? Give an example. 2. When solving a rational equation, why it is OK to remove the denominator by multiplying both sides by the LCD and why can you not do the same opera

    Evaluate each polynomial

    Identify rational expressions. ? Identify restrictions on the variable in the denominator of a rational expression. ? Simplify rational expressions. ? Determine the least common denominator (LCD) to combine rational expressions. ? Perform operations on rational expressions. ? Solve ra

    Social stratification in terms of social class, status,and power.

    Using critical thinking, discuss social stratification in terms of social class, status, and power. Can you determine someone's social class, status, and power merely by their appearance? What factors may be misleading? Do you believe class, status, and power is a social inequality in our society? Why or why not? How are s

    Area as a Model of Binomial Multiplication

    Week Two Learning Team Activity All the information needed for the report is referenced in the attachment. Write a report in your own words that describes the activity and your results. Use APA format. Any help will be greatly acknowledge as to I am not good at diagraming.

    Algeraic Word Problem

    I need this explained to me as it would be explained to the grade level it would originally be taught to. I basically checked out of math in 4th grade and now I need it! Q. Two houses are for sale on the same street. The second house has 1,000 square feet less than twice the square feet of the first house. Together the houses

    Write and simplify an inequality

    The college has decided to reward our hardworking Math Hub staff with their own break area. They have located a room on the first floor of the 7000 building connected to its own circuit breaker rated at 20 Amps of current. For safety reasons, the hub staff is asked not to exceed 80% of the current rating. The college will pro

    Methods of Solving Quadratic Equations

    1. There are four different methods to solve quadratic equations. (a) List all 4 methods. (b) Explain and give an example of 3 of those methods. (c) Explain which method is preferred and why. 2. Solve the following problems. a) Solve by using the even-root property. 3x - 5 = 16 b) Solve by using the follo

    Using mathematical induction for proof

    The question is below: Use mathematical unduction to prove the squared version of: 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = n(n+1) / 2 which is 1^2 + 2^2 + ... + n^2 = [n(n+1)(2n+1)] / 6

    compound inequality expressions

    (1) Does x = -5 satisfy the following compound inequality? 4 > -2(x+8) >= -6 AND 4 < 3x + 10 < 19 (2) Simplify the following compound inequality and express the result using interval notation: 7 < 3(x+2) + 10 < 25 AND 8 > 10 - 2x > 0 (3) Solve for x: | x - 1/4 | =

    Solutions of Quadratic Equations

    1.Determine the number of solutions and classify the type of solutions for each of the following equations. Justify your answer. a)x^2 + 3x - 15 = 0 b)x^2 + x + 4 = 0 c) x^2 - 4x - 7 = 0 d)x^2 - 8x + 16 = 0 e)2x^2 - 3x + 7 = 0 f)x^2 - 4x - 77 = 0 g)3x^2 - 7x + 6 = 0 h)4x^2 + 16x + 16 = 0 2.Find an equatio

    Please see attachment for instructions

    1. Evaluate: + 3 2 2. Simplify the following expression: -3(-2x - w) +3(4w - 5x) 3. The surface area of S of a right prism is given by: S = 2B + Ph, Where B is the area of the base, P is the perimeter of the base, and h is the height of the prism. Solve for P. 4. Solve the following equation for


    Please see attached for the full details of the problems: WEEK 2 DQ 1 1. When simplifying like terms, how do you determine the like terms? 2. How do you determine the common factors in an expression? 3. What is factoring by grouping? When factoring a trinomial by grouping, why is it necessary to write the t

    Computing an Electrician's Earnings

    For a recent job, an electrician earned $50 per hour, and the electrician's apprentice earned $20 per hour. The electrician worked 4 hours more than the apprentice, and together they earned a total of $550. How much money did each person earn?

    Amount of cashews word problem

    A nut wholesaler sells a mix of peanuts and cashews. The wholesaler charges $2.80 per pound for peanuts and $5.30 per pound for cashews. The mix is to sell for $3.30 per pound. How many pounds of peanuts and how many pounds of cashews should be used to make 100 pounds of the mix?