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Sumatra and Plate Tectonics

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1. Please explain the relationship of plate tectonics to earthquakes and explain how plate tectonics have impacted the Sumatra 2004 and 2005 earthquake.

2. Please explain the relationship of plate tectonics to volvanoes and explain how plate tectonics have impacted the recent activity of the Sakura-Jima volcano.

3. Please explain the relationship of plate tectonics to mountain building and explain how plate tectonics have impacted the Andes Mountains.

Last, please provide the references used.

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How plate tectonics relates to the Sumatra earthquakes

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Plate tectonics describes continental movement across the surface of the planet. Both continents and the ocean basins around them move together, and the whole surface of the earth is composed of these crustal units, or plates. They move relative to each other, causing continents to collide and move apart. This movement is what drives volcanoes, mountain building and earthquakes. At the boundaries of plates, we see either convergence, divergence, or a transform-fault boundary. Seafloor spreading is the driving force behind plate tectonics, and ...

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