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    Business Management

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    New Employee Training for a Certified Nurses Aide

    This job answer thes following questions about a new employee training program for the position titled Certified Nurses Assistant: 1. Needs assessment: What types of issues might indicate a need for training? From what sources would these issues be identified? If you were a training manager, how would you prioritize training ne

    Comparing Behavioral Traps

    There are 5 different types of behavioral traps: The Time Delay Trap The Investment Trap The Deterioration Trap The Ignorance Trap The Collective Trap Which one of the 5 behavioral traps listed above do you believe is the easiest to fall into and which one is the easiest to avoid? Be sure to support your conclusi

    Changes in job role due to technology

    What changes have you experienced in your job role recently as a result of technology, and how did you feel about those changes? Regarding your recent experiences, what aspects of the change could have been managed better, if any, and what would you have done if you were in charge?

    Correlation and Causation Relationships.

    Suppose you get a very high correlation coefficient. Does this mean that there is a cause and effect relationship between the independent and the dependent variables? Explain.

    Advantages of In-house HRD program vs. purchasing HR programs, advantages of on-site and off-site training program, maximizing sessions' effectiveness, hazing and its role in socialization, two socialization programs for new employees.

    1. What are the advantages of designing an HRD program in-house versus purchasing programs from vendors? 2. What are the advantages of holding a training program on-site? Off-site? 3. How do you feel about attending training sessions or classes scheduled early in the morning? After lunch? What can a trainer do to maximize the

    Forecasting, Weighted Averages: Various Questions

    1. With exponential smoothing, does a higher alpha make the forecast MORE or LESS responsive to changes? 2. With a weighted moving average forecast, to which period is the heaviest weight applied? 3. Distinguish between the following: seasonal variation, cycles, trends, and random variation. 4. Distinguish

    Coca-Cola Corporate Structure

    CORPORATE STRUCTURE 1. How is the corporation structured at present? a. Is the decision-making authority central¬ized around one group or decentralized to many units? Explain. b. Is it organized on the basis of functions, projects, geography, or some combination of these? Explain. 2. Is the structure clearly understood

    Business' online and on-ground activities

    What are the important factors/tasks that have to be planned and executed to integrate an organization's online and on-ground business activities? While this applies to B2C mostly, there are similar issues for G2C's etc.

    New Hire Orientation Evaluation

    In an outline format, describe a new-employee orientation process that would address the needs of inexperienced, new employees to start them on the path to high performance. Give special attention to what the new employees' manager's role is in the orientation process. How would you evaluate your orientation program to deter

    Acworth Systems' case is assessed.

    Please help with the following case study. This case is found in the following textbook: The Leadership Experience, third edition by Richard L. Daft. Please answer the questions in detail.

    Budgeting and investments

    As part of your personal budgeting process you have determines that in each of the next 5 years you will have budget shortfalls. In other words, you will need the amounts shown in the following table at the end of the given year to balance your budget - that is, to make inflows equal outflows. You expect to earn 9% on your inves

    Tools to Attract Candidates

    With the increasing numbers of tech savvy candidates, employers are using increasingly sophisticated Web recruiting tools to attract and inform potential job candidates. One of the leaders in this area is Procter and Gamble (P&G). Visit the P&G U.S. Web site and review its recruiting process and the recruiting information availa

    Describe the negotiation process and contrast two different strategies

    Using the Electronic Reserve Readings link for the course, the Internet, and/or other academic and peer-reviewed sources, find at least two articles that describe a negotiation situation that employs different negotiation strategies. Prepare a paper in which you describe the negotiation processes used in the selected articl

    Change Management

    A boss who was the Chairman & CEO of a public listed group of companies has suddenly passed away. His wife is then elected as the new Chairman and a retired Banker is hired as the CEO. Main business of the group is manufacturing and trading of apparel. An essay of about 2500 to 3000 words is needed to assess what resistance was

    Public Administration

    You provided the exact answer I am looking for in this question when you included factors such as "debt structure, financial conditions, demographic factors, management and administrative practices of all the Governing Bodies." These are key to attaining the highest bond rating and sustaining....importantly, sustaining that AAA

    Waite Pharmaceuticals case study

    Please help with the following case study. This case study is found in the following textbook: The Leadership Experience, third edition by Richard L. Daft. Please answer questions in detail. Waite Pharmaceuticals Amelia Lassiter is chief information officer at Waite Pharmaceuticals, a large California based company.

    Circles of Influence

    Please help with the following, so I'll know how to respond to this homework. Think carefully about the people who have influence over you. These people are your circle of influence. You may have one circle of influence at work, another at home, and others for your social life or career. What are the common themes in you

    Heuristics and Bias Discussion Board 4-6 paragraphs

    To complete this project assignment you will need to have read the assigned chapters in the text for Unit 3 and you will need to complete some independent research the internet on the concept of heuristics. Heuristics are generally identified as"rules of thumb" that we use when making decisions. We evaluate information we alr

    Heuristics and Bias- Provide analysis and be persuasive 3-4 pg IP

    Your firm is hiring a new marketing manager. You and one of the other senior managers have been interviewing candidates. A candidate just completed the interview process and has the following skills, background and characteristics: Hispanic Woman Masters Degree in Marketing Extensive and positive references Worked i

    Key data regarding Strategic Management

    I need help to start preparing a 700-word paper on a small party planning business. Define strategic management and planning of the party planning business. Explain why a strategic plan would be important to the success of this business. Explain the four functions of management relative to creating and implementing

    Performance appraisals, control and negatives

    1. How do performance appraisals serve as control mechanisms? 2. How can managers reduce negative employee reactions to control systems? 3. Based upon current trends, how do you think the four functions of management will change? Just short responses.

    APDC Managing, Contracting & Procurement

    Scenario: American Property Development Corporation (APDC) a designer and developer of outdoor shopping malls and small office complexes has decided to standardize their project management practices and processes across the national organization. The goal is to standardize on one single project scheduling tool,and have the to

    Five year career plan

    Five-Year Career Development Plan I could some help to jump start on this plan. I am a store manager for McDonalds and would like to become a supervisor, supervising multiple locations. Prepare a five-year career development plan. Your plan should include the following: a. Career goals and objectives b. Possible promotion