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    Psychological Therapies

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    Psychological disorder and psychological unhealthy behavior.

    Determine what constitutes a psychological disorder. Demonstrate your understanding of the topic by providing an example of a psychological disorder and an example of a psychological unhealthy behavior. Define the concept and provide sound evidence for your discussion through examples.

    Mourning, Grief, and Adult Psychological Features

    1. Do you think people in mourning behave differently according to their culture? In your opinion, is grief a universal emotion? 2. Since most Americans do not practice rites of passage, how do we know when adolescence ends and adulthood begins? What psychological features do we expect to see in adults?

    Cognitive-Behavioural Approach

    Over the past 20 or more years the primary paradigm in Clinical Psychology has gradually become the cognitive-behavioural, which is a (loose) combination of the cognitive and learning paradigms. Psychiatry has adopted a primarily biological paradigm. The previously dominant paradigm of Psychoanalysis (and to a lesser extent Huma

    Psychological Constructs in an article

    1. What rhetorical devices does the author use? How effective is the use of the devices? 2. List any examples of bias, fallacies, or faulty reasoning that you found in the source or article. 3. Is the author's argument good/bad, valid/invalid, or strong/weak? Explain. 4. Are any non-factual issues addressed? Is mora

    Psychological testing question

    Evaluate the Personality Inventory for Children test. Test name: Test use: Test scales and subscales: Population test designed for: Administration (how it is administered, time it takes to administer): Characteristics of normative sample (s): Reliability information (if the coefficients are not provided, indicate type

    Psychological Testing Questions

    I need help with these questions: a) Information processing theories of intelligence (sequential processing and simultaneous processing. Which intelligence test uses these concepts? b) In what ways do intelligence tests for infants and preschool children differ from intelligence tests for school children? c) mental age and

    Psychological Testing

    Explain each of the following terms, expressions, events, or names in terms of their significance in the context of psychological testing. The answers should be written in own words and each answer should not exceed more than 6 to 8 double spaced lines. a) Psychological tests: in what way do they differ from other types of te

    Cognitive Behavioral Theory: Social Learning

    I am looking for the information on history and developments of Cognitive Behavioral Theory (Social Learning). I am reading 'Beneath the Mask' by Monte and Sollod but its' chapters on Dollard, Miller and Bandura do not provide a flow to the information and I can't grasp the topic. Any good sources? Maybe some concise overview?

    The actualizing tendency

    According to _________ we are motivated by a single positive force, an innate tendency to develop our constructive health potential. This force is known as the actualizing tendency. a) Carl Rogers b) B.F. Skinner c) Abraham Maslow d) Alfred Adler

    Freudian limitations and need an example

    What are some possible limitations of a Freudian analysis of Joe? Joe is a 19 year-old male. He suffers from bouts of depression and occasional anxiety. He states that, "I just never seem to be good enough." Joe is the caretaker of his invalid mother and two younger siblings. His father left when Joe was the only child at

    The Foree & Lolordo (1973) study

    What impact did the quality (food vs. shock avoidance) of reinforcement have on the learning with compound cues in the Foree & Lolordo (1973) study? How have these findings been interpreted?