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    Learning & Teaching

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    Importance of Discipline in Learning

    I do feel learning is very important; however discipline is the most important element. My view point is a little different because all my friends that have top level degrees also have 150,000 worth of student loans attached to them and are broke. All my friends who are millionaires did not graduate from college but have success

    College Life Balance Work/Life

    Do you think that there is anyway to instruct a college student on how to balance work/life and combine that with humanitarian or idealistic pursuits? I know that I have a tendency to work too much and play too little, but how do you instruct someone on how to create this balance. Here is a question for you, do you think that a

    Computer-Mediated Learning Environments

    In this course, you are designing a self-instructional learning module with no access to the Internet. However, this module may also be used as part of a blended learning environment. In this online learning environment you would combine these self-instructional modules with other learning elements that learners would access tho

    Formative and summative assessments

    Having trouble answering these questions. Discuss the difference between formative and summative assessments. Give some examples of appropriate times to use each assessment in the classroom How are norm-referenced tests different from criterion referenced assessments? Give real life examples of each. What are some barr

    Instructional Goals and Perfomance Objectives

    Imagine you are a new community college instructor teaching 20th Century American History. What might be an instructional goal for that course? Based on that goal, write be a possible performance-based objective? Describe a method of summative assessment that could be following this course.

    Assessment Based Education

    What are the most challenging aspect of creating and using assessments in training and education? Please provide references if applicable.

    Educational challenges from teachers

    Can you please help with the following: Describe an instructional challenge you're responsible for solving in the past. What process did you use to solve this challenge? Was the process you used systematic, if so explain the system used? If you were faced with a similar challenge in the future would you change anything


    Many faculty seek tenure track positions in universities. What are the pros & cons of a tenure track system? What do faculty need to accomplish in most universities to be granted tenure? Thank you for your help.

    Teaching Evaluation Tool

    I have been searching for a copy of a tool that is used to evaluate teaching in a higher education setting. If you could please summarize the instrument and let me know how an organization uses the tool as part of teacher performance evaluation. This would be a great help. Thank you very much.

    Preschoolers and Age-Appropriate Concepts

    I need help with an outline on how 3 - 4 year olds learn. I need about 300 words, with some examples of fun learning games or techniques to play with the assigned age group.

    Feedback on Organization

    Compare and contrast the problem identification and formulation styles in your organizations. Specifically discuss the strengths and weaknesses found in each style

    Short feedback

    What decision making model do you prefer? Why? How do the influences of internal and external stakeholders affect the decision-making model that best fits the situation? Provide an example of how stakeholder influence might dictate which decision-making model is best in a particular situation

    Nursing education

    What are examples of integrated teaching and learning between or among disciplines?

    Short Feedback

    1. What decision making style is most prevalent in your organization? What tools and techniques are commonly used to make decisions in your organization? Why is it important to alter decision making techniques based upon the situation? Provide an example of an organizational decision that would have benefited from using differe

    Globalization & Quality Education

    1. Do you think that globalization is making it more possible for people around the world to gain a quality education? (about 200 words)

    Regulations in Higher Education Setting in Nursing

    What would be one or two regulations pertinent to the faculty role in a higher education setting for a nursing instructor? What would be the purpose of this regulation? Please help as I do not know what a regulation is for this instance.

    PPR Educational Questions

    I am having difficulty with the following questions. The task is to give a two paragraph response to each question,as well as come up with several examples for question 5. 1. What is Bloom's Taxonomy? Describe each level. Speculate as to why the State of Texas advises teachers to use it in planning instruction 2. Identify

    Identifying problems through critical thinking

    1. What are the characteristics of a problem? How might a problem present itself? How should a problem be investigated and identified? What are five steps to be considered while framing a problem? Include an example from your personal or professional experience. 2. What forces of influence should be considered while identif

    Nursing education

    Trying to sort out the nursing educator position when I am done with school. I need your help please. What is the difference between a community college and a university setting for the teaching load of a nursing instructor? What is the difference between a community college and a university setting for the salaries and b

    more adult training given by employers

    Should there be more adult training given by employers to ensure that employees give adequate customer care customer service? Please base your response on a combination of our readings information's, your personal readings/knowledge, and your experience. Thank you - your help is greatly needed!