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Decision Making

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What decision making model do you prefer? Why? How do the influences of internal and external stakeholders affect the decision-making model that best fits the situation? Provide an example of how stakeholder influence might dictate which decision-making model is best in a particular situation

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What decision making model do you prefer? Why? How do the influences of internal and external stakeholders affect the decision-making model that best fits the situation? Provide an example of how stakeholder influence might dictate which decision-making model is best in a particular situation

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What decision making model do you prefer? I use the five step model when I make decisions.

Why? When making a proper decision, many factors are involved. Snap decisions and impulse decisions often are not proper decisions. The five step model allows me to state the problem; identify the alternatives; evaluate the alternatives; make the decision and then implement the decision. Using this method allows for proper decision making.

How do the influences of internal and external stakeholders affect the ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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