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Algebra - Inequalities

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1. You are planning to spend no less than $6,000 and no more than $10,000 on your landscaping project.
a) Write an inequality that demonstrates how much money you will be willing to spend on the project.

b) Suppose you want to cover the backyard with decorative rock and plant some trees as the first phase of the project. You need 30 tons of rock to cover the area. If each ton cost $60 and each tree is $84, what is the maximum number of trees you can buy with a budget for rock and trees of $2,500? Write an inequality that illustrates the problem and solve. Express your answer as an inequality and explain how you arrived at your answer.

c) Would 5 trees be a solution to the inequality in part b? Justify your answer.

2. The coordinate graph of the backyard shows the location of trees, plants, the patio, and utility lines. (If necessary, you may copy and paste the image to another document and enlarge it.)
a) What are the coordinates of Tree A? Plant B? Plant C? Patio D? Plant E? Plant F?

b) The water line is given by the equation.

Suppose you want to put a pink flamingo lawn ornament in your backyard, but you want to avoid placing it directly over the water line, in case you need to excavate the line for repairs in the future. Could you place it at the point (-4,-10)?

c) What is the slope and y-intercept of the line in part b? How do you know?

d) Suppose you want to add a sprinkler system, and the location of one section of the sprinkler line can be described by the equation


Complete the table for this equation.

x y (x,y)

e) What objects might be in the way as you lay the pipe for the sprinkler?

[See the attached questions file.]

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