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    Natural Hazards

    A natural hazard is a naturally occurring threat or event that will have a negative effect on people or on the environment. Many naturally hazardous events are interconnected. For example, drought can lead to famine or population displacement. There are many different types of natural hazards as well. These can include avalanches, earthquakes, sinkholes, volcanic eruptions, blizzards, droughts, hailstorms, tornados, and diseases. These events can cause large numbers of deaths, as well as property damage.

    To help deal with natural hazards, the United Nations launched the International Early Warning Program in January of 2005. This program was designed to create a global warming system which can help build community resilience in the event of a natural hazard. Disaster risk reduction is critical to the sustainable development of communities. Natural disasters can cause millions of dollars in property damage and this is a major financial burden for communities.

    Different regions of the Earth are more susceptible than others to particular types of hazardous events. Regions that lie on a fault line are more likely to experience an earthquake or a volcanic eruption. This happens by the convergence and divergence of tectonic plates. Furthermore, a northern region by the mountains is more susceptible to avalanches. This occurs due to the buildup of snow on unsteady surfaces. 



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