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Basic Algebra.

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1. Write the ratio 5 to 9 as a fraction.

2. Are the following two lines parallel, perpendicular, or neither?

A) Parallel
B) Perpendicular
C) Neither

3. Complete the following statement.

8,000 lb = ________ tons
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

4. Write the ratio of to 6 in simplest form.

5. Complete the following statement.

16 gal = ________ qt
A) 32
B) 128
C) 4
D) 64

6. A caterer made 150 sandwiches for 120 people. How many sandwiches are there for each person?

7. Write as a percent.

A) 37.5%
B) 3.75%
C) 375%
D) 0.375%

8. Write 58% as a fraction or a mixed number.




9. Find the unit price for the item: $35.80 for 4 caps.

10. Rewrite the statement, using percent notation.

13 out of 25 college students work at part-time jobs.
A) 13%
B) 52%
C) 26%
D) 25%

11. Find 60% of 3,200.
A) 192
B) 1,920
C) 1,280
D) 128

12. Complete the statement.

3, 500 cm3 = ________ L
A) 3,500
B) 350
C) 35
D) 3.5

13. Give an appropriate name for the indicated angle.


14. Subtract.

A) 6 gal 3 qt
B) 6 gal 1 qt
C) 5 gal 3 qt
D) 5 gal 2 qt

15. Find the rate:

A) 49

B) 0.02

C) 294

D) 94

16. Write 40% as a decimal.
A) 0.4
B) 1.4
C) 4
D) 40

17. Solve for the unknown:

18. Is the rate equivalent to the rate ?

19. Write 0.21 as a percent.
A) 0.21%
B) 2.1%
C) 210%
D) 21%

20. On the blueprint of Lauren's new office building, the scale is 3 in. equals 8 ft. What will be the actual length of Lauren's office if it measures 6 in. long on the blueprint?

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Solution Summary

This solution is comprised of step-by-step calculation of basic math ratios, measurement conversion, and general math.

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