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    Business Management

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    The Impact an Election Candidate Will Have On Business.

    Which presidential candidate will be best for corporate America. In other words which candidate poses the greater (and lesser) risk to businesses. Im trying to write a paper on the presential elections and need some clarification. Thanks

    Strategic Management and Risk Management/Assessment Paper - MBA 502

    If you need help with your Strategic Management and Risk Management/Assessment Paper, this one should give you some great perspectives. This assignment typically appears in week 5 in MBA 502 - Managing the business enterprise. Some of the info contained in my solution... - Problem Statement - Relevant facts and circumsta

    Waiting Line Quesiton

    The Grand Movie Theater has one box office clerk. On average, each customer that comes to see a movie can be sold its ticket at the rate of 6 per minute. For the theater's normal offerings of older movies, customers arrive at the rate of 3 per minute. Assume arrivals follow the Poisson distribution and service times follow the e

    Fine Tune Your Personal Perspective Paper

    Typically completed in or near week 1 in MBA 500, Problem Based Learning, this solution should help you fine-tune your own Personal Perspective Paper. Items included: - coverage of the value of the resource page - discussion of the value of Learning Teams - discussion of the value of Problem-Based Learning - info on wha

    Critical thinking

    Provide examples and applications for the following common elements of Critical Thinking: 1) perception 2) assumption 3) argument 4) fallacy

    Reward Systems

    How effective are the reward systems in the firm to which you are most closely aligned? Does the firm utilize policies that in your view "empower" the organization? Explain your answer.

    Identify a great manager

    1. Identify a great manager, either in your own organization, or one with which you are familiar, or have read about. What makes this person stand out from other managers? 2. Name a great organization (you can use your own place of work if you want). How do you think management contributes to making it great?

    Analyze a job description. Have Americans reprioritized values after Sept 11?

    #1 Select a job and provide a detailed description of the activities to be performed in the job. Next, specify the biographical characteristics a team member needs to have to perform the job effectively. Finally, specify the abilities required to perform the job. #2 Write a synopsis for the online discussion on: Do you

    Calculate process capability index for metal fabricator connecting rods

    A metal fabricator produces connecting rods with an outer diameter that has a 1 ± .01 inch specification. A machine operator takes several sample measurements over time and determines the sample mean outer diameter to be 1.002 inches with a standard deviation of .003 inch. a. Calculate the process capability index for this exa

    Employee Training: Needs Assessment, Delivery Methods and Evaluation

    1. Needs assessment: What types of issues might indicate a need for training? From what sources would these issues be identified? If you were a training manager, how would you prioritize training needs from these sources? a. A supervisor requests training on the specialized technology required by five of his employees. b. Th

    Intersect Investment Services - Problem Solution

    Using the Problem Solution Template, develop a response in which you propose a solution to help Intersect develop a change management plan. The solution needs to focus on leadership and change management concepts. You will have a clear understanding of where to take your own paper after reviewing this solution.

    Provide analysis and be persuasive to overcome possible types of heuristics

    Your firm is hiring a new marketing manager. You and one of the other senior managers have been interviewing candidates. A candidate just completed the interview process and has the following skills, background and characteristics: Hispanic Woman Masters Degree in Marketing Extensive and positive references Worked i

    Case Study on Enron

    Attached the case study which is on Enron and the writing assignment is on page 97 in the attached file where it shows Writing Assignment. So I need to write a strategy memo to Mr. Berardino ( details p97) as well as a professional business letter for his signature. Thanks,

    Bathtub theory of operations management

    The bathtub theory of operations management is being promoted as the next breakthrough for global competitiveness. The factory is a bathtub with 50 gallons of capacity. The drain is the outlet to the market and can output three gallons per hour when wide open. The faucet is the raw material input and can let material in at a rat

    What is Joan's recourse after being fired from her job?

    Joan works for the City Building and Records Department. She was hired a year before Derrick who works in her department. One day, Derrick complained to her about her jewelry, a small gold cross she wore as a necklace. He told her that it offended him and that she shouldn't wear it again. When she refused, he complained to their

    HR/Bargaining and Workplace Behavior

    1. If you are a director of a company, how might you view the bargaining unit? How does the NLRB determine if a bargain unit is appropriate? Please describe the current trends in union membership and union organizing. 2. Do you think a company can eliminate violence in the workplace? Why? The substance abusing employee

    Decision concepts: theory, principle, model

    Note...there are multiple scenarios within the Unit 2 activity. Your goal is to try to identify the most applicable decision concept (from our learning in Unit 2) for each scenario, support your conclusions, and then provide a summary analysis about what you've learned. There are three (3) parts to this project. Your researc

    Decision Theory: Explain why decisions once considered rational are not irrational

    Re-review the information in the assigned text for Unit 2 (Chapter 7, 8 & 9) and do a bit of outside research (outside the text using the AIU Library or the Internet) on the differences between rational and irrational decision making. These terms aren't static and are relatively fluid (in other words our interpretation of what i

    Exxon Mobil Valuation Criteria

    A) Determine the valuation criteria and technique used to select the target company and explain the pros and cons for that selection.