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    Abnormal Psychology

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    Allport's belief

    Do you agree or disagree with Allport's belief that individuals are motivated by present drives, not past events? Why?

    Constructivism in the Classroom

    Scenario: You have just taught a unit on African history for the first time in your high school world history class, and you are quite disappointed in the results of the unit test. Many students seemed unable to remember the basic facts necessary to answer the multiple-choice questions and hardly any were able to answer the

    Five axis diagnosis of depressed patient

    I need some help pulling together a five-axis diagnosis of a depression in a Native American elder. I jneed to know what to include in each AXIS. The client Complaints of chest pain, abdomen, knees, complaints of body sickness. Reported that he hasn't been himself over 3 months. Ha stopped interacting with family and going to im

    Physiological causes of emotional impairment: short essay

    One of the many things we take for granted is the ability to both express and recognize emotions, but this process may be impaired, either by injury or illness. What are the physiological causes of this impairment? What happens in the nervous system when a person can not identify emotions?

    Emotional Intelligence Concepts

    What are the concept of emotional intelligence? It is good information to know and there's even a test you can take for EI (emotional intelligence)? See for example http://www.helpself.com/iq-test.htm (but you can google it and find many others too - if you find a good one, please let us know) What would the theory of emo

    Gender specific differences

    In your research, have you found that any of the gender-specific differences between males and females are also evident based on a person's sexual orientation?

    Freud, Rogers, Eysenck, Skinner, and Bandura

    Based on the coverage of Persons in Cultures, do you think Freud, Rogers, Eysenck, or Skinner would have developed the same theories they did if they had been raised in, e.g., an African or Asian culture rather than the US and/or Europe? Would Bandura have formulated the same theory, with a strong emphasis on self-efficacy?

    Is Skinner applicable today?

    In order to fully understand the modern day relevance of B.F. Skinner, summaries and research about his theories are presented.

    The Bem Sex Role inventory

    Provide information about the Bem Sex Role Inventory, created by Dr. Sandra Bem? How does Dr. Bem explain sexual identity and development? Is it a result of nature or nurture? Please provide examples.

    Evidence-Based Practice and Psychodynamic

    Name a psychological disorder and psychodynamic intervention. Was the intervention used effectively with the disorder and how this would inform a psychologist working with a client that may be exhibiting the disorder or treatment.

    Population Density

    Analyze how population density affects human beings. Evaluate and describe why noise acts as an environmental pollutant. What type of environment do you live in? How does your environment (e.g., urban, rural) affect you? Support your answer with citations and proper APA 6th ed. references.

    Neurological processes

    What are the neurological processes involved when behavioral changes result from changes in brain chemistry due to brain injury or illness? What happens in the nervous system to cause these changes? Please reply

    Is Carl Jung relevant today?

    1. What is the current social attitude towards Jung's theory of archetypes? 2. Is the consensus from the public in agreement that part of our personality is composed of opposing forces that strive for balance and transcendence, or do they disagree? 3. Why or why not?

    Psychology: Skinner and free will

    A dramatic implication of Skinner's approach to psychology is that people are seen not to have free will. Behavior is under control of the environment; feelings of self-control are illusory. Might there be counter-arguments to Skinner's position?

    Test measure

    What do aptitude tests measure? How are they different from achievement tests? Thanks!

    Emotional Intelligence

    Please provide 3 examples and and an explanation of emotional intelligence with theories and ideas around EL. Can you also provide a short example of a way that one can enhance emotional intelligence.

    These two additional senses are the vestibular sense and the kinesthetic sense.

    Some people might argue that humans have more than five senses. In fact, a large section of psychology believes that there are seven senses. These two additional senses are the vestibular sense and the kinesthetic sense. In your readings, did you find information about the vestibular sense and the kinesthetic sense? Ho

    Senses of Smell and Taste

    Are the senses of smell and taste connected in any way? If so, what are the neurological processes involved in this relationship? Please reply and provide reference if required

    Integrative Approach is briefly overviewed.

    Can you choose two theories to integrate and complete the following: -summarize your understanding of utilizing an integrative therapeutic model. -summarize the key points o ...there is moreshow problemCan you choose two theories to integrate and complete the following: -summarize your understanding of utilizing an i

    Operant Conditioning

    How would you use operant conditioning to change a bad habit such as biting fingernails or always arriving late to appointments? Compare and contrast reinforcers and punishment.

    Scientific Inquiry

    What is scientific inquiry and how can it be used in a kindergarten classroom?

    Intelligent people

    It was more difficult than I first realized to list just five characteristics exhibited by intelligent people. Intelligence covers a broad range of abilities, here are a few that I came up with. Intelligent people: 1. Have the ability to solve problems 2. Display open-mindedness and willingness to learn 3. Are well-read on a