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    Basic Algebra

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    Simplify ã (32x5y2) that is sqrt (32x5y2).

    A stamp collection consists of 3, 8, and 15 cent stamps.

    A stamp collection consists of 3, 8, and 15 cent stamps. The number of 8 cent stamps is one less than triple the number of 3 cent stamps. The number of 15 cent stamps is six less than the number of 8 cent stamps. The total value of all the stamps is $2.47. Find the number of 8 cent stamps in the collection. [Fifteen points for

    Predicting Price Using Inflation Rate

    St. Kitts and Nevis is a small Caribbean island country that uses East Caribbean Dollars (XCD) as currency. Their annual growth rate is 2.1% and their inflation rate is 3.6%. Use the equation S=C(1+r/100)^5 to find the inflated cost S, in 5 years, of an item, good or service, where C is the current price of that item in XCD a

    Path Through an Array

    Solve the following path through an array problem. You must get the largest possible sum of 6 entries, one from each row, by starting at the best place in the 6th row, and moving between rows by going straight up, or by moving one column to the right or left. 0 -1 2 -4 -2 -2 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -2 -1 0

    The difference between an equation and an expression

    Can I get some help for me to understand what is the difference between an equation and an expression? Can you solve for a variable in an expression? Could you explain. Can you solve for a variable in an equation? Can you explain this to me. Could you give me a phrase or sentence for me to understand?

    Analyzing Horizontal and Vertical Asymptotes

    Question: Find the equations for the horizontal and vertical asymptotes of the following graph presented in the attached document. Use none to describe the graph if the function does not have an asymptote. Please see the attached question file which shows the two graphs required for this question.

    Subgroup proofsno structures

    I would love to have a usual word format answer with detailed proofs. The problems are 6 in total, the numbers are: from attached page #1: #2.82; 2.86; 2.87, from attached page #2: # 2.97; 2.98; 2.99. Thanks in advance. The student.

    Three simple Puzzles in Math

    Questions A What is the 4 digit number - 1 - One of the numbers is 1 2 - The number the hundred's place is 3 times the number in thousand's place 3 - The number in one's place is 4 times the number in the ten's place 4 - Finally he said the number 2 is sitting in the thousand's place. What is the number? (I have 2,614 o

    Writing a Mathematical Expression for Total Profit

    There is a fixed cost of $50,000 to start a production process. Once the process has begun, the variable cost per unit is $25. The revenue per unit is projected to be $45. Write a mathematical expression for total profit.

    Starting a Business

    Please help with the following: Post your response to the following: How do you know when an equation has infinitely many solutions? How do you know when an equation has no solution? Starting a Business Starting your own business can be exciting and daunting at the same time. Businesses use math when managing finances

    Arithmetic Sequences and Euler's Theorem

    I really need some help with this. Someone has got to have the background for this one. "Let p1(x) = x^3 + x + 1 and p2(x) = x^3 + s + 2 in F5[x]. F5[x] is ust the set of all polynomials in x with coefficients from the set {0,1,2,3,4} with arithmetic done mod 5. Compute (x+2)^2114 in F5[x]/(p1(x)) and in F5[x]/(p2(x)). The

    Equivalence and partitions

    College level proof before Real Analysis. Sketch a graph of the set... Describe the equivalence relations associated with this partition... (see attached)

    Practice problems on Quadratic Equations

    9 practice problems on quadratic equations in the attached file. 8)a)Solve 7x+x(x-2)=0 b)Find the x-intercepts of f(x)=7x+x(x-2) 15) Find the vertex, the line of symmetry, the maximum or minimum value of the quadratic function and graph the function: f(x)=2x2-8x+6 (21) Solve by completing the square (23) Find the vertex,

    Algebra: Solve by Completing the Square

    See the attached file. Solve by completing the square ________________________________________________________________________ The width of a rectangle is 1ft less than the length. The area is find the length and width. The width is __________ft The Length is _________ft A farmer decides to enclose a rectangul

    Reflexive, symmetric, and transitive relations

    Indicate which of the following relations on the given sets are reflexive on a given set (see attached) College level Math Proof before Real Analysis. If you have any question or suggestion, please let me know. Thank you.

    Exponents and Square Roots

    Please complete the following problems regarding exponents and square roots - Chapter 6 #s 2-20 (EVEN #s only - 10 total) and Chapter 9 #s 2-20 (EVEN #s only - 10 total).

    Let V and W be subspaces

    The material attached is from Inconsistent Systems and Projection. Please show each step of your solution.

    Least squares solution

    Please see the attached file. The material is from Inconsistent Systems and Projection. Please show each step of your solution.

    Solving First Order Algebra Equations

    I need some help on some of the questions I am stumped on. Solve the equations showing how you came up with the answer step by step. (3/4)q-12=4 (1/3)a-6=(2/3)a+6 d+5(d-7)=2d-4(-d-8) 3q+4aw=-2aw+7q+2 Solve for q d+5d(d-7)=2d-4(-d-8)

    Quadratic Functions Line Symmetry

    1.Solve by competing the square m - ( Note from me: If the answer has anything to do with plus or minus sign I don't see that as one of my option on the homework?) 2. Write a quadratic equation in the variable x having the given numbers as the solutions. Type the equations in standard form ax + bx+c=0.