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    Ethical Issues

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    Ethics of Controversial Medical Therapies: Medical Marijuana

    You are the president of a Border General Hospital (BGH) that is located in Colorado. You have been asked to draft ethical guidelines and principles for the Border General Hospital's next meeting of the Board of Directors. BGH is known in the area for having a progressive cancer treatment center, and as part of the center, BGH h

    Autonomy and Informed Consent

    Autonomy and a patient's right to informed consent and their choice or "say so" in their own treatment. How do you respond to this type situation?

    Future of Medical Practice

    Text: Health Care Administration; Planning, Implementing and Managing Organized Delivery Systems. Wolper, Lawrence. 1. prediction about the future of medical practice? 2. how do you believe medical institutions are addressing the belief in entitlement among prospective patients.

    Ethical Principles & Public Health Laws

    I need help answering the following question. Can ethical principles and the policies that serve as the bases for public health laws mutually and simultaneously co-exist? I need the response to be 150 words or better.

    Food and Drug Administration and Ethics

    In 1995, Higgs promulgated his iconocastic view of the FDA as a wrecking ball, contending that the agency has delayed approval of new or improved medical devices. From the FDA's perspective, meticulous analysis of devices is requisite to serving public safety. Premature approval of drugs or devices can result in avoidable fatali

    Ethics of healthcare provider disclosure of personal information

    Should physicians be required to disclose personal information about themselves to patients as part of obtaining informed consent from patients? Personal information includes things such as their HIV status and if the (physicians) have any disabilities such as alcoholism or drug addiction.

    HIPAA rules and regulation

    HIPAA is an acronym that stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. HIPAA includes regulations that govern the use and release of a patient's personal health information. More relevant to the news media, HIPAA also limits the kind of information hospitals can disclose regarding patients. Besides

    Conflicts and Ethical Principles

    How would you sort through a conflict created when the four ethical principles each focus on a different and conflicting action?

    Cultural Diversity and Teamwork in Healthcare Ethics

    With increasing diversity in the United States, a question has arisen regarding what accommodations should be made to assist the diverse population. Some groups or individuals feel that in order to address the increasingly diverse population; we must employ a medical staff that is reflective of a community's population. For exam

    Cultural Diversity and Teamwork in Healthcare Ethics

    In the past, paternalism among healthcare providers was an accepted way of practicing medicine. Patients sought care from physicians and accepted their opinions and treatment choices without question. However, in today's healthcare industry, there has been a shift away from paternalism as patients become active in their treatmen

    Patient's autonomy in a nursing home

    Autonomy is one of the most important ethical principles discussed in long-term care. Often, autonomy is in danger of being sacrificed when a patient is in need of a higher level of care. Imagine you are part of the staff at the local nursing home. The administrator has asked you and a group of other employees to discuss the pri

    Healthcare Ethics and Morals

    The rising number of uninsured patients has led to an increased reliance on the hospital emergency room for routine nonemergency care. EMTALA ensures patients' access to the emergency room of any hospital, regardless of patients' insurance status or their ability to pay. Using the South University Online library or the Internet,

    The Role of the Ethics Committee

    Imagine you are part of a nine-member ethics committee at the local hospital. At your committee meeting, the committee is presented with the issue of a patient who has been on life support for the past six months and has not shown any signs of improvement or the ability to survive without life support. The patient has appointed

    Sustainability and the Supply Chain

    Please help me answer the questions below: Discuss why a sustainable business should be concerned about the nature of its suppliers and their operations. Is there an ethical imperative here? If so, does it extend to a responsibility (i.e. are businesses accountable for the behavior of their suppliers?)? If not, why?

    Closed-loop model of business sustainability

    Why does the closed-loop principle seem to be a common theme in sustainable business? What does it say about the relationship between human activity and the biosphere and further about how we should view business activity in the coming decades?

    Development of Law

    Given that all healthcare providers: - Must comply with the laws that govern them. - Should uphold ethical standards set forth by, for example, professional associations. - Should act morally towards patients, and others whom they serve. Do you believe it is possible for a healthcare provider to act legally,

    Ecological Economics

    Describe the challenges of ecological economics. How can an economic system address the issue of externalities equitably? How can the rate of consumption and waste generation be balanced while maintaining a growing population?

    Corporate Moral Minimums and a Sustainable Society

    Identify and discuss an instance where a corporate entity was responsible for an environmental emergency or problem while maintaining state, local, and federal regulatory compliance. What ethical questions were involved, and how were they handled? How does the issue of the adequacy of regulatory compliance intersect a multi- or

    Ethics in Health Care for the Future

    It is now 2020, and your career as a professional in health care is highly successful. Using your imagination and the knowledge answer the following questions. How important is the application of ethics to your career success? How has your knowledge of ethics assisted you in your career? What ethical challenges do you f

    Ethical Considerations in Health Care Access

    Think about each of the following roles: the patient without health care access, the patient's family member, a nurse, a taxpayer opposed to health care provision for all, an ethicist, a patient with health insurance who opposes health care access for all, and a physician. Then think about this statement: "The patient should hav

    Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility

    Consider as comprehensively as possible the application of corporate social responsibility where the environment is concerned. How do the Module Resources describe the obligation to legal or regulatory compliance relative to a broader concept of responsibility? What, if any, are the inadequacies of regulation (particularly with

    Free market economy

    Discuss the free market economic model. What are its virtues? What are its advantages and weaknesses? Please provide 2 paragraphs.

    Introduction to Sustainable Business Ethics

    Economics, Ecology and Ethics are the three pillars of the Next Industrial Revolution (Desjardins, 2006). In your own words, define each pillar and explain how the three relate to the Sustainable Business Paradigm.

    Climate, Energy, and the Economics of Sustainability

    What is a recent event that involved businesses having an impact for better or worse on the health of the biosphere? How does population growth affect affluence and technological development? Are these concepts really independent?