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    Huffman Trucking Driver's Log

    Using Microsoft Access, create the preliminary (no keys and no relationships) database tables for the Huffman Trucking Driver Log. Use the Driver Log ERD found on the Huffman Intranet site, Information Technology page for guidance.

    Data Warehousing

    The purpose of this 3 page paper is to discuss , views regarding data warehousing and data mining or knowledge discovery in databases. Discuss the role of the database administration and the issues of cost/benefit for these types of endeavors in organizations. A data warehouse is a repository storing integrated inf

    Enforcing referential integrity constraints

    Describe the default rules for enforcing referential integrity constraints. Explain how referential integrity actions can be used to override the default referential integrity constraints. Please explain thoroughly.

    Hierarchy Chart and Flowchart for a Database Application

    Develop a hierarchy chart that shows the modules, the pseudo code, and a flowchart to illustrate your solution to this problem You are a manager for a small service organization. You need to develop a application/database that includes the name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number, and blood type for your staff. What

    Transaction in DBMS

    Explain the concepts of "transaction"(unit of works)? Can you give me an example of a transaction in DBMS?


    How many types of DBMS in computer industry since IBM started its first commercial computer equipment?

    Author and tittles

    Using the week 2 lecture/homework database, show the author and titles of books that have never sold. Here is the SQL for my question, but what are the author and titles of the books that did not sell? select books.title ,books.author_name from books where books.isbn not in ( select isbn from order_lines where shipped='Y'

    Databases - Index Tables

    If you were to index the tables 1000_ROWS and 2000_ROWS and then run query1, would the table 20CHAR_TABLE be created faster than if the tables were not indexed (try it out)? Why?

    What is Open Source Database and Why Use It?

    Read these two web articles and answer these questions: http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.php http://searchenterpriselinux.techtarget.com/originalContent/0,289142,sid39_gci1069685,00.html * What is an open source database? * Why would a company want to use an open sourced database?

    Query Results - RIGHT Outer Join

    Using the week 2 lecture database, if you wanted to see all the isbns from the books table and any matching isbns from the order_lines table, you'd want to do an outer join as such (because not every book stocked has been ordered): SELECT books.isbn, order_lines.isbn FROM books LEFT JOIN order_lines ON books.isbn = order_li

    Rows from a Query

    You can create your own Cartesian product - run this code in the database attached to Lecture Two: SELECT books.author_name, authors.author_name FROM books, authors; How many rows do you get as a result?

    Query Results

    How come I get so many Smiths in this query (using the Week 2 lecture database)? There's only 26 orders and 4 customers named Smith. Yet I get 104 rows as a result? SELECT orders.order_numb, customers.customer_last_name FROM orders, customers WHERE customers.customer_last_name like "smith";

    Query Results

    Why wont this query give any results (using the week 2 lecture database)? SELECT orders.order_numb, customers.customer_last_name FROM customers INNER JOIN orders ON customers.customer_numb = customers.customer_last_name;

    Access 2000 Database

    Use the attached WEEK2_ACCESS2000.mdb database I just need the SQL code, which can be cut and pasted into a word document. 1. Perform an inner join between the BOOKS table and the ORDER_LINES table. Show the titles from the BOOK table and quantity column from the ORDER_LINES table -------------------------------------

    Information Systems for Decision Making

    A twenty year old company, SewWorld, comprised of six locations in three states, sells sewing machines, sewing related software, and accessories. Each store sells between 3-5 different brands of sewing machines. Currently the stores run independently with separate inventory databases, budgets, and expenses. Because the stores ru

    How would I have to modify this query to get it to run correctly?

    Let's say my author name column in the table "authors" (in the database "WEEK1_Q1_Q2_ACCESS2000.mdb" attached here) was named: author name (not author_name, as it is currently named) This is OK to do (to use "whitespace" in a column or table name), but how would I have to modify this query to get it to

    The answer to Query

    Using the database "WEEK1_Q1_Q2_ACCESS2000.mdb" attached here Why wont this query run? SELECT authors.author_name FROM authors WHERE authors.author_name Like *twain*;

    Why wont this query run?

    OK, why wont this query run (using the database "WEEK1_Q1_Q2_ACCESS2000.mdb" attached here)? SELECT author_name FROM author WHERE author_name like "Twain, Mark";

    Query in Access 2000

    You can use the database "WEEK1_Q1_Q2_ACCESS2000.mdb" attached to Lecture 1 if you want to play around with this query before answering: OK, I'm writing a query in Access 2000: SELECT author_name FROM authors WHERE author_name like "%Twain, Mark%"; ... but it wont give me result

    Create an ER Diagram for the San Juan Boat Company

    San Juan Sailboat Charters is an agent that leases sailboats to customers for a fee. San Juan does not own any sailboats; it leases boats on behalf of the owners who wish to earn income when they are not using their boats. San Juan charges a fee for its service. San Juan specializes in boats that can be used for multi-day or wee

    Construct an IDEF1X Diagram to track statistics

    The Metropolitan Housing Agency (MHA) is a non-profit organization that advocates the development and improvement of low-income housing. The MHA operates in a metropolitan area of approximately 2.2 million people in a midwestern city. The MHA maintains data about the location, availability, and condition of low-income housing in

    Create an IDEF1X digram

    The Jefferson Dance Club teaches social dancing and offers both private and group lessons. Jefferson charges $45 per hour per student (or couple) for a private lesson and charges $6 per hour per student for a group lesson. Private lessons are offered six days per week (from noon until 10 p.m.). Group lessons are offered in the e

    For this assignment, you will create a Visual Basic.NET application to extend IP2 into a more complete music collection manager. In this exercise, you will create a solution that works with two tables having a Master/Detail relationship. The first table contains music category records, and the second table contains album detail records for each category.

    For this project you will use the following database schema, which has two tables. Table 1 -- Schema for the tblCategories table Column Name Data Type ldCategoryID Integer fldCategoryDesc String Table 2 -- Schema for table named tblAlbums Column Name Data Type fldAlbumID Integer fldCategoryI