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    Expert Profile

    Jo Ann Prevetti

    Oct 2008
    Ask me a Question
    • Responses: 1486
    • Library Solutions: 732
    • eBooks: 1


    • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix , 2008
    • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College, 2003
    • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women, 1985


    • Business
    • Philosophy
    • Psychology
    • Sociology

    Jo Ann's BrainMass Content


    Solution Library

    International vs. US Standards 350 Words

    Case 3-5 International versus U.S. Standards: 350+ words

    Under U.S. GAAP, property, plant, and equipment are reported at historical cost net of accumulated depreciation. These assets are written down to fair value when it is determined that they have been impaired.A number of other countries, inc READ MORE »

    Business / Finance / International Finance » 235508

    Kava - Decisions in Paradise

    Read the Business Scenario "Decisions in Paradise: How to Be, or Not to Be" from MGT 350 Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making.

    For this task, you are Nik, and your employer is the organization represented by Alex, Nik, and Chris.

    Using the information from the case and independen READ MORE »

    Business / Business Management » 243355

    Four Basic Phases of the Innovative Process

    1. What are the four basic phases of the innovative process? What is the importance of the design phase to the overall process? What possible application of these four phases would you suggest for your organization? Why?

    I am a assistant director of admissions for a large online university recru READ MORE »

    Business / Strategy and Business Analysis / Management Tools and Techniques » 229639
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