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    Instructional Design Case Studies

    Part I: Read the attached case study file (CaseStudy2) of Terry Kirkland. After the reading it, read the online version of the same case study at http://teach.virginia.edu/go/ITcases/Terry/#Scene4. Answer the following questions: 1. Using research sources, discuss THREE instructional methods used in the Kirkland case situ

    Instructional Design

    Part I: I am a director of curriculum development for a school system. I believe that I need to hire an instructional designer, although I do not have that position on staff at present. I will need to make a case for hiring someone into this new role. My audience does not fully understand either instructional design, or the

    Stages of Language Acquisition

    Describe the skills that students will demonstrate in the stages of language acquisition. i.e. listening and speaking, reading, and writing.

    Educational Theories Compared and Contrasted

    Create a Learning Theories Chart. Compare and contrast the following educational theories: constructivist, cognitivist, humanistic, multiple intelligences, and multi-sensory. Include advantages and disadvantages of each.

    Learning is a life long commitment

    Would you think that a 45 year old understands and is able to use a college degree (generally) better than someone who went directly to college from high school? (generally)

    Moral Values and Moral Reasoning Process

    I need help answering these questions: Describe a time when your moral values influenced the way you responded to an issue. What differences did you notice between your logical reasoning process and your moral reasoning process? What were the possible consequences or outcome of your decision?

    Team-based curriculum

    Provide advice and instructions in your own words with examples to a remote work team that has been given a curriculum design project: 1. what are the strengths and weaknesses of team-based curriculum design in a remote work environment? Support with examples. 2. what processes or procedures might be unique to a curricul

    Instructional technology

    Your classroom teacher has assigned you to a small group of students who must study the water cycle. What sorts of instructional technology might the teacher wish to use with this group of students? Explain your choices. When students are working with instructional technology, what would you see as your role as a paraprofess

    Assessment Tools / Special Education Assessments and Interpretation

    Assessment Tools / Special Education Assessments and Interpretation There are numerous tools of assessment available to trace and support children who struggle to reach physical, emotional, and academic benchmarks. Test assessors have an enormous responsibility to understand the strength and weaknesses of each assessment. An

    Symmetrical and positively and negatively skewed data sets.

    Would you expect the data sets given below to be symmetrical, positively skewed, or negatively skewed? Grades on an easy test. IQs for all adults in Arizona. Automobiles. Personal income of professional football players. Birthweights of infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. Plot scattergrams for the following situat

    Examples of Differentiation

    Essentially, a differentiated classroom is one in which the teacher focuses on optimizing the efficiency of each student's strengths, thereby prioritizing different learning skills with each student, depending on his or her individual requirements. Learning profiles may be constructed for each student on the basis of his or her

    College Degree advantages are listed.

    These questions are answered: When is a college degree a real advantage? Do you think that all college students should be working either before they enroll or at the same time? In the best case, is a college graduate more prepared to keep on learning? Do you think that employers find degrees simpler to measure than i

    The Organizational Context of Curricula

    This posting uses the No Child Left Behind Act to promote "parental options and innovative programs." This solution helps to develop a Community Technology Center.

    Triarchic Theory of Intelligence is explained.

    This posting describes the three realms of cognition in the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence and compares competitive goals to cooperative goals that occur during assessment in schools.

    Online Learning Platforms

    Please view attatchment What factors should be taken into consideration when determining what learning platform should be utilized? Why? What are the legal issues, ethical issues, learning tools, instructional methods, content, or context that needs to be considered? Why are they important?

    This posting provides an Instructional Design for the Web.

    The debate about online education and how to design coursework and class materials for online classes is exemplified. It is often the practice of many developers to take traditional brick and mortar instructional content and put it online without any changes to the material. Do you agree with this practice? Why or why not?

    Issues in the Field of Mental Retardation

    I need ideas and information to help get me started. Thank you. i) In a 1200-1500 word paper (using APA format and a minimum of three references), discuss the interdisciplinary approach to Mental Retardation (MR). Identify the disciplines serving individuals with MR and describe their roles. Include a rationale for interdi