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    Can the government require citizens to wear seat belts?

    Can the government require you to a wear seat belt while driving? What is the argument that it can, and what is the argument that it cannot? How would such seat belt laws differ from the requirement that infants in cars be in car seats?

    Lack of Minority Leaders

    Focusing on a current political issue relating to immigration. Possible media pieces include an article, a video or audio clip, a television show, a book, a documentary, or a movie. Research the issue of your media piece. Address the following: What is the historical framework of this issue? o What is the political

    The film, Crash, is explored using sociological theories

    Has anyone seen the film CRASH. I need to use examples from the film and use the three theories ( conflict theory, functionalist and interactionist theories) to explain continued difficulty we have with race relations in the United States.

    Panel discussion

    I would like some sample questions (about 5-6 questions)to ask to the panel along with the responses from each sociologist. I need to better understand how each sociologist might respond to the questions following each paradigm.The panel includes a sociologist committed to a Marxian/conflict paradigm, a sociologist committed to

    Ethics paper help is guided.

    O Define your underlying ethical system, its primary principles, the sources that helped shape your ethics such as people, institutions, events, and so forth, and the criteria and decision-making factors you used to revise them. o Discuss the potential effect of your ethics on your performance or use of them in your

    Illegal Immigration: A Brief History and Current Perspective

    Reference: http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/i/immigration-and-emigration/index.html What is the historical framework of this issue? In the very early years in America there was no legislation regulating immigration. We were a new country and needed every warm body we could get our hands on.

    Gender inequality in American politics is explored.

    This solution explains why we have never had a female president in the United States while other industrialized nations have had heads of state. It uses Tischlers three main theoritical perspectives in analyzing social class, racial and ethnic discrimination and gender inequality. The three theories are conflict theory, function

    Multicultural Matrix and AnalysisSummary

    Will you please help me with the following? Using the attached document, I need to summarize what I learned from this activity in a 350-700 word analysis of the advantages of a multicultural society and labor force. I have to use the following questions to guidemywriting: How has U.S. society used each groupâ??s culture to

    Human Services

    You are a counselor at a high school. Discuss the legal status of minors and the implications of this status on the counseling relationship. Also address the concepts of confidentiality and informed consent in your response.

    How are Hispanics integrating into main-stream American, and what are the cultural impacts of such a strong heritage on the United States. Additionally, what barriers must be overcome to be successful in America?

    How are Hispanics integrating into main-stream American, and what are the cultural impacts of such a strong heritage on the United States. Additionally, what barriers must be overcome to be successful in America? How are Hispanics integrating into main-stream America? When you understand that Hispanics have been in America

    Chinese immigration in current times and the actions of the EEOC/Government

    What I am after is information showing how modern chinese illegal immigration is handled by the US and other governments. In particular how the current efforts for Chinese are overshadowed by efforts related to hispanics and other races. Data must show the difference between the perception in society that Chinese are well educat

    Assuming stratification, explain the relationship between the concepts: A. Ascribed Status and Life Chances B. Ideology and Social Mobility Use an example to explain how each of the following concepts is related to stratification (not just the definition): A. Ethnocentrism B. Meritocracy

    Assuming stratification, explain the relationship between the concepts: A. Ascribed Status and Life Chances B. Ideology and Social Mobility Use an example to explain how each of the following concepts is related to stratification (not just the definition): A. Ethnocentrism B. Meritocracy A. Ascribed Status and Li

    Observing the economy of your hometown.

    Imagine that you have been assigned to study possible changes in the economy of the city nearest you. How could you use surveys, observation research, experiments, and existing sources to complete the task?

    Disability & Normalcy

    Look up one successful person with a disability, and explain how the notion of normalcy could have been harmful in their lives?

    Color-Blind Racism

    How is color-blind racism expressed in everyday conversation? In news coverage?

    U.S. government's global interventions

    How active should the U.S. government be in addressing violations of human rights in other countries? At what point, if any, does concern for human rights turn into ethnocentrism through failure to respect the distinctive norms, values, and customs of another culture?


    Sociological study of stratification is generally conducted at the macro level and draws most heavily on the functionalist and conflict perspectives. How might sociologists use the interactionist perspective to examine social class inequalities in a college community?

    Diversity action plan for Walmart or other organizations

    "Diversity Action Plan Due to future trends in population growth, it will be more important than ever for organizations to prepare for the challenges and opportunities presented by diversity. The learning team diversity action plan will consist of a report and presentation (for online students: PowerPoint® presentation with

    Erving Goffman's dramaturgical approach

    Drawing on Erving Goffman's dramaturgical approach, discuss how the following groups engage in impression management: Athletes - College instructors - Parents - Physicans - Politicians -