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    Basic Algebra

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    Algebra: Logarithms and Systems of Equations

    See the attached file. 1. Express in simplest form: = = 2. Solve each system for x and y: 2x-y=29 5x+3y= -17 x-2y= -2 3x-5y= -6 3. Find each value: Log Log = 4. Solve for x: Log Log 5. Solve for X round off to 4 decimal place: 5 =7 6. Evaluate: E

    Synthetic Division, Rational Zero Theorem, Domain and Asymptotes

    Please help me with the attached problems by explaining how to solve them. Use synthetic division to divide the polynomial 4x3 + 10x2 - 11 by x + 3, and state the quotient polynomial and the remainder. [Be careful - notice that there is no x term.]. Show work. Consider the polynomial f(x) = 5x3 - 9x2 - 17x - 3. (a) By u

    Shape of a Polynomial Graph

    If you have an arbitrary polynomial P(x) of the nth degree in x, and you graph the equation y = P(x), describe the overall shape of this graph. What happens when x gets large in the positive and negative directions, and how many peaks and valleys does the graph have? How many times does the graph cross the x-axis? (To simplif

    logarithm and exponential function

    Just want to check answers. 1. Write the expression as the logarithm of a single number or expression with a coefficient of 1. Assume all variables represent positive numbers. log 30 - log 6 A) log 11 B) log 5 C) log 24 D) log 2. Find the value of the expression. log10 10 A) 1 B) -1 C) 0 D) 10

    Factoring and Graphing Equations

    Please help me solve the problems in the attached practice work. 1) Solve the following by factoring: a) 5t^2 - 10t = 0 b) x^2 - 3x - 10 = 0 2) If f(x) = 3x^2 + 5x - 2, find: a) f(-2) b) f(4) 3) Solve 3x^2 + 19x - 14 = 0 using the quadratic formula. Read the information in the assignment list to learn more ab

    Managerial Accounting : Fixed and Variable Costs

    Costs can be classified into two categories, fixed and variable costs. These costs behave differently based on the level of sales volumes. Suppose we are running a restaurant and have identified certain costs along with the number of annual units sold of 1000. Item: Raw Materials (cost for hamburgers) Total Annual Cost: 650

    Important information about rational and radical expressions

    See attached Week4: Class work: Radicals and Rational Exponents 1. Square root of a rational perfect square. Be sure to write your answer in lowest terms and simplify. 2. Square root simplification. Rewrite the following in simplified radical form. 3. Simplifying a radical expression: Problem type 1. Assume th

    Argue that m x m is Not Equal to m + m

    Here is what I have can you add anything to help this out? You want to show that if m is a natural number (0, 1, 2, 3, ...), then m x m is not equal to m + m. You can do this simply by showing that it is not in at least one case (because if it's not true for at least one natural number, then it's not true for natural numbers

    Important information about rational equation

    1. When solving a rational equation, why it is OK to remove the denominator by multiplying both sides by the LCD and why can you not do the same operation when simplifying a rational expression? Please show an example 2.Please show an example of a rational equation and present a step-by-step solution.

    Equations, Simplifying, and Least Common Denominator

    See attached document. Section 6.1 #18 Which numbers cannot be used in place of the variable in the rational expression? (2y+1)/(y2-y-6) #102 Simplify (-2x-8)/(x2+2x-8) Section 6.2 #24 Simplify (3/a2+a)(2a+2/6) #76 Simplify ((w2-1/(w-1)2)/((w-1)/(w2+2w+1)) Section 6.3 #20 Build the rational expression into an e

    Normal subgroup generated by X

    (i.e.: A = the intersection {N a normal subgroup of G: X subset of N} A=bigcap {Nlefttriangle G:Xsubseteq N}-this is the tex for what was written on the study guide.) Let Y = {gxg^-1|x is X, g in G}. Show that A=<Y> I need a rigorous proof with explanations so that I can study and understand please. I have an exam

    Algebra Word Problem

    The mathematical problem for the class is : You have been assigned to ship 480 eggs to children for Easter. How many trucks would have to be loaded if you could pack 12 eggs in each carton and fit 20 cartons on each truck?

    Polynomial Study Guide

    See attached document Section 5.1 # 40 Find the greatest common factor for the group of monomials 16x2z, 49xz2, 72z3 #72 Factor out the GCF in each expression. a(a+1) - 3(a+1) Section 5.2 #16 Factor the polynomial. 9a2 - 64b2 #80 Use grouping to factor the polynomial completely. x3 + ax + 3a + 3x2 Section 5.3 #

    Algebraic expressions

    Problem : If the diameter of a circle is 1.3 x 10^-12 meters, then what is its radius? Problem : The perimeter of a rectangular backyard is 6x+6 yards. If the width is x yards, find a binomial that represents the length.

