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    Basic Algebra

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    Radical Expressions, Radical Equation. and Quadratic Formula

    108. Comparing wind chills. Use the formula from Exercise 107 to determine who will feel colder: a person in Minneapolis at 10°F with a 15-mph wind or a person in Chicago at 20°F with a 25-mph wind. 94. Sharing cost. The members of a flying club plan to share equally the cost of a $200,000 airplane. The members want to

    radical expressions, equations, and quadratic formula

    I need a Tutor to help teach me how to solve these problems with the correct solutions. I need help with all relevant work shown with the correct answers. If you cannot help me with teaching me relevant work and correct solutions, please let another tutor help me. Thank you.

    Algebra: supply and demand

    Consider the demand for computers. For each of the following, state the effect on demand: a.An increase in consumer incomes. b.An increase in the price of computers. c.A decrease in the price of Internet services providers. d.A decrease in the price of semiconductors. Consider the supply of computers. For each of the

    Algebra - Inverses, Domains and Composition of Functions

    Use a calculator (standard scientific calculator or an online graphing calculator) to find each of the following numerical values. Write your answer rounded to 2 decimal places (i.e., the nearest hundredth). (a) 4 -1.2 (b) e 5.76 Use composition of functions to show that the functions f(x) = 5x - 2 and are i

    College Algebra polynomial functions

    Please show work for each! 54. Find the polynomial function of degree 3 with real coefficients that satisfies the given conditions. Zero of 4 having multiplicity 2 and zero of 2 having multiplicity 1; f(1) = -18 48. Use the intermediate value theorem for polynomials. 1 and 2 58. Show that the real zeros of each

    Simplify the following functional expression

    Simplify the following functional expression using Boolean algebra and its identities. List the identity used at each step. F(x, y, z) = x'y + xyz' + xyz I think I know how to do this one but I want to make sure. I have a test coming up and this is a review question. My book is horrible when it comes to providing good exam

    Finding domain, compound interest and log

    Please see the attachment. 1) Find the domain of the following: a) g(x) = 5^x b) g(x) = ln(x-4) c) g(t) = log(t+2) d) f(t) = 5.5e^t 2) Describe the transformations on the following graph of f(x) = e^x. State the placement of the horizontal asymptote and y-intercept after the transformation. For example, le

    Variables represent positive real numbers

    Write the following expression in simplified radical form. Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers Simplify the following expression as much as possible: Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers. Simplify. Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers. S

    Backpacks problem

    Upon examining the contents of 38 backpacks, it was found that 23 contained a black pen, 27 contained a blue pen, and 21 contained a pencil, 15 contained both a black pen and a blue pen, 12 contained both a black pen and a pencil, 18 contained both a blue pen and a pencil, and 10 contained all three items. How many backpacks co

    Peak rate of a phone company.

    The peak rate of a phone company is $.22 per minute, and the off-peak rate is $.11 per minute. Find the saving for a 16-minute phone call if it was made during off-peak time as opposed to peak time. Round to the nearest hundreth.

    Word problem

    A stamp collection consists of 3, 8, and 15 cent stamps. The number of 8 cent stamps is one less than triple the number of 3 cent stamps. The number of 15 cent stamps is six less than the number of 8 cent stamps. The total value of all the stamps is $2.47. What is the number of 8 cent stamps in the collection?

    Cost Due to Inflation

    Use S= C(1+r/100)^5 to find the inflated cost S, in 5 years, of an item, good or service, where C= (17,908.02 KRW) is the current price of that item in that country's currency (the South Korean Won) and where the inflation rate is r% = (4.1percent ). Choose any value of C, the current price of an item in that country's currency

    Order of operations

    What are the steps of the order of operations? Why is it important that you follow the steps rather than solve the problem from left to right? Can you write an expression for me to simplify using at least three of the following: ? Groupings (parenthesis, brackets, or braces) ? Exponents ? Multiplicati

    Algebra - Solving Equations, Graphing

    Solve: x + 79 = 194 Solve: x - 56 = 604 Solve: 6x = 36 Solve: x / 5 = 10 Solve this Problem: 6 2 - / - 1 3 Solve this Problem: 3 6 - * - 4 7 Graph: y = 2x + 1 (use values of X= 0

    Solution for Green Cube Problem with Green Faces

    A cube, painted green on the outside and measuring 15 centimeters on each edge, is cut into congruent cubes measuring 5 centimeters on each edge. How many smaller cubes will there be? How many of the small cubes will have 0 green sides? 1 green side? 2 green sides? 3 green sides?

