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    Inheritance of eye color

    Dear sir, I have got a query about how genes are transmitted from parents to kids. The situation is: I am blue eyed, my mother is green eyed and my dad is brown eyed. This far so good, no problems: I thought,my mum is green(G)-blue(b) and my dad is brown(B)-blue, so I had 1 out of 4 of turning out being blue. It's norma

    Mitosis and Meiosis Processes

    Explain why the process of mitosis and meiosis are both important to a living organism. When would an organism need to undergo the process of mitosis? Meisis? What would happen if meiosis did not occur?

    HER-2 expression in cancer cells

    I'm writing a report on cells which overexpress HER-2. The report consists of 5 mini reports and is for a Biomedical Techniques module I am doing. Part of the report is on the monolayer culture and passage of cells and also requires calculations for multiplication rate, doubling time etc (have done these) I have two main que

    Mendel on Patterns of Inheritance

    How did Mendel's approach to answering scientific questions differ from that of his contemporaries? How did his novel approach contribute to his success in describing how traits are inherited? What advantages did he enjoy by choosing to study the garden pea?

    Hemophilia Genes

    Excluding Queen Victoria's Family Consider the other European families affected by the hemophilia gene. If you were a member of one of these families, what would be some implications? If hemophilia had been transmitted as a recessive trait, rather than an X-linked one, what would have been the implications for the Europea

    Population genetics.

    1. Why do gene frequencies in a population change? Why don't they stay the same from one generation to the next? Explain how the processes of mutation, crossover, and natural selection can provide an answer to these questions. Support your response with cited documentation where appropriate.

    Description of Mendelian Genetics

    1.Define dominance, recessiveness and sex-linkage. 2.What are the expected phenotypic ratios for a monohybrid cross, dihybrid cross, and sex-linked trait? 3. What is pedigree analysis? How can pedigree analysis be used to predict the phenotype of offspring?

    Mycoplasma Variable Surface Antigen (VSA)

    1.What is VSA and how does it under go size and phase variation? 2.How does VSA variation affect and is effected by the host immune response? 3.How does VSA variation affect growth and nutrition? What are the benefits and liabilities of the different forms of VSA? 4.What are the roles of VSA forms in biofilms formation and

    Acre Woods Retirement Community

    Please assist; I am having a difficult time with this case study. Acre Woods Retirement Community Case Study Acre Woods is a private retirement community with 275 senior residents. Its mission is to improve the quality of life of its residents through physical and emotional care. Sarah Armstrong, Acre Woods' resident physi

    Forensic Science and Allele Repeats

    A group of 6 bodies is found buried in the woods, three adult males, one adult female, and two children. They are thought to include a missing family (2 parents and 2 children). DNA is extracted from the skeletal remains and analyzed for two STR markers using PCR. In the results below, the numbers indicate the number of tandem r

    Mutational Genetics

    A botanist interested in the chemical reactions whereby plants capture light energy from the sun decided to dissect this process genetically. She decided that leaf fluorescence would be a useful mutant phenotype to select because it would show something wrong with the process whereby electrons are transferred from chlorophyll. T

    Gene regulation in eukaryotes includes all of the following levels of control

    (I) Gene regulation in eukaryotes includes all of the following levels of control except: a. controls that affect the rate of gene transcription. b. Controls that govern cutting and splicing g of mRNA transcripts. c. Controls that affect the precision of mRNA transcription. d. Controls that regulate which mRNA transcripts wi

    Hardy Weinberg

    1. We start with a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with a q of 0.4 and a p of 0.6. What are the genotype frequencies? Now we have this population, which initially is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (in generation 0) change to a mating scheme where everyone selfs. After selfing, what will be the genotype and gene frequ

    Plant Genetics Centromeres Maternals Parents

    Suppose meiosis occurs in a meiocyte in an anther of a plant in which 2n=6. What proportion of pollen grains will receive a complete set of centromeres from the plant's maternal parent? (Think of the maternal centromeres as being blue and the paternal ones as being red).

    Genetic Disorder

    If I were hired as a genetic counselor to advise a couple about the odds of the couple having a baby with a genetic disorder and I wanted to order lab tests to be done on the pregnant mother to determine if the baby has a genetic disorder (amniocentesis)-what kind of test would be done? How would the test determine if the baby h

    Please explain the following questions

    1. Why are these macromolecules (DNA and RNA) called nucleic ACIDS if they are made up of BASES? 2.Discuss how the different FUNCTIONS of DNA and PROTEIN result in Different STRUCTURES. (or visa versa) 3. What gives DNA its helical nature? 4.Why does RNA use uracil instead of thymine 5.Why does RNA use ribose an

    Biology Multiple Choices Questions

    1. During the transcription of a certain protein, an extra cytosine was placed into a gene region, throwing off the correct amino acid sequence. What type of mutation occurred? A. Transposon B. Insertion C. Base-pair substitution D. Deletion 2. DNA requires which of the following? A. Sunlight C. Protein synthase

    Ethics and genetics are correlated.

    What are some possible ethical issues regarding genetics and development that might arise in the future? How much stimulation should a caregiver give to infants? Why? Is it possible for a child to be given too much sensory stimulation? Why or why not?

    Skin Disorders/Musculoskeletal Disorders

    Skin Disorders 1. Compare the mechanisms and possible causes of allergic and irritant contact dermatitis. 2. Prepare a list of contagious skin disorders. 3. Suggest a preventative measure that could reduce the risk of skin cancer. 4. Explain why allergic responses tend to recur. Musculoskeletal Disorders 5a.

    Explaining DNA

    How is information about DNA structure used as a taxonomic tool? How does the morphological species concept differ from that of a phylogenetic species. How are DNA - DNA hybridization results used to classify organisms? What have "molecular clocks" to do with classification of organisms? Classify your self from kingd

    Comparing DNA of rodent and human genes

    1. In the "DNA clock", some nucleotide changes cause amino acid substitutions in the encoded protein (nonsynonymous changes), and others do not (synonymous changes). In a comparison of rodent and human genes, rodents were found to accumulate synonymous changes 2.0 times faster than humans and nonsynonymous substitutions 1.3 time


    1. Explain why a well-adapted organism synthesizes only the proteins necessary at any particular moment. 2. When radioactive uracil is injected into the developing larvae of Drosophilia, only certain regions of the chromosomes in certain tissues contain radioactive uracil. Explain this observation.

    Biology Questions

    1. If farmers continue to use large quantities of chemicals to control insect pests and weeds what problem (from an evolutionary perspective) are they likely to encounter? 2. In terms of gene pools, what is a major potential consequence of isolating wildlife in reserves. 3.Tay-Sachs disease, which is inherited as a Men