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    Learning & Teaching

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    Attending school online

    Imagine you attend school online - what do you think your fondest memory would be and your fondest learning experience? Remember: no actual classroom, there are teams, discussions, readings and papers...

    When is a client "beyond help" with family therapy?

    Please help answer the following questions. How can a clinician determine when a family is beyond help by family therapy? What resources could be offered to the family as a whole and to the individual members if this determination is made? Who would be involved in the determination that the family is "beyond help?"

    Mandated or Compliance Training

    Without revealing proprietary information, what role does mandated or compliance training have in your company or district? What is the impact of these programs on your training department's resources?

    Program outcomes

    Pretend that your school's goal is to increase the number of children who express a career in math or science. Your school has received funding to head an after-school enrichment program that takes children to museums and technical institutes to show them possible career options in these areas. What are three expected outcomes f

    Discussion Question: Survey

    Pretend that you are a superintendent, and you wish to conduct a parent survey for your entire school district. You want to compare and contrast parents' answers by individual schools. Instruments will be color-coded for each school. The topic you are exploring concerns the lunch programs at the schools. Will you distribute the

    action research project ..

    Will your action research project be qualitative or quantitative? Overview the most important points concerning the design of your study. If you wished to extend your study, using another methodology (i.e., if qualitative then quantitative and if quantitative then qualitative), how would you design that study?

    Action Research Project

    Identifying a problem, designing a potential solution strategy that may result in positive change, and collecting and analyzing data to determine if the potential solution strategy is a worthwhile solution, you will take an active leadership role in the improvement of a situation in your work setting.


    Do you think that a therapist should be an active participant in the treatment of his or her clients? Why or why not? Please provide sources to support your choice.

    Reinforcement types are emphasized.

    What is the difference between postive and negative reinforcement? In your opinion is either effective? Why or why not?? Please provide two examples and references that support you choice.

    Instructional strategies

    Choose an instructional strategy related to science and math delivery (e.g., cooperative learning, multiple intelligences, differentiated instruction, small group exploration, experiments, and technology). Write paper with a minimum of two sources. Provide a justification for your chosen strategy. Why do you believe this strateg

    Grant proposals guidelines

    Discuss sample grants and guidelines that would provide for a model of my action research project which is improving negative behavior in my fourth grade class at xyz elementary school.

    Purpose of counseling

    What do you believe to be the primary purpose of counseling? Do you believe people are capable of genuine change? Why or why not? Please site one source or proof to back up your answer.