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    Blackhawk Down Ideas

    1) What is the specific theme of the novel Blackhawk Down? 2) What are some examples of this as found in the book?

    The Handmaid's Tale is briefly assessed.

    The following is an except from a literary criticism: "It [The Handmaid's Tale] warns us of the imperceptible technology of power, of the subtle domination of women by men, and of our unconscious imprisoning of each other and ourselves by ourselves." Please explain how two specific events in the text are manifestations of t

    Deductive vs. Inductive Essays

    Choose to write about one of the following topics in a short, one to one and one-half page theme. If you choose one of the topics from 1 through 3, you will probably find that any background information is presented in inductive form, and your writing will need to follow an inductive format. Background information you encoun

    Discuss the different women in Rebecca West's "The Return of the Soldier". What does each one represent in connection with Chris? What emotions does each character elicit from him? How does that change throughout the novel?

    This solution provides a detailed explanation of the three female characters in Rebecca West's "The Return of the Soldier". In over 450 words, discusses the three women and their connection and symbolic representation to Captain Chris Baldry. This solution also considers how these relationships change throughout the novel. Th

    Values in the 1960s, Steinbeck's views on literature

    1. Discuss some values on these topics: Vietnam War, the anti-war movement, the counterculture, civil rights movement, feminist movement. In the 1960s. ( one paragraph for each ) 2. In one paragraph explaine what do you learn about the role of the arts, and literature in particular, in the 60s, according to Steinbeck? for

    Mortgage crisis

    Using one of the article just used, quote two passages, complete with APA in-text citations and quotations marks. Then paraphrase two passages (summarizing the passages in your own words) and use in-text citations in the APA format after the paraphrased passages. Your post should contain four (4) APA style in-text cit

    Mortgage crisis is traced.

    Write a topic sentence outline from researching sources and create a reference list. Use steps listed below. Complete the following 5 Steps: Find Sources: Using the the mortgage crisis topic continue researching the topic. Evaluate Sources: Select material that you consider will provide evidence to support your thes

    Mortgage Crisis (US Economy)

    Develop a thesis statement about the Mortgage Crisis (US Economy) and put your writing strategies for developing a thesis, use the pre-writing strategies such as mind mapping, brain storming, and free writing to develop and refine your thesis statement. Describe your method of developing the thesis statement. At the end of your

    Don DeLillo

    Important events in White Noise do not take place at the college but elsewhere, usually at Gladney's home, suggesting that DeLillo's real interest is in showing the dilemmas and confusions of the contemporary American family. What is revealed about the confusions of Jack and Babette in their bedroom conversation? "What do you

    Gloria Naylor's emotional prose

    In "Lucielia Louise Turner," Naylor is celebrated for her ability to write "emotional prose." Is the lengthy description of Mattie's attentions to Ciel, after the funeral, an example of "emotional prose"? If so, what creates the emotion? o The rhythms of phrases and sentences? o The details of the description? o The choice

    "Half and Half" by Amy Tan

    In "Half and Half," what explains the action of the mother the day after the drowning, and why does the daughter say: "Nothing prepared me for what my mother did the next day"?

    The Glass Menagerie: Example Question

    Projections on a screen are rarely used in stage productions of The Glass Menagerie, and critics have generally condemned such a device as a distraction likely to reduce the action on the stage to melodrama or parody. Is the effect melodramatic? Parodic? Does it seem likely that it would detract from the stage action? In some in

    The Glass Menagerie's Lighting

    In the play, The Glass Menagerie, the lighting of a great portion of the scenes is dim. Is there a reason for this? What kind of atmosphere is created? What other lighting effects are used and what purpose do they serve?

    The Invisible Man's Ending

    At the end of The Invisible Man, after he has undergone numerous, often incredible experiences, the narrator thinks of the advice given by his grandfather long ago. Discuss the advice and the implications within the story.

    "Powerhouse" as Dreamlike

    One of Welty's most effective techniques is to create dreamlike (or nightmare-like) worlds in realistic settings. To what extent is "Powerhouse" dreamlike? Does Powerhouse's music create a kind of dreamlike otherworld? Does the conversation? Defend your answer.

    John Steinbeck

    In "The Vigilante," how does Mike feel about the lynching he has helped to perpetrate? Does his attitude change as the story progresses? What does the story suggest about the nature of lynching in general?

    "That Evening Sun"

    In "That Evening Sun," the inability of five-year-old Jason to understand the words and ideas of grown-ups is made apparent when he says, "I ain't a nigger... are you a nigger, Nancy?" His failure to understand the events of the story is made apparent in his persistent comments about fear and Halloween. Discuss Jason's fixation

    Ernest Hemingway's "Big Two-Hearted River"

    In the final seven paragraphs of "Big Two-Hearted River," Nick decides not to fish in the swamp, where "the river became smooth and deep and the trees grew so close together that you could not crash through the branches." Why does Nick think that fishing in the swamp would be "tragic?" Why does he stop fishing, return to camp, a

    Othello: Why Iago hates him

    Iago's hatred for othello increases throughout the play. Explain why he is consumed by racism, paying particular attention to his hatred for "The Moor" and his interracial marriage to Desdemona.

    "Only the Dead Know Brooklyn" is analyzed.

    Comment on the observation that "Only the Dead Know Brooklyn" portrays a modern society "that is capable only of ridiculing and misunderstanding individuality, idiosyncrasy, or impracticality."

    "Gentle Lena" is overviewed.

    Stein uses repetition not merely to define the minds of characters but also to impress ideas indelibly on the reader's consciousness. For example, in a single sentence, the word brown is repeated nine times. In describing the voyage to America, Stein writes that Lena felt "she would die," she was "sure that every minute she woul

    The Gentle Lena is assessed.

    A notable characteristic of Gertrude Stein's writing style is her use of repetition. Through repetition, she attempts to show how her characters think, their mental repetitions, pauses, and restatements as they struggle to define their vague and shifting ideas. In the first paragraphs of the story, Lena is repeatedly described a

    Jack London's The Law of Life

    In Jack London's, The Law of Life, does the death of the moose suggest attitudes toward death other than passive acceptance?

    What elements of London's naturalism are evident in "The Law of Life?"

    Having considered Crane's ideas of naturalism, it is evident that Jack London is identified as a literary naturalist as well. He was familiar with the writings of Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer, and he knew the work of such literary naturalists as Stephen Crane. What elements of London's naturalism are evident in "The Law of

    Huck Finn assessment

    2.Huck dies as he escapes from Pap, and Huck's death and rebirth constitute a kind of pattern for the novel. Where, and into what, is Huck re-born? What roles do the town and the river play in his death and re-birth?

    Huck Finn plot events

    Please help with the following problem. In Huckleberry Finn, there are a bundle of different emotions that are going on at the time of Boggs' death. What are the emotions that are evoked from the wording of the text and what is the description of the emotion of the crowd?

    Pap in Huck Finn

    Although he is terrifying and repulsive, Huckleberry Finn's Pap is also a source of humor. Discuss Pap as a comic figure, and discuss the irony of Pap's beliefs about government and blacks. I need help on discussing the irony of it.

    The Doll's House

    The Doll's House by Henrick Ibsen focues on a theme of truth vs. lying and appearances. Assistance is needed in declarative sentence proven writing.

    how 19th century healthcare reflected in Dicken's novel, Great Expectations

    Thank you for your help. The examples from Oliver Twist help for my comparisons and further understanding. Can you help with more specifics from Great Expectations though as far as quotes, specifics, detail? Looking for help as to how was 19th century healthcare reflected in Dicken's novel, Great Expectations? I am lo