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    Websites - Linear/Hierarchical

    Browse the Web and find Web sites that fit the following content types. Write a summary of how the content is presented at each Web site and describe how each Web site focuses on its users' needs. Linear Hierarchical

    SQL Queries - What is the capacity of a particular airplane type?

    A small airport: We require a data base for a small airport. The data base should track airplanes, pilots, hangars, airplane types, mechanics and airplane owners. The airport maintains the usual data, on airplanes: registration number, on airplane types: model, capacity and weight , on hangars: hanger number, location

    Use of Enterprise wide database applications

    Analyze the use of databases in your organization. Include what database applications are used (Microsoft Access, DB2, Oracle, etc.). Conclude by proposing improvements. For large organizations, restrict the scope to the department in which you work. If you are not employed, consider the use of databases and the benefits the

    Entity Relationship Diagrams: Distribution Companies

    Develop an entity relationship diagram (ERD) for your project database based on the initial data requirements. The company that we are working on distributes many products, like secure bolts and screws, to many different construction companies. In order for the company to be successful it is important for them to keep a rel

    MS Excel Advance Filtering Criteria

    I am having a problem with criteria range. I do not know how to set two different criterias in one column. I need to ADVANCE FILTER all of the Clerks (1 and 2) and the Sect. 1 workers who make more than $5.50/hr. I do not understand how to set the title criteria for more than one title. It HAS to be advanced filtered, not auto-f

    DVD Club: Database Design Methodology

    1. Ray wants to start a DVD rental program at his stores that he plans to call Henry's DVD Club. He refers to each of his customers as "members." Each member in the club is assigned a number. He also stores the members' names and addresses. In addition, he stores the number of rentals the member has made and the date the member

    Database Design - one-to-one relationships - design methodology

    Describe the different ways of implementing one-to-one relationships. Assume you are maintaining information on offices (office numbers, buildings, and phone numbers) and faculty (numbers and names). No office house more than one faculty member; no faculty member is assigned more than one office. Illustrate the ways of implement

    Discussing Database Failures

    1. When a database approach is used, a failure on the part of one user that damages the database can affect other users. What are some specific examples of database failures? 2. If you were one of the users of a damaged database, how would you be affected by such a failure and what measures could you take to prevent it?

    Relationships for any referential integrity violations.

    Please answer the attached questions. Referential Integrity Check Question 1 - Given the following data types of some table fields and the simple schema of the relational database they are a part of, inspect its relationships for any referential integrity violations. If any exist, list what they are: Note: You can assum

    Database Management Systems

    Describe what database management systems are used at yours or someone else's work place and what they are used for. (Consider Microsoft® Access®, SQL Server®, Oracle®, DB2®, etc.)

    Microsoft Access as a Database: Clerical Placements

    In a clerical office/job placement (staffing agency) setting, what are the typical uses of Microsoft Access as a database? What are the typical improvements that can be suggested for Microsoft Access in a clerical setting? What other databases (Oracle, DB2, etc) would be known to benefit a clerical/job placement (staffing

    Database Concepts

    Can you discuss why these four concepts are important for you intellectually and/or professionally. UML and Data Modeling Generalization UML important for designing embedded systems How UML is used.

    Distribution, Mean, Probability

    Using our data set from Unit 1, compose an email to the head of the American Intellectual Union which discusses the following: Begin your email to AIU by first providing an overview of the database, i.e. a story. Be sure to include information about how you would use the concept of probabilities to apply to profiles for

    Database Structure - Add/Delete Issues

    When a typical database is created the structure is created before the data is actually loaded into the database. What problems exist when someone wants to add or delete from the existing structure? What methods can you see for accomplishing the restructuring?

    Entity-Relationship Diagrams

    Why are Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) an important initial stage in developing databases? Who would be the initial parties interacting to develop the ERDs? Have you a personal experience you would like to share with other students regarding ERDs?

    FDD Diagram

    Draw the FDD from the FD below FD 1) Student must be signed up for at least one Course i) Registration Code ->Course Name 2) Given student may have taken a given exam on a certain date, receiving a grade for it: i) StudentRegistrationNumber + Course code + Date ->Mark 3) A Course will be taught be only one Lecturer


    Create an ER diagram based on the attachment that shows all of the tables, attributes, and relationships.

    Access Database Problem

    Create a database for a human resources group. List a few different tables and colums to store the HR information. State assumptions in creating the DB and underlying database objects. Use Access to create DB and tables.

    Creating a Relational Database

    Create a relational database of your choice (HR database, Retail outlet database, Address book database are examples). The database should contain no more than 6 tables. Define 3 business requirements that this database will provide (hint: you may think of the business requirements as 3 questions that the database must be able t

    Scope of Data Administration, Data Model Normalization, and Data Dictionary.

    Please see attached file for full problem description. I need help answering the following database questions: 1. I'm to provide a concise, but complete, written description of what functions are included within the scope of data administration, and make a case why data administration is unique from traditional informati


    Using the attached database WK5_DB_ACCESS2000.mdb write SQL queries to answer the following questions. 7. Show the employee (by name) that is shortest. 8. Determine the average number of years that the average employee has been working. Hint: here's how to get started: SELECT (Now()-[HIRE_DATE])/365 AS