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    Hero's Journey

    Hi Everyone, I need help on starting an essay. I need to write about Harry Potter heroes' journey and Hobbit heroes' journey based on Joseph Campbell mythological criticism. I need help and some ideas in order to start my essay even If you can help me to come with thesis and some key points. Thank you.

    Review of conclusion, character and symbols in the Scarlet letter.

    Scarlet Letter Question 1 The novel ends with a chapter entitled "Conclusion." What is the reason for this particular chapter? How did it affect you the reader? Does it add to the overall quality of the book? If so, how? If not, why not? Scarlet Letter Question 2 Three characters in the book-Mistress Hibbins, Governor B

    Assessing The Scarlet Letter

    Please help with the following problem. Hawthorne begins with a very long introductory chapter entitled "The Custom House." From your reading of this chapter and the first eight chapters of the book, what purpose does "The Custom House" seem to serve? Justify your answer with specifics from the book.

    Twain Analysis-

    What is Mark Twain saying about "Man."? What does he think of man? How does he define Man? (See attached file)

    King Arthur's Family Tree is included.

    The solution to this problem contains a power point which is based on Mallory's text. Also included in the same power point presentation are family trees, which show relations of Lancelot, Galahad, Percival, and King Pellinore. The power point, when viewed as a slide show ,will roughly follow the chronological order of the tex

    Comparing Harriet Beecher Stowe and Harriet Jacobs

    How do Stowe and Jacobs depict what critics have called "the angel of the household"? What do they mean by "angel of the household?" How could this conservative and conventional role for women be sometimes "subversive"? The two books are Uncle Tom's Cabin and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.

    The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass

    What does it mean when someone asks how Douglass "wrote himself into being" in his slave narrative written by himself? How does he "create" himself and how are literacy and writing regenerative activities for him and other slaves?

    Book of Judges

    For OTA 104150 Mr. Mark House: We were so impressed with your assistance that we requested your help on one last question our study group is thrashing out. We wondered whether the Book of Judges shares a common theme [things like ideas, structure, language, etc] with other Old Testament books and supposing that it does....

    Madame Bovary

    1. Identify Four Characteristicts of Nineteenth Century Realism, and show how these are dealt with in Madame Bovary? 2. What is the importance of the "clubfoot episode" in Madame Bovary? What do we learn from the actions of thte participants and from Flaubert's style of using detail? 3. Discuss the Sybolism of wedding bo

    Characters from Madame Bovary

    Please Identify each of the following Characters from Madame Bovary. 1. Monsieur Bournisien 2. Monsieur Tuvache 3. Madame Lefrancois 4. Lestiboudois 5. Binet 6. Felicite 7. Madame Rollet 8. Hippolyte 9. Monsieur Rouault 10. Monsieur Guillaumin

    Realists and naturalists authors are examined.

    This job considers the endings of the stories listed at the end of this paragragh. Why do these authors end the stories in the way they do? What kind of vision of humanity do they leave us with and why? The works are: Adventures of Huck Finn --Mark Twain The Outcasts of Poker Flats--Bret Harte The Real Thing--Henry James

    Characteristics of a Witty Sense of Humor Development

    Jane Austen's is known for her delightful irony and sense of humor; how exactly that humor operates and is constructed can be difficult to discern, since her touch as an author is so delicate and skillful. An examination of her youthful writings called her "Juvenilia" is helpful in pointing out the direction that her sense of hu

    Need Online Research Assistance

    I am currently composing an English research essay on Ambrose Bierce's An Occurance At Owl Creek Bridge" and I am having a time finding critical essays and other critical works to use. I have searched the web high and low, and cannot seem to find any sites with such information.

    Please explain the story to People You'd Trust Life To by Bronwen Wallace

    Please explain the story to People You'd Trust Life To by Bronwen Wallace. I am preparing an oral presentation on this story and I want to make sure that I understand the story correctly (themes, etc). I think that the writer's tone seems negative towards men, but I would like to hear your opinons. This is NOT an essay rev

    Mairs: On Being a Cripple

    The more i think about this, the less sure i am. this essay is a definition essay, defining cripple. The thesis, therefore, is to define cripple. The purpose is to show that even a cripple can live a rewading life, but the thesis is to define the meaning of cripple. I can't decide if the introduction is traditional (general to

    Identify Traditional Introduction

    A traditional introduction moves from general to specific and contains the thesis sentence at the end of the introduction. A non-traditional intro is one that launches right into the story, and does not have a thesis sentence. I think that Mairs's On being a cripple has a non traditional introduction, since the thesis (that a p

    Locating a thesis statement

    I understand the thesis of Mairs's "On being a cripple", however, i am not able to locate the thesis sentence. Is that because there is no thesis sentence, but a statement that is implied, and i can only state that in my own words? Thank you.

    Choosing two characters from Richard Russo's novel "Empire Falls" to argue.

    I'm not sure how to start with my paper topic. Anyone who read Richard Russo's novel "Empire Falls," help me out here. this is my assignment. ------------------------------------------------ "It isn't true that there's a community of light, a bonfire of the world. Everyone carries his own, his lonely own." -- from John Stein