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Real-life functions

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Part 2: Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials, find a real-life application of a linear function. State the application, give the equation of the linear function, and state what the x and y in the application represent. Choose at least two values of x to input into your function and find the corresponding y for each. State, in words, what each x and y means in terms of your real-life application. Please see the following example. Do not use any version of this example in your own post. You may use other variables besides x and y, such as x and W as depicted in the example. Be sure to reference your sources using APA style.

The number of women, W, in millions, enrolled in colleges x years after 1984 can be approximated by W = 0.01x + 3.9. (Blitzer, 2007). When x = 16, W = 0.01(16) + 3.9 = 4.06. This implies that in the year 2000 (16 years from 1984) there were approximately 4.06 million women enrolled in colleges. When x = 20, W = 0.01(20) + 3.9 = 4.1. This implies that in the year 2004 (20 years from 1984) there were approximately 4.1 million women enrolled in colleges.

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This provides an example of using a linear function to apply to a real-life situation.

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x is the number of years.
y is the amount of net income.

In 2007, Walmart had net income of $11,284,000. In 2005, Walmart's net income was $10,267,000. The equation for the total net income received by years:

In this case, 2005 is considered the first year. 2007 ...

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