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    Basic Algebra

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    Real Numbers and Orders - ...

    Sec. 9.1 Place each of the following sets in ascending order. 16. 3/7, - 6/7, 1/7, -1/2, 2/7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evaluate 32. [4] + [-3] 44. [-9]-[-4] Sec. 9.2 Add. 40. 7+(-9) +(-5) +

    Multiplying and Dividing of Real Numbers

    9.4: Multiply. 70. (-3)(-6) + (4)(-2) 80. (-3)3 -(-8)(-2) 82. (-6)2-(-4)2 2 2 88.-9 -(-6) __________________________________________________________________________ 9.5 Perform the indicated operations. 32. (-9)(5) ________ -3 58. 16 /(-2)*(-4 ____________

    Revised - 8 Intro. Algebra Equations and 4 Problems1. Population of Mexico. In 2004 the population of Mexico was 106.5 million. If Mexico's population continues to grow at an annual rate of 1.43%, then the population in 2015 will be 106.5(1.0143)11 million. ...2. Forensics. A forensic scientist uses the expression 72.6 _ 2.5T to estimate the height in centimeters of a female with a tibia of length T centimeters. If a female skeleton ...[See the attached Question File.]

    Algebra Problems - 1. Population of Mexico. In 2004 the population of Mexico was 106.5 million. If Mexico's population continues to grow at an annual rate of 1.43%, then the population in 2015 will be 106.5(1.0143)11 million. ... 2. Forensics. A forensic scientist uses the expression 72.6 _ 2.5T to estimate the height in cen

    Find the average weight in pounds of a type of bird of your choice. Use the rational exponent equation L = 2.43 * W^0.3326 to estimate the wingspan L in feet of the bird that weighs W pounds (Rockswold, 2006). Include in your post the ... [See the attached Question File]

    Find the average weight in pounds of a type of bird of your choice. Use the rational exponent equation L = 2.43 * W^0.3326 to estimate the wingspan L in feet of the bird that weighs W pounds (Rockswold, 2006). Include in your post the ... [See the attached Question File]

    Fizz fizz soda comes in two varieties

    Fizz fizz soda comes in two varieties, regular and diet. If a researcher has 8 boxes of each, how many ways can he select 2 boxes of each for a quality control test? Which answer would be correct? 784 224 447 16

    Logarithms and Rules

    Logarithms - Anna, who is confused about the rules of lagerithms states that ... [See the Attached Questions File.]

    solve linear equations for word problems

    Please help with these problems.. Solve the equation and check your answer, if possible, in the original equation. Show all work, including the check Solve the inequality and graph the solution set on a number line: 6) Solve the equation and check your answer, if possible, in the original equation. Show all work, incl

    Equations for word problems

    1. The president of a certain university makes three times as much money as one of the department heads. If the total of their salaries is$ 200.000, find each worker's salary 2. Including a 6.1% sales tax, a diamond ring sold for $ 2,864.70. Find the price of the ring before the tax was added.( round to the nearest cent).

    Assorted Algebra Problems on Solving equations and inequalities

    Please see attached for formatting. 1. 3y - 9 =3x 2. Translate to an inequality, use the variable x. The amount of acid is not to exceed 400 liters. 3. Skip 4. Skip 5. -16x > -80 6. 5x + 2 - 4x < 11 the solution set is {x l x < } 7. 5y - 10 < 4y - 7 the solution set is {y l y < } 8. Find the slope if it exists, y

    Detailed description of Logarithmic functions

    Logarithmic functions have an interesting history. Although John Napier is credited for popularizing logs, there are earlier developments that include another mathematician who developed logs earlier and independently. Furthermore, logarithms became especially important for allowing difficult calculations prior to the developmen

    Algebra word problems - (1) Stephanie, the Team Manager of a soccer team, purchases many soccer balls from a retailer and sells them to all the players at her soccer club at a price of x dollars each. She can sell 600 - 15x balls per week. Find a polynomial ... [See the Attached Questions File.]

    (1) Stephanie, the Team Manager of a soccer team, purchases many soccer balls from a retailer and sells them to all the players at her soccer club at a price of x dollars each. She can sell 600 - 15x balls per week. Find a polynomial ... (2) One side of a rectangular backyard is 2 meters longer than the other. If the diagona

    Exponential and Logarithmic functions - The bacteria Escherichia coli are commonly found in the human bladder. Suppose that 3000 of the bacteria are present at time t-0. Then t minutes later, the number of bacteria present can be approximated by:N(t) = 3000(2)^t/20. How many bacteria will be present after 10 min? 20min? 30 min? 40 min? 60 min?

    The bacteria Escherichia coli are commonly found in the human bladder. Suppose that 3000 of the bacteria are present at time t-0. Then t minutes later, the number of bacteria present can be approximated by: N(t) = 3000(2)^t/20. How many bacteria will be present after 10 min? 20min? 30 min? 40 min? 60 min?

    Solving Amount of Neck Warmers Sold Using Algebra

    Mountainside Fleece sold 40 neck warmers. Solid-color neck warmers sold for $9.90 each and print ones sold for $12.75 each. In all, $421.65 was taken in for the neck warmers. How many of each type were sold?

    Mathematics - Algebra [Dividing a polynomial by a binomial]

    How is dividing a polynomial by a binomial similar to or different from the long division you learned in elementary school? Can understanding how to do one kind of division help you with understanding the other kind? What are some examples from real life in which you might use polynomial division?

    Quadratic Equation to Find Speed

    Rita rows 12 km upstream and 12 km downstream in 3 hours. The speed of her boat in still water is 9 km/hr. Find the speed of the stream.

    Solving quadratic equations

    1. Determine whether the following equations have a solution or not? Justify your answer. a) 5x2 + 8x + 7 = 0 b) (7)1/2y2 - 6y - 13(7)1/2 = 0 c) 2x2 + x - 1 = 0 d) 4/3x2 - 2x + 3/4 = 0 e) 2x2 + 5x + 5 = 0 f) p2 - 4p + 4 = 0 g) m2 + m + 1 = 0 h) 3z2 + z - 1 = 0 2. If x = 3 and x = -5, then form a quadratic equat

    Quantitative Methods - Advice on Regression

    We are on Integer Programming which is a part of Linear Regressions. Linear regression determines the straight line that best fits the data. It doesn't make the fit good. An exponential regression determines the exponential expression that best fits the data. It can have a poorer or a better fit than the linear fit for a give

    Algebra - Profit and Loss

    1. CDs were purchased at $55 per dozen and sold at $40.00 for 4 CDs. Find the profit on 7 dozen CDs.

    Solving/Graphing Inequalities

    This solution includes several problems on solving and graphing inequalities. Detailed solutions are provided to explain the concept.

    Algebra: Suppose that an object is 100 pounds when it is at sea level.

    Many people know that the weight of an object varies on different planets, but did you know that the weight of an object on earth also varies according to the elevation of the object? In particular, the weight of an object follows this equation: , where C is a constant, and r is the distance that the object is from the center of

    Equations to model problems

    Part 1: Suppose that the number of new homes built, H, in a city over a period of time, t, is graphed on a rectangular coordinate system where time is on the horizontal axis. Suppose that the number of homes built can be modeled by an exponential function, H= p * at , where p is the number of new homes built in the first year re