    Mathematical expression similar to a fragment of a sentence

    Below are examples expressions for a variable. I need to explain my problem and answer just like the examples below, please give me a few problems to explain just like the samples below thanks... A mathematical expression is similar to a phrase or fragment of a sentence. An expression has no subject and no verb or relatio

    Algebraic Expressions and Variable Solution

    Equation is a statement asserting the equality of two expressions; they are constructed from algebraic expressions. They are separated into left and right sides and joined by an equal sign. Expression is a group of letters that are used for numbers. Equation 820 + Y - 820 = 1820 - 820 Expression A x 12

    Factoring and Trinomials

    What is factoring by group? When do you factor a trinominal and why is it necessary to write the trinominal in four terms? Please show examples.

    Basic Algebra: Determing Cost Function

    1. A telephone company charges a fee of $29.99 per month for basic local service. A fee of $4.95 per month is added for customers wanting up to 500 minutes of long distance at $0.04 minute. a. Write a cost function to determine the amount a customer with the local and long distance plans would be charged that is based on the

    Combine algebraic sets to yield other sets.

    II. The three different media outlets of radio, Internet, and newspaper are to be offered on weekends or weekdays, and then either between 7 a.m.-3 p.m., 3 p.m.-11 p.m. or 11 p.m.-7 a.m. How many different possibilities exist? List the possibilities and verify your listing with the multiplication principle for counting. III.

    Few quest functions and math

    Let K be a field. (All of this works just as well for a division ring.) Let V be an n-dimensional vector space over K and let A = EndK(V), the ring of n n matrices over K. The ring A is clearly Artinian since it has finite dimension over K. We need to see that the 2-sided ideals are either (0) or A. 1. Let W be a subs

    Algebraic Sets

    II. The three different media outlets of radio, Internet, and newspaper are to be offered on weekends or weekdays, and then either between 7 a.m.-3 p.m., 3 p.m.-11 p.m. or 11 p.m.-7 a.m. How many different possibilities exist? List the possibilities and verify your listing with the multiplication principle for counting. III.

    Transportation, Transshipment, and Assignment Problems

    Gravel has been ordered from Lo Tran by Ace Construction. The Lo Tran trucks carry 3 tons max per load. The costs per ton per truck to move gravel between sites is listed below. What are the optimum loads, routings, and costs of addressing this contract? Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problem.

    Algebra - Systems of Equations - Word Problems

    The table below is based on surveys of double-income families and the percent of men and women in these families who said they had the greater responsibility for various areas of the housework. In the category of paying bills, a total of 98% of this responsibility was taken on by either women or men. (One can surmise that in 2%

    Find the Domain of Each Rational Expression

    Find the domain of each rational expression. 28. x^2 - 3 over x + 9 Reduce each expression to lowest terms. 73. 3a - 2b over 2b - 3a Perform the indicated operation. 26. b^3 + b over 5 * 10 over b^2 + b 52. (6y2 - y - 2) / 2y + 1 over 3y - 2 Find the LCD for the given rational expressions, and convert each rational

    Proportions and word problems

    83. Filling the tank. Chantal filled her empty gas tank in x minutes. a) Write a rational expression for the rate at which she filled her tank. b) Write a rational expression for the portion of the tank that is filled in 2 minutes. Solve the equation 59. 4/c-2 - ½-c + 25/c+6 Use a proportion to solve each problem. 47

    Equations and graphing

    See attached For problems 1 - 7, simplify the following expressions.: Problems 8 - 11: Solve each equation. 12. Solve the inequality and express the solution in interval notation.: 2(x - 4) < 3x + 8 Problems 13 - 18, Solve each system by the algebraic method of your choice (either substitution or addi

    Algebra - Equations...

    Please show all steps: v 1. - = 2 2. 16 = k 8 - 11 3. -15 + n =-9 4. v --- =8 5. -17x=-204 7

    Who should study algebra?

    Should algebra be taught to everyone? Who should study algebra? The statements below serve as possible answers to these questions and are only 'food for thought.' I welcome your constructive ideas and comments on one or several of them. Whether you agree or do not agree, the study of algebra is good for the brain. The b