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    Basic Algebra

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    Algebra: Antiderivative

    The concentration, C, in ng/ml, of a drug in the blood as a function of the time, t, in hours since the drug was administered is given by C = 16te^(-0.5t). The area under the concentration curve is a measure of the overall effect of the drug on the body, called the bioavailability. Find the bioavailability of the drug between t

    Radical Functions and Linear Equations

    1) Solve the following algebraically. Trial and error is not an appropriate method of solution. You must show all your work. Learn how to type math roots and fractions by clicking on link in the assignment list. Alternately, you may type as cuberoot(x) and show raising to the nth power as ^n, like x 3 is typed x^3. a)

    Quadratic Equations - MTH133

    1) Solve the following by factoring; find the solutions, factoring alone is not the objective of the problems: a) Answer: Show your work here: b) Answer: Show your work here: 2) If , find: a) f(2) Answer: Show your work here: b) f(-3) Answer: Show your work here: 3) Solve

    Polynomials, Parabolas and Word Problems

    For the polynomial P(x) = 4x2 + x + 3 1 a. What is the degree of P(x)? b. What is the coefficient of the leading term? c. What is the coefficient of the linear term? d. What is the value of P(2), that is, the expression P(x) evaluated at x = 2?

    Quadratic Equations - MTH133

    MTH133 Unit 2 Individual Project 1) Solve the following by factoring; find the solutions, factoring alone is not the objective of the problems: a) Answer: Show your work here: b) Answer: Show your work here: 2) If , find: a) f(2) Answer: Show your work here: b) f(-3) Answer: Show

    Solving Equations and Word Problems

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. 1. Solve . You must show all work to receive full credit. Show work here: Final Answer: 2. Solve . You must show all work to receive full credit. Show work here: Final Answer: 3. The cell p

    Conjugate of a Cube Root

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. I need to know the conjugate of a cube root for my test in school. I can't figure out what the middle term is to complete the answer "x-b3". I was able to figure out the first and

    find the domain, Multiply, Add or subtract radicals

    1. Find the domain of each square root. f (x)=square root 8-2x 2. Multiply and simplify assume that all variables in a radicand represent positive real numbers no radicands involve negative quantities raised to even powers. Here is the problem square root 5xy times square root 10xy2. 3. Add or subtract as indicated. Here i

    Algebra Word Problem: Zombie Attack!

    The zombie apocalypse is upon you! Zombies are showing up at a rate of 15 zombies per hour, and their numbers are increasing by 5 zombies every 3 hours. On average you can kill 35 zombies per hour. Help is going to arrive in 15 hours, will you be overrun before the help arrives?!?!

    Graphing and Solving Equations and Inequalities

    1) Solve the following algebraically. Trial and error is not an appropriate method of solution. You must show all of your work: a) 2x + 5 = 9 Answer: x=2 Show your work here: 2x=9-5 X=4/2 X=2 b) Answer: x=-3 Show you

    Absolute Value, Polynomials, and Radicals

    Please help with the attached problems and show work so that I can understand the steps. Calculate the value of |3.7| + |-2.1|. (do not include any absolute value symbols.) Calculate the distance between the points and on the number line. Show work. Write the interval notation corresponding to the set notation {x |

    Solve inequality and sketch the graph

    Please file attach. The final answer is b. Please explain in detail what the difference between a and b is?, if there is even a difference? Also, what rule allows you to take a and rewrite as b. I know how to graph inequality so please no need to show graph. I'm basically a confused because if I was doing problem

    Vertex, Asymptotes and Intercepts of Quadratic Equations

    D) The value of f(x) = 12 is a) minimum b) maximum 5) Find the x-intercepts and the y-intercepts a) The x-coordinates of the intercepts are x=??? b) The y intercepts is ??? 6) Find and label the vertex and line of the symmetry. a) The vertex is ??? (type in an ordered pair) b) The equation of

    Radicals and Rational Exponents (7 Problems)

    1) Solve the following algebraically. You must show all your work. 2) Solve algebraically and check your potential solutions: sqrt(x +20) -x = 0 3) a) Show the steps that you would take to solve the following algebraically: b) What potential solution did you obtain? Explain why this is this not a solution. 4) For the

    Designing and Solving an Algebra Problem

    Using your home as inspiration, design a word problem that can be solved using an algebraic equation. In preparing your problem, consider how much information is needed to solve the problem, how to best present that information and how much information to present (it might be more!). Please show all of your solution steps an

    Algebra word problem about discount percentages

    A man wants to buy a new winter suit and finds one he really likes, but it's too expensive. So he decides to wait. After thanksgiving, the price of the suit is marked down by 35%, but he waits. Just before Christmas, the store offers a sale on everything as 15% off the marked price. but he waits. For the after Christmas clea

    Mathematics - Algebra - Discriminants

    Determine if the following equation has a solution or not? Justify your answer. √2x^2 - 4x - 7√2 = 0 I figured that you have to multiply both sides by 1/2 to cancel the square roots. The equation then becomes x^2 - 2x - 7 = 0.

    Percents and fractions

    10. A hamburger costs $1.35 and the price continues to rise at a rate of 11% a year for the next 6 yr. What will the price of a hamburger be at the end of 6 yr? 17. The New Age Savings Bank advertises 4% interest rates compounded daily, while the Pay More Bank pays 5.2% interest compounded annually Which bank offers a bett

    Proofs, Diophantine equations, and sequences

    See attached 1- Prove by induction, the following result for all n 1- Prove by induction, the following result for all n 2- Prove that , if x2 3- Use induction to prove that (This can be used to show that the infinite har

    College algebra study guide

    MTH133 Unit 5 Individual Project - A Name: 1) Find the domain of the following: a) Answer: Explain how you obtained your answer here: b) Answer: Show your work or explain how you obtained your answer here: c) Answer: Explain how you obtained your answer here: d) Answer: S

    College algebra study guide

    MTH133 Unit 4 - Individual Project - A Name: 1) State the domain of the following and provide a brief explanation for your answer: a) Answer: b) Answer: c) Answer: d) Answer: e) Answer: 2) Suppose the graph of is shifted to obtain each the following graphs. What is the equation o

    Induction and real numbers

    A.prove by induction that (1^3+2^3+...+n^3)= [(1/2)n(n+1)]^2 for all n elements of N b.give an example of two functions f,g on Reals to Reals such that f does not equal g but such that f o g = g o f. c. show that if a,b elements of Real numbers then i. max{a,b} = 1/2(a + b + abs(a-b)) and min{a,b}= 1/2(a+b-abs(a-b))

    Rational Expressions

    1 For the rational expression S = ( an+1 - 1 ) / ( a - 1), the value of S for a = 2 and n = 5 is: A) 31 B) 127 C) 63 D) 15 E) None of the above. 2 For the rational expression in question 1 above, the value of S for a = 1 and n = 2 is: A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) undefined, since the denominator of S is zero fo

    Inequality Sign Change Variables

    The inequality signs change because the variable changes from a positive to a negative, or vice versa when multiplied or divided by a negative number. The same type of thing happens to equations when the variable is multiplied or divided by a negative number because of the same situation...what was a positive number becomes a ne

    Solving an Inequality and Systems of Inequalities

    1. Put the linear inequality into standard form. -2x < 4 2. Determine whether or not the given point satisfies the given inequality. -2x + y > 9, (3, 15) 3. Determine whether the given point (16, 0) is in the feasible set of this system of inequalities. 6x + 3y < 96 x + y < 18 2x + 6y