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    Basic Algebra

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    Discussion question - Find the gas mileage of your dream car or any car of your choice. Let x be the number of miles driven on 50 gallons of gas. By setting up and solving a proportion involving x, find the value of x for the car that you have chosen. State the type of car, the mileage, and show both the set up of the proportion and the steps to solve. Include units with your answer. ...

    Part 1: Find the gas mileage of your dream car or any car of your choice. Let x be the number of miles driven on 50 gallons of gas. By setting up and solving a proportion involving x, find the value of x for the car that you have chosen. State the type of car, the mileage, and show both the set up of the proportion and the st

    Algebra Problems - Solving Inequalities

    Need help in solving the following system of inequalities. Use x for the number of bats and y for the number of balls made per week. The number of work-hours avaiable for construction and finishing is fixed. hours hours total per per hours bats balls available construction| 3

    Taylor polynomial problem

    See attachment Please show in detail how to solve the series. Thank you. what is the third Taylor polynomial for centered at x=0

    Expressions and equations

    Please provide an answer to the questions below that contains 250 to 300 words to each. 1.If a < b, then -a > -b, Why? Illustrate your reasoning with several examples. 2.How can you differentiate between an equation and an expression? Give several examples of each. 3.How does the knowledge of simplifying an express

    Abstract algebra

    See attached Abstract Algebra Questions: 1. List 4 integers in [2] as an element in Z4 2. Using modular addition, circle+, compare your answers for Z5: [3] + [4] and Z6: [3] + [4]. 3. Repeat the question above using modular multiplication, circle_dot. 4. Construct a Cayley table for the group Z4 and, using the table, p

    Simplifying and Factoring Polynomials

    See attached 5. The polynomial 0.041h - 0.018a - 2.69 can be used to estimate the lung capacity, in liters, of a female with height h, in centimeters, and age a, in years. Find the lung capacity of a 40 year old woman who is 170 centimeters tall. 17. The number N, in millions, of hearing impaired individuals of age x ca

    midrange of data set

    Find the midrange for the following group of data items: 29,26, 25, 24, 30, 27, 23, 25 what is the midrange rounded to the nearest tenth ?

    Polynomials and equations

    Please help me with the attached problems.. Perform the indicated operations and simplify your answers. Factor each polynomial completely Write an equation in slope-intercept form ( ) of the line through the points (0, -3) and (4, 0).


    The price of a small cabin is $50,000. The bank requires a 5% down payment. The buyer is offered two mortgage options; 20- year fixed at 7% or 30- year at 7%. Calculate the amount of interest paid for each option. How much does the buyer save in interest with the 20-year option? A. find the monthly payment for the 20 year opt

    Find the greatest common factor

    Find the greatest common factor and factor by grouping (see attached) 1. Find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 18x and 15x 2. Find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 28 a b and 44 ab 3. Factor. Check by multiplying 4x + 36x= 4. Factor. Check by multiplying = 5. Factor. = 6. Factor by grouping. = 7. Fa

    Algebra Problems - 1. You are planning to spend no less than $6,000 and no more than $10,000 on your landscaping project. a) Write an inequality that demonstrates how much money you will be willing to spend on the project. [See the attached questions file.]

    1. You are planning to spend no less than $6,000 and no more than $10,000 on your landscaping project. a) Write an inequality that demonstrates how much money you will be willing to spend on the project. b) Suppose you want to cover the backyard with decorative rock and plant some trees as the first phase of the project. You

    Algebraic exercises Related to exponents and radicals

    Please refer to attached file for complete description of problems. Short description of problems is given below 1) Converting Exponents into radicals and vice versa. 2) Simplification of radicals in fraction forms 3) Converting the expressions into exponents with no negative exponents 4) Factorize the expressions

    Algebra - Graphing Equations and Quadrants

    1. Plot (5,6) on the coordinate axes. ... 2. In which quadrants are the signs of the first and second coordinate the same? ... 3. find the coordinates of the point shown on the graph. ... 4. Graph the equation and identify the y-intercept. ... [See the attached questions file.]

    Algebra - 1) Use the internet to do some research on the number "e".Your goal is to be able to explain what e is, where it comes from, and why it is important.Discuss how you would explain the concept of "e" and a natural logarithm to a group of middle school students.What are some common uses of natural logarithms? ... 2) 3) The formula for calculating the amount of money returned for deposit money into a bank account or CD (Certificate of Deposit) is given by the following: ...

    1) Use the internet to do some research on the number "e".Your goal is to be able to explain what e is, where it comes from, and why it is important.Discuss how you would explain the concept of "e" and a natural logarithm to a group of middle school students.What are some common uses of natural logarithms? 2)How would you exp

    Negation - Monday does not come before Tuesday. ...

    From the negation of the statement: Monday does not come before Tuesday. Choose the correct answer below - A. Tuesday does come before Monday. B. Monday comes before Tuesday. C. Sometimes Monday does not come before Tuesday. D. It is not true Monday comes before Tuesday. My issue is the solidarity of negations.

    Depreciation schedule examined

    Make a depreciation schedule. 1. A $1,200 postage printing system depreciated using the straight-line method over 4 years. In your depreciation schedule, give the following information for each year: the year's depreciation, the accumulated depreciation, and the year's end-of-book value. 2. Office furniture for a set of

    The amount left after n filtering steps

    In solution during a filtering process is given by the equation P(x)=800(2)^-0.4n, where n is the number of filtering steps. Find the amounts left for n= 0 and n = 5. Round to the nearest whole number.. 800.25 800, 3200 800, 200 1600, 200

    The level of a prescription drug in the human body over time

    Concept Exercise 5 Problem: The level of a prescription drug in the human body over time can be found using the formula L = D 1-( ) Where D is the amount taken every n hours and H is the drugs half-life in hours. 1) If 2.5 milligrams of Lorazepam with a half-life of 14 hours is taken every 24 hours then to wha

    Exponential and logarithmic functions

    Many different kinds of data can be modeled using exponential and logarithmic functions. For example, exponential functions have been used by Thomas Malthus to describe the growth of human populations. Exponential growth has also been used to indicate how property values grow in strong real estate markets. For this Discussion

    Exponential functions

    Please see attached: 1. Do exponential functions only model phenomena that grow, or can they also model phenomena that decay? Explain what is different in the form of the function in each case. 2. True or false: The function "f(x) = 3x" grows three times faster than the function "g(x) = x". Explain. 3. What are the

    Explain three rules for exponents - 1. Explain three rules for exponents listed in the chart on page 239. Do not explain the first two definitions listed in the table (Exponent of 1 or 0). Create an expression to solve that uses scientific notation and at least one of the rules for exponents you have described. ... [See the attached questions file.]

    1. Explain three rules for exponents listed in the chart on page 239. Do not explain the first two definitions listed in the table (Exponent of 1 or 0). Create an expression to solve that uses scientific notation and at least one of the rules for exponents you have described. 2. How is dividing a polynomial by a binomial simi