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HRD Program In-House VS. Purchasing HR Programs

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1. What are the advantages of designing an HRD program in-house versus purchasing programs from vendors?
2. What are the advantages of holding a training program on-site? Off-site?
3. How do you feel about attending training sessions or classes scheduled early in the morning? After lunch? What can a trainer do to maximize the chances that such a session will be effective?
4. Define hazing and describe how it can be prevented. In your opinion, should hazing ever play a role in socialization? Defend your answer.
5. Which two aspects of an orientation program do you think are the most important in socializing new employees? Support your choices?

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Solution Summary

The solution discusses the following: advantages of designing and HRD program VS. purchasing programs from vendors, the advantages of holding a training program on-site and off-site, suggestions for trainer to make sessions effective, definition of hazing and its role in socialization and two aspects of an orientation program which are more important in socializing new employees.

Solution Preview

1. What are the advantages of designing an HRD program in-house versus purchasing programs from vendors?
An in-house HRD program proves to be better compared to purchasing programs to vendors for the following reasons:
(a) the content of training and HRD efforts are tailored to fit organization's needs;
(b) there is a close working relationship between line managers and HRD staff;
(c) flexibility in scheduling
(d) in-house programs can sometimes consume lower cost and expenses.

2. What are the advantages of holding a training program on-site? Off-site?

On-Site Training:
(a) flexibility of scheduling on the part of employees' working time;
(b) accessibility, e.g., a training program for new teachers - It is easier for the Coordinators and Speakers to shift from their job in the office to the venue of the training if it is held in the same place;
(c) availability of support - If there is anything that the speakers need at the last minute, he/she can right away ask the office staff to do it for him/her as they are just accessible and the office equipments are ...

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