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    Business Management

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    Public Policy - HOPE VI program - Washington DC

    The policy is related to public housing issues and the HOPE VI Prgram launched in 1992. --Discuss the objectives of the policy, especially noting any that may seem to be conflicting. Evaluate the need to balance competing interests and make tradeoffs --Discuss the pros and cons of the policy as it relates to the local go

    Rewards System Questions

    1. Identify what information is needed in order to create an appropriate rewards system in an organization. 2. Recommend strategies for an organization to create an appropriate pay mix that considers monetary and non-monetary rewards, benefits and special rewards.

    Production Functions in the Short Term

    This is a short-run production function where Q = units produced per month: Q = 150 K L + 6 K L^2 - 0.1 K L^3 ( Assume K is constant at 3 units) 1. At what level of labor utilization is total production maximized? What is the maximum level of total production that this firm can attain per month? (Rounded to the nearest f

    Price Elasticity of Demand and Total Revenue for Roma

    The Daily demand for "An annotated History of the banana," Roma's best selling book, is given by the equation: Q/day = 342 - 1.8 Price 1. Currently, Roma's Imperial Ministry of Trade & Tourism is selling this book at a price of $68.60 per copy. Estimate the point price elasticity of demand for this book at it's current sell

    Cause-and-effect diagram

    Construct a cause-and-effect diagram for bad coffee from a 22-cup coffee maker used in the office.

    Pareto diagram: Music club

    A major music club collected data on the reasons for returned shipments during a quarter. Results are: Wrong selection 50,000; refused 195,000; wrong aðdress 68,000; order cancelled 5,000; and other 15,000. Construct a Pareto diagram.

    What is an employer's right to know when it comes to drug use?

    Drug use is information that is rightfully private and only in exceptional cases can an employer claim a right to know about such use." Defend or oppose this statement. How is your response to this assignment consistent with the moral philosophy you described in the Unit 1 discussion board assignment? Explain. If it is not consi

    Operations Management

    The project manager of a task force planning the construction of a domed stadium has hoped to be able to complete construction prior to the start of the next college football season. After reviewing construction time estimates, it now appears that a certain amount of crashing will be needed to ensure project completion before th

    Single/Multi-Factor Productivity Pt.2

    Mabel's Ceramics spent $3000 on a new kiln last year, in the belief that it would cut energy usage 25% over the old kiln. This kiln is an oven that turns "greenware" into finished pottery. Mabel is concerned that the new kiln requires extra labor hours for its operation. Mabel wants to check the energy savings of the new oven, a

    Country Analysis

    Country Analysis on Japan for a new global venture (Beef) Political Economic Finance Physical environment Cultural Social, Health, and Environmental

    Operations Management

    One of the industrial robots designed by a leading producer of servomechanisms has four major components. Their reliabilities are .98, .95, .94, and .90. All of the components must function in order for the robot to operate effectively. The reliability of the robot is .7896. Designers want to improve the reliability by ad

    BioMEMS - The business case for going small

    Assignment for the BioMEMS - The business case for going small The assignment should contain the following parts: (i) Description of the present situation, with clear representation of all economic and technical variables, as well as their values for the base scenario. (ii) Proposed new scenario, with clear statement

    Career development

    Your supervisor has asked you to research ideas on career development activities for its employees that your company can implement. Post your ideas for the top three career development activities that you think your organization and other organizations should provide for their employees. Why are these important? Consider your an

    some questions about critical paths.

    Does every network have exactly one critical path? On a specific project, can there be multiple critical paths, all exactly the same duration? Do you know if the duration of the critical path is the average duration of all paths in the project network?

    Compare two products

    Working individually or in a team, compare two similar products or service industries based on the customer assessment of the customer requirements for the following production items: a) Mountain bike b) Racing bike c) Pizza d) Textbook e) ATM f) Automobile cruise control g) Coffee maker h) Computer mouse i) Rechargeabl

    Training & Development

    Go online and research the future trends relative to the field of training and development. Discuss your findings. Some questions to consider are: What predictions do you find? Based on future social, economic, political, or technological factors, what additional trends do you think will influence training? What ca

    The Equipment Effectiveness

    Exercise #1 The bearing department is planning their schedule for the following week. They need an understanding of last week's performance. The schedule called for two 8-hour shifts per day for 5 days. Downtime charged to production averaged 76 minutes per day. Down time charged to maintenance averaged 135 minutes per day. Ca

    Value of a Degree Program

    Analyze the value of a degree program to professional and personal development. Evaluate the impact of completing a University Bachelor's Degree program on current and future professional goals.

    Case Study

    What strategic actions should Proctor and Gamble executives undertake to ensure the Gillette acquisition ultimately benefits shareholders? What must be done to achieve the expected 1 + 1 = 3 benefit? Should the company pursue additional acquisitions? Should certain business units be eliminated from the business lineup?

    Public Policy

    Select a public policy that directly impacts the local government in the area where your organization is located. You should select a policy that impacts in some way the local government in the area where your work is located. (The private sector is affected by federal, state, and local policies.) Conduct research on this policy

    Using PowerPoint

    Choosing a topic (a hobby you enjoy, a business you own or would like to start, an idea for a new product) of your choice, create two simple (5-6 slides) PowerPoint presentations with speaker's notes: 1. One using the AutoContent Wizard. 2. One made completely from scratch. Each presentation should contain the following

    Ecconomics for the global manager

    Microeconomics is considered to be the study of scarce resources. Here, consumers (both individuals and organizations) must make allocation decisions. These three basic trade-offs include which goods/services are to be produced, how to produce them, and who gets them. Briefly explain the three trade-offs within a specific good/s

    Training and Development

    Go online and do research on the various ways that organizations can help their employees to do that. Discuss your findings. Some questions to consider are: What types of programs are organizations offering to help employees balance work and non-work issues? What are the "best practices" in each category? Why are empl

    Importance of Policies

    How important do you think policies are? Aren't policies there to protect the incompetent more than direct the competent? Are major successes achieve through following policy?

    Planning and Segregation of Managers

    Planning can not take place in a vacuum. How would you segregate senior and mid-level managers, but still get the communication and results needed?