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    Basic Algebra

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    Write a program or programs to interpolate the data given below at the specified points using Neville iteration, Newton's interpolatory divided-difference formula, and a natural cubic spline.

    Math 609D Programming Assignment #3 Due Date: March 17, 2008 Write a program or programs to interpolate the data given below at the specified points using Neville iteration, Newton's interpolatory divided-difference formula, and a natural cubic spline. Use your programs to do the following. 1. For x = 0.25, x = 0.5, and x =

    Solving Equations for Variables

    I need to solve the following for the 2 variables and plot on a grid line. This is for a linear programming model and I can not figure out the algebra. Can do it in solver, but not on paper and I need all work shown. 42x + 30Y = 180 3 C + 8 B = 20 Please show all work.

    Solving and Simplifying Equations

    1. x - 23 =12 Solve for x 2. 2z + 12 = 5z - 9 Solve for z 3. 1/3 + 3/8 = ? 4. 2/3 -1/ 4 = ? 5. Solve for x: ¼(x-2) - ½(x-4) 6. (4x)(2x) = ? 7. Write in interval notation the real numbers greater than or

    Rational Numbers and Basis

    Find a basis for Q(fourth root of 2) over Q, and prove that it is in fact a basis. Note: Q are the Rational Numbers.

    How do you know if a quadratic equation will have one, two or no solutions?

    1. How do you know if a quadratic equation will have one, two or no solutions? 2. How do you find a quadratic equation if you are only given the solution? 3. Is it possible to have different quadratic equations with the same solution? 4. Quadratic equations can be solved by graphing, using the quadratic formula, com

    Algebra : Radicals and Quadratic Equations

    (Please See Attachment) 1.) Find all numbers for which the rational expression is defined: S^3-7s/s^2-25 2.) GCF: -30a^3, 5a^4 (Would it be 5a^3 or -5a^3??) 3.) Use rational expressions to write: x^1/2*y^1/6*z^1/8 4.) Solve: x^2 +6x-4=0 5.: Use rational exponents to simplify: ^4 Sqrt x^12 (Would it be x^

    Modeling Using Quadratic Equations and Graphing

    1. Suppose you are an event coordinator for a large performance theater. One of the hottest new Broadway musicals has started to tour, and your city is the first stop on the tour. You need to supply information about projected ticket sales to the box office manager. The box office manager uses this information to anticipate staf

    Write each expression with positive exponents only and then simplify

    Here are some practice problems that I have done and am trying to self check Please complete all the problems on the attached document using Microsoft word's equation editor. Please see the attached file. Thanks 1. Write each expression with positive exponents only and then simplify: a. 2 -1 + 4 -1 b.

    Exponential and Logarithmic Functions..

    Define exponential function. Give an example of such function and graph it. Discuss what are common characteristics of all exponential functions. (i.e. domain/range/intercepts/asymptotes, general behavior) Define logarithmic function. Give an example of such function and graph it. Discuss what are common characteristics of al

    Investigating Quadratic Equations

    I'm thinking of two numbers. Their sum is 10 and their product is 21. What are the two numbers? The quadratic equation for this problem would be: x^2 - 10x + 21 = y. By graphing, we find that the x intercepts are at (7,0) and (3,0), meaning the solutions are 7 and 3. Please post attachment with a graph of the solution.

    Discriminants and Quadratic Equations

    The standard quadratic equation is given as: ax^2 + bx + c = 0 , where a, b, and c are real numbers and a > 0. The quadratic formula can be used to solve for all solutions of any quadratic equation. If a graph of the quadratic equation crosses the x axis, it has two real number solutions. We use the discriminant of b^2 - 4ac,

    Multiples of Quadratic Equations

    Two quadratic equations that are multiples of each other are actually the same equation, and that they don't count as being "more than one QE that have the same solution set". However, if you plot the two equations on a graph, will they be different from each other, but have the same x-axis intercepts, which are the answer set?

    Multiples of Quadratic Equations and their Graphs

    Two quadratic equations that are multiples of each other are actually the same equation, and that they don't count as being "more than one QE that have the same solution set". However, if you plot the two equations on a graph, will they be different from each other, but have the same x-axis intercepts, which are the answer set?

    Derivatives : Maximum and Minimum Values

    9). Find the dimensions of a right circular cone of minimum volume that can be circumscribed about a sphere of radius 8cm. 32 , 8root 11. The sum of 2 positive numbers is 20. Find the numbers if A) their product is a maximum B) the sum of their squares is a minimum C) the product of the square root of one and the cub

    Dividing, factoring and simplifying polynomials.

    Need help with steps to the answer on all 12 problems. Divide: 5x3 - 5x + 1 by x - 3 Factor: 5x2 - 13x - 6 Factor completely: 16x4 - 40x2 + 9 Factor: 9b3 - 6b2 Solve: x3 - 4x2 - 21x = 0 I am thinking of three consecutive positive numbers. If I multiply the first with the third and then add

    Radical and Rational Exponents

    1) Solve the following algebraically. You must show all your work. 2) Solve algebraically and check your potential solutions: sqrt(x +20) -x = 0 3) a) Show the steps that you would take to solve the following algebraically: b) What potential solution did you obtain? Explain why this is this not a solution. 4) For the

    Methods for Solving Quadratic Equations

    Quadratic equations can be solved by graphing, using the quadratic formula, completing the square, and factoring. What are the pros and cons of each of these methods? When might each method be most appropriate? Which method do you prefer? Why?

    Logarithmic Functions

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. 1. Use the change of base formula to find the following logarithm. Round to five decimals. 2. Solve for x in each of the following equations below. Give the exact answer when possible. If no exact answer is possible, round your answer to 5 decimals. (a)

    Logarithmic Functions with Domain, Range, Intercept and Vertices

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. NO CALCULATOR allowed: Use techniques of transformation and rules of logarithms to find domain, range, intercepts and the equation of the vertical asymptote for the following function: f(x) = log 5 (x + 2) a) What action was used to transform y = log 5 (x)

    Exponential and Logarithmic Equations

    Math 165 - Precalc study guide 1 for exam 1 2. Solve for x in each of the following equations below. Give the exact answer when possible. If no exact answer is possible, round your answer to 5 decimals. (a) (b) log(x + 1) ? log(x ? 4) = log 6 (c) (exact) Please see the attached file for the full

    Solving Quadratic Equations with no Solutions

    Write a quadratic equation (see attachment) How do you know if a quadratic equation will have one, two, or no solutions? How do you find a quadratic equation if you are only give the solution? Is it possible to have different quadratic equations with the same solution? Explain. Provide your classmate's with one or two solutio

    Put-call parity call premiums

    Question attached in excel. On June 25th, the call premium on a Dec 25 PHLX contract is 6.65 cents per pound at a strike price of $1.81. The 180-day interest rate is 7.5% in London and 4.75% in New York. If the current spot rate is 1 pound sterling = $1.8470 and the put=call parity holds, what is the put premium on a December