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    Business Management

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    Business Ecosystems: definition, managing and their roles

    Can you get me started with this concept (and related questions)? Explain the concept of "business ecosystems". How does the management of a business ecosystem differ from traditional businesses? What is a keystone and what is its role in a business ecosystem? What factors influence the success of a keystone strategy? Identif

    Unbalanced Assignment/Multiple Optimal Problem

    The Bunker Manufacturing Firm has five employees and six machines and wants to assign the employees to the machines to minimize cost. A cost table showing the cost incurred by each employee on each machine follows: Machine _______________________________________________ Emp A B C D E F 1 $10 $12 $ 7 $20 $14 $

    Public Administration: budgeting for political response and accountability

    1. Imagine you considered public administration in the traditional managerial approach, and as a result, you believed that stream-lined, efficient, and cost-effective processes were the best way to serve the needs of the public. However, your colleague subscribes to the political approach to public administration, and places s

    What is a Type I error?

    What is a Type I error? Explain how the cumulative Type I error affects your decision making. How is the two independent sample t-test different from ANOVA?

    MGT 210: Compile six sections of a best practices manual for new supervisors

    Assignment: Best Practices Manual for Supervisors As you near the end of MGT 210, you have gained knowledge and experience regarding what it takes to be an effective supervisor. Put your newly developed skills to work for both yourself and others by creating a Best Practices Manual for Supervisors. ? Resources: Appendix

    Question about Report to management

    1 You've been hired by an unprofitable firm to determine whether it should shut down its unprofitable operation. The firm currently uses 50,000 workers to produce 200,000 units of output per day. The daily wage (per worker) is $80, and the price of the firm's output is $25. The cost of other variable inputs is $400,000 per

    Arnold Palmer Hospital (APH) Management Case Study

    Please see the attached case study; The four questions listed at the end of the case study need to be answered from the case. The Arnold Palmer Hospital (APH) in Orlando, FL is one of the busiest and most respected hospitals for the medical treatment of children and women in the United States Since its opening on golfing le

    Plan, draft and revise essays: Big ticket item purchase

    Details: The deadline for completing your evaluation of a big ticket item/purchase is approaching. Write a rough draft of your essay which includes the following: An introduction in which you identify and briefly describe the big ticket item/purchase and the two models, providers, etc you have chosen to compare and contrast i

    Computation of Cost Management

    Total costs are $120,000 when 13,500 units are produced. Of this amount, variable costs are $60,000. What are the fixed costs? What are the variable costs per unit? What are the total costs when 12,000 units are produced?

    Customers perspective relevant to an organization

    I'd like you to comment on whether or not the customer perspective is relevant to your organization. Are there any organizations where the customer perspective would not be a concern? If so, name an organization and defend your position. If not, defend your position.

    Balance Sheet and Forecasting Calculations: Cash budgets, External financing

    Please see attached. Problems: 1, 4, 8 and 10 Baldwin Products Company anticipates reaching a sales level of $6 million in one year. The company expects net income during the next year to equal $400,000. Over the past several years, the company has been paying $50,000 in dividends to its stockholders. The company expects to

    Corporate Governance Changes in the U.S.

    What changes have occurred in U.S. corporate governance of the last 20 years? What have been the primary drivers of these changes? What are the roles of stakeholders in the corporate governance process?

    Operating Procedures and Procurement

    1. Human Resources provides the workers needed for the project. How would the Project Manager ensure the workers are trained and have the right skill set to be productive? How would the Project Manager ensure goals, standards, and key operating procedures are being complied with by the workers? 2. Procurement provides the nec

    Career development: penetrate the Hidden Job Market

    A variety of sources estimate that perhaps 85% of all job openings are not advertised online or in the newspapers. This helps lend credibility to the statement "It is not what you know but who you know". With this in mind it is necessary for job seekers to develop a plan to penetrate the hidden job market and open themselves u

    Innate factors and learned factors.

    OTA in regards to innate factors and learned factors. Do innate factors have more of an impact on motivation than learned factors? Lets look at the legal system we have in place... we all experience years of teaching and conditioning to adhere to the established societal expectations, yet we still have prisons overflowing wit

    Null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis.

    Explain the difference between the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis. How is the null hypothesis chosen (why is it null)? What is the importance of rejecting the null hypothesis in relation of the sample to the population? With a failure to reject the null hypothesis, can we make a general statement about the populati

    Instance of corporate political infighting

    Describe an instance of corporate political infighting in an organization you have worked for. How did it affect the success or failure of your project? 300 words with references.

    Left-Tailed, Two-Tailed, and Right-Tailed Testing

    Explain the difference between a left-tailed, two-tailed, and right-tailed test. When would we choose a two-tailed test? How can we tell the direction of the test by looking at a pair of hypothesis? How can we tell which direction (or no direction) to make the hypothesis by looking at the problem statement (research ques

    Hill Construction: develop a network drawing and determine the critical path

    Pleas see the attached case study table and questions to be answered. 1. Develop a network drawing for Hill Construction and determine the critical path. How long is the project expected to take? 2. What is the probability of finish in 270 days. 3. If it is neccesay to crash to 250 or 240 days, how would Hill

    Alternatives of Workplace Harrassment

    Evaluate the alternatives of workplace harassment and how these topics will affect a company (1) Mandatory harassment training/education quarterly for employees and supervisors; (2) Ensured confidentiality and support for those males making the report; (3) Providing equal investigations for men and women; (4) Individual

    Widget Center: Work scheduling, dispatching rule for flow time, utilization, lateness The following jobs need to be performed at Widget center. Widget Center has a long backlog and sets fresh schedules every 2 weeks, which do not disturb earlier schedules. Jobs received during previous two weeks listed below. They are ready to be scheduled today, which is day 241. Job names refer to names of clients and contact numbers.

    See attachment. The following jobs need to be performed at Widget center. Widget Center has a long backlog and sets fresh schedules every 2 weeks, which do not disturb earlier schedules. Jobs received during previous two weeks listed below. They are ready to be scheduled today, which is day 241. Job names refer to names o