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    Logic & Critical Thinking

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    Formalize and Evaluate an Argument

    Hi, I'm having some problems with this topic. I need to formalize the argument and state what the premises are and the conclusion. I also need to evaluate the argument to show the effectiveness of it. Thanks for your help. --- Here's what I think: everyone is selfish. You're always looking out for Number One, no matt

    Putting arguments into standard form

    I can understand the basic standard form of an argument when it is given to me, but when I see an argument without a second premis I dont understand it. My teacher is not very good at explaining and will not even recommend a good book for me to read to help understand. This is my last hope to understand these examples before the

    Arguing for Locke's position in his Letter Concerning Toleration

    Government is a civil interest Arguments: 1. Soul is each person's responsibility 2. Faith cannot be forced - Faith-belief - Government has laws. - Laws are only effective because of force. 3. Forced belief is not acceptable to God. - Voluntarily Can you explain me what does it mean? Please g

    Evaluating arguments

    I present and explain some basic concepts pertaining to the evaluation of an argument.

    Issues/Concerns and Recommendations/Solutions

    Mainly, how would you approach the problem and what COAs would you develop? Question - What are the critical issues/concerns and recommendations/fix of each area ? Synopsis: I have just been put in charge of rebuilding a military unit that was recently pretty much wiped out in a battle. There are survivors; however, moral

    Valid Or Invalid Venn Diagrams

    Five identical sweatshirts are placed in a bag. A letter is stiched to the back of each shirt; two of the letters are L's and three are W's. Chris, Hugo and Mary each pull out a sweatshirt without looking at it and put it on. Chris can see Mary's and Hugo's and correctly deduces, "I cannot tell which letter I have on." Mary's on

    Surfing Internet news sites

    On your lunch break, you surf Internet news sites and read articles on the following topic to prompt a discussion on the relevance of data analysis. After reading these articles, you have become interested on researching additional resources on the data analysis using the Internet, and all other resources that are linked to

    Comments from the steering committee

    Despite the comments from the steering committee, your manager thinks that your proposal thus far is sound, and encourages you to take the next step - conducting research. Develop a presentation of your proposal to date. You will need to use both literature review and data, and your sources need to be credible and current, I

    Initial proposal

    You bring your initial proposal work (topic, purpose statement, research questions, and hypothesis) to a stakeholder committee, which is comprised of your manager and other senior-level people. They react and you take notes. NOTES Juicy Red Tomato Company Steering Committee Meeting notes ? Discussed research proposal

    Bazerman's Six Steps

    Think about a recent business decision you have made that was either a success or a failure. Your supervisor asked you to email him/her a self-evaluation of this decision as part of your yearly evaluation. You are to be as objective and open minded as possible. Analyze your decision using Bazerman's six steps as a guide: define

    True or false and multiple choice

    1. Critical thinking is a natural process which requires no effort. A ) True B ) False 2. Critical thinking skills are important in... A ) school B ) home C ) civic life D ) work E ) all of the above 3. Logic is A ) useful in winning arguments B ) a fallacy C ) the stu

    Questions and answers

    1. Critical thinking is a natural process which requires no effort. A ) True B ) False 2. Critical thinking skills are important in... A ) school B ) home C ) civic life D ) work E ) all of the above 3. Logic is A ) useful in winning arguments B ) a fallacy C ) the stu

    Authorities and Mirror tendencies are applied.

    1. Authorities To what extent should we rely on any authority for information? Is this approach ever a reasonable way of knowing? What would it be like to live in a word in which we believed only in what we experienced and never in what we heard from others? Think about information you gathered about "emergency preparedn

    Testing syllogisms and conditional arguments for validity

    Part 1. To be a valid syllogism, the conclusion must be proven by the reasons. Carefully study the following syllogisms and decide if they are valid or invalid: 1. All zebras are striped animals. No zebras are polar bears. Therefore, no polar bears are striped animals. 2. All clowns are funny

    Philosophy fallacies, Atheism

    1. We can recognize that athletes that participate in sports must be given special consideration within our grading system, or we can let the university sink into athletic oblivion. Please see attached.

    Logic questions

    Give a critical evaluation of each of the following passages 5. "The First Amendment forbids the government from prohibiting the free exercise of religion. Therefore, the government cannot prohibit religions from engaging in human sacrifice." (Daniel E. Flage, Logic, 1995) 6. If cigarette smokers are warned of the hazards

    Fallacy article is assessed.

    Identify the fallacy each article commits. I identified the first one to be slippery slope and the second as common belief and the third I am lost. Can you identify these correctly for me by highlighting and explaining why you think they commit these fallacies. Answer the following question below. The Other Shoe


    1. Being an only child is (necessary, sufficient, or necessary and sufficient) condition for being a sibling? Explain? 2. Truth table for: It is not the case that if the Lakers do not win the championship, then the coach will be fired. Therefore, if the Lakers do win the championship, then the coach will be fired. Is t

    Truth tables and conditionals

    1.Give example of conditioanl where, the antecedent is false and the consequent is true, and conditional is true. Also where the conditional is false. 2. Give example of conditional where, the antecedent is false and the consequent is false and the conditional is true. Also, where the conditional is false. 3. Truth tables

    Immanuel Kant Quote Question

    I need to know what is the following quote main idea and why does he present this main idea " The will is thus not merely subject to the law but is subject to the law in such a way that it must be regarded also as legislating for itself and only on this account as being subject to the law "of which it can regard itself as the

    Immanuel Kant Quote Presents

    I am presented with a quote from Immanuel Kant the quote is as follows: "But let us suppose that there were something whose existence has in itself and absolute worth, something which as an end in itself could be a ground of determinate laws... Now i say that man, and in general every rational being, exits as an end in himself

    Fallacies and main conclusion

    I'm really confused with what to do. I need help on this. I need to find the main conclusion and fallacies in this article (see attachment). Thank you so very much. I appreciate it greatly!

    Critical Thinking and Identifying Logical Fallacies

    The following arguments contained various kinds of fallacies. We had to formulate each fallacy into an argument. 1. We can recognize that athletes that can participate in sports must be given special consideration within our grading system, or we can let the university descend into athletic oblivion. 2. I do not know wh

    One Person, Two Votes Proposal

    There was a proposal in the erly part of this country tht people with college degrees should have two votes, everyone elso one. I have tried to research this and cannot find anything. I need some ideas for argument for this issue and some against it. Can you help me.

    Reasoning and Critical Thinking problem is solved.

    It is noon, your lunch hour and you cannot go outside due to the fact it is hailing and raining. You radio weather man says the hail will turn to all rain and it will continue to rain for the remainder of the day. How can one determine if hte sun will be shining in 36 hours. Justify the answer.

    How Logic Fits into Our Thought Processes

    Many people think of logic alone when they think of critical thinking. One has to be aware of emotion,s stereotyping, and enculturation. What is the role of logic in all of this. How does logic fit into our thought processes?