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    X-linked genes and finding genetic map distance

    A female heterozygous drosophila melanogaster with the x linked genes of singed bristles (sn), crossveinlesss wings (cv), and vermillion eye colour (v) is testcrossed with a singed, crossveinless, vermillion male and the following progeny were obtained: 1 singed, crossveinless, vermillion 3 2 crossveinless, vermilli

    Genetics: Eye color probabilities

    Both parents have the brown/blue pair of eyes color genes, and each parent contributes one gene to a child. Assume that if the child has at least one brown gene, that color will dominate and the eyes will be brown. (The actual determination of eye color is somewhat more complicated.) a. List the different possible outcomes

    Populations and Gene Pools

    Postulate why populations in northern climates have gene pools in which most members have the recessive genotype (bb for blue) for eye color, while populations in Africa and South America more often have gene pools with the dominant genotype (B for brown).

    Hardy-Weinberg Conditions

    List the five Hardy-Weinberg conditions. Choose one and explain it using a specific example why the condition is rarely met in nature.

    Paternity Gene Testing Examples

    Figure 2, below, shows a set of DNA fingerprints used to identify the father of one child in question. By matching up the genes that appear in the child, can you determine which man is the most likely to be the putative father? Why?

    Cell division, mutations and genetic variability.

    Eukaryotic cells can divide by mitosis or meiosis. In humans, mitosis produces new cells for growth and repair. And, meiosis produces sex cells (gametes), called sperm and eggs. Changes or mutations in genes in sex cells can be inherited by human offspring. Genetic variation in a population of organisms is good; however, sometim

    Genetics Problem- Human Blood Types

    A. APunnett Square represents a cross (mating) between a male (on the left side) with blood type AB, and a female, (top of square), with blood type A, genotype Ao. Answer the following for the cross represented above. 1. What are the possible blood types for the offspring? 2. What are the ratios or percentages for each poss

    Description of the Structure of DNA

    Describe the structure and function of DNA as the molecule of inheritance. I need a better understanding of the below: a. Describe the structure of DNA. b. Discuss how the structure of DNA allows it to serve as the basis for inheritance. c. Examine how meiosis allows DNA to be divided into gametes. d. Describe how

    Biotechnology: Discussing Gene Therapy

    Biotechnology allows us to use living organisms or their processes for human needs or purposes. This current topic includes such examples as cloning, stem cells (adult, umbilical cord, and embryonic), DNA fingerprinting, biological warfare, bioremediation, genetically modified organisms, vaccines, and transgenic plants and anim

    Characteristics of DNA and RNA molecules, and their function.

    1.What unique ability do DNA molecules have? Why is this ability so important? 2.What are the similarities and differences in DNA and RNA? 3.What are the respective functions in general and in protein systhesis? 4.What are the various factors that might damage genes? 5.Explain the process of mitosis along with its variou

    Genetic Characteristics that cannot be Explained by Simple Mendelian Genetics

    Part 1: Genetics Problem- Human Blood Types Mendel is the father of modern genetics, but there are some genetic characteristics that cannot be explained by simple Mendelian genetics. Such is the case with the human blood types in which there are 3 alleles for the same gene, A B, and o. A parent can pass allele A, B, or o to th

    Mendel and the Gene Idea

    I am having trouble with these few sample problems. I really do not understand the concept of Mendel's ideas. Can someone please elaborate? Please see attached file.

    Blood: The Rh Factor

    If a couple are both rh positive...the man being B+ and the woman is O positive Is it possible for this couple to have a B- child? Also why is it that a B- child can only receive blood from a B- or O- person? If this child ever needs a blood transfusion how come neither one of the parents can donate blood does this mean this chi

    DNA Cloning

    1- The genes for both the alpha-and beta-globin chains of hemoglobin contain introns (i.e., they are split genes). How would this fact affect your plans if you wanted to introduce the gene for alpha-globin into a bacterial plasmid and have the bacteria produce alpha-globin? 2- Bacteria and yeast are known not to have prions.

    Population Genetics Hardy Weinberg

    I am having a very hard time trying to figure this out. I need someone to explain to me how to go about this...showing an explaining their work. My goal is to gain assistance understanding this for I need to grasp this, so please show me HOW! In a population of monkeys, there are two types of coat color that follow simple M

    A researcher studied six independently assorting genes in a plant.

    A researcher studied six independently assorting genes in a plant. Each gene has a dominant and a recessive allele: R black stem, r red stem; D tall plant, d dwarf plant; C full pods, c con­stricted pods; O round fruit, o oval fruit; H hairless leaves, h hairy leaves; W purple flower, w white flower. From the cross (P1) R