    Algebra Word Problems

    Section 10.1 #104 Time to swing. The period T (time in seconds for one complete cycle) of a simple pendulum is related to the length L (in feet) of the pendulum by the formula 8T2 _ _2L. If a child is on a swing with a 10-foot chain, then how long does it take to complete one cycle of the swing? Section 10.2 #82 Diagon

    Radical Equations and Population Growth... (See attached file)

    III. Growth Modeled by a Radical Equation: (See attached file) Suppose instead that the town experiences growth that can be modeled by the following: where t is the number of years from 2010. a) Insert the value of that your group has decided upon into the equation above. Use the Equation Editor or type square root o

    linear and quadratic equations..

    Charlie cannot remember how much he financed to buy his car. He does remember that his monthly payment is $300. His add-on interest rate was 15% for 30 payments. Find the amount of his loan to the nearest penny. Also... Solve the equation using the quadratic formula. Give only read number solutions. 3x(x+3)=-4

    Polar equations of conics

    (6 problems) Q:1 write a polar equation of a conic with the focus at the origin and the given data. 1.Parabola, directrix x=4 2.Hyperbola, eccentricity 2, directrix y = -2 3.Ellipse, eccentricity 0.8, vertex (1, ∏/2) Q:2 (a)find the eccentricity,(b)identify the conic,(c)give an equation of the directrix, and (d)sket

    Algebra : Graphs, Interest and Basic Statistics

    Please show me how you do this I am so unsure of the processes and want to make sure I know what I am doing. 1. Mr. Knight owned of a family business. He sold of the business to his sister. What portion of the business does he still own? 2. Rocco scored 81, 89, 68, 92, and 77 on his mathematics quizzes. Round each s

    Radical Equations and Squaring Both Sides

    In solving an equation involving radicals, it is sometimes necessary to square each side of the equation. But doing this can introduce extraneous roots, which do not satisfy the original equation. After squaring both sides, when you then take the square root of both sides again, you do not get back the original equation exactl

    Applications of Systems of Equations : Buying a Home

    Buying a Home For most people, buying a house is a great investment that can offer security in an uncertain world, but buying a house is also a commitment. Application Practice Answer the following questions. Use Equation Editor to write mathematical expressions and equations. 1. Suppose you are in the market for a

    Writing Equation Word Problems: Factoring

    Solve each problem by factoring. 1. Area of a painting. A rectangular painting with a width of x centimeters has an area of x^2 + 50x square centimeters. Find a binomial that represents the length. 2. Amount of an investment. The amount of an investment of P dollars for t years at simple interest rate r is given by A =

    Order of Arithmetic Operations

    Evaluate the following expression exactly: 9876543210 --------------------------------------------------------------- 98765432112 - 9876543210 * 9876543212

    Ratio and Proportion

    By setting up and solving a proportion involving x for the car that you have chosen. State the type of car, the mileage, and show both the set up of the proportion and the steps to solve.

    Factoring Polynomials (28 problems)

    Find the greatest common factor for each group of monomials. 1.) 16x^2z, 40xz^2, 72z^3 Factor out the GCF in each expression. 2.) 15x^2y^2 - 9xy^2 + 6x^2y Factor out the GCF in each expression. 3.) a (a+1) -3 (a+1) Factor each polynomial. 4.) 9a^2 - 64b^2 Factor e

    Soving Equations with Inequality

    See the attached file. Solve using the addition and Multiplication principle; 1. 9x-6<-33 2. A car rents for $50 per day plus 20 cents per mile; You are on a daily budget of $88. What mileage will allow you to stay within your budget? The solution is {m l m < ? } 3. The formula R = - 0.075t + 3.85 can be used to pr