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    Business Ethics

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    Ethical Issues with Drug Manufacturers

    1. What are the ethical responsibilities for drug manufactures? Is any drug completely safe, or is the ethical principle "Do no harm" a relative guide? 2. Should the DFA require the pharmaceutical industry to conduct more elaborate premarket drug testing or in crease monitoring of customers' use of the drug? 3. Although le

    Outline of an ethical political strategy

    Include an outline of an ethical political strategy designed to help Michael secure and excel in the job you think he should pursue. What dependencies exist? Think not only in terms of Michael's workplace, but also, his home. ? Do Michael's colleagues demonstrate legitimate or illegitimate political behaviour? Explain. ? W

    Absolutism vs. Relativism

    Describe which type of belief most closely mimics beliefs and why. PASSAGE: While we cannot begin to cover all of the topics possible, you might select one or two contemporary issues around which ethics have changed because of external and social elements. As an example, you might consider how technological changes have a

    Ethical Theory

    Shutdown at Eastland When Speedy Motors Company closed its assembly plant in Eastland, Michigan, lobbyists for the organized labor cited the case as one more reason why the federal government should pass a law regulating plant closings. With less than a month's notice, the company laid off nearly 2,000 workers and permanently

    interpretations of Ethical Behaviour

    Make a small interpretation on the below results, and apply them to personal and professional development. Include a statement explaining how educational experience has impacted ethical thinking. This analysis should address use of ethics in thinking and decision-making and potential for conflict in situations with people who ha

    Is persuading unethical?

    If you must persuade your audience to take some action, aren't you being manipulative and unethical? Explain.

    Week 2 DQ#1

    Which critical thinking elements are most applicable to ethical reasoning? Which elements are your strengths and which elements are your weaknesses? (Consider perception, assumption, emotions, language, argument, fallacy, logic, and problem solving.)

    1. The CFO of your company has asked your team to develop a set of internal guidelines that will ensure that the finance department adheres to the highest of ethical standards for financial forecasting. Without consideration of any legal requirements develop a set of procedures that will facilitate this objective.

    1. The CFO of your company has asked your team to develop a set of internal guidelines that will ensure that the finance department adheres to the highest of ethical standards for financial forecasting. Without consideration of any legal requirements develop a set of procedures that will facilitate this objective. 2. You were

    Internal Financial Management Report: Ethical obligations, credibility, accuracy

    Prepare an internal financial management report with recommendations on how an (or your personal organization) organization can ethically meet financial reporting obligations including financial forecasting. Include in your report current regulations and industry practices that are designed to ensure the credibility and ac

    Ethical issues

    By paying a large tip to secure a better table in a restuarant is the same as offering a bribe in business to secure a contract . Defend or oppose this statement.

    Ethical areas of the web

    Discuss some of these other ethical areas of the web: A. Gambling over the internet B. Fraud - list and discuss fraud over the internet. How can you protect yourself and others and/or your company? C. Buyer protection - what is a buyer's right and protection. Why? D. Sellers protection - should a seller over the web

    The health care system

    Are issues of ethical concern regulated and assessed adequately in the U.S. healthcare system? Why or why not?

    Important information about truth

    I don't think we can actually give a technical definition of truth-at least not one that can be used to verify the truth of statements. Truth is just a label we attach to those of our beliefs that we hold very strongly, and different people have different processes for evaluating beliefs and attaching the label. Exercises

    Ethical Decision Model is described, the relevance to business is examined in the solution, circumstantial constraints are examined, the modes are examined, options are evaluated.

    Can someone on your staff help me complete my writing assignment using the ethical decision model 4 step process. Please see the attached document Ethical Decision Model - Step one Clarify the question Ethical Decision Model Step - 2 determining its relevance for this business Ethical Decision Model Step - 3 Identify the

    Walmart - Ethical Standards

    Can you please expand what I already have on the article below. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A9086-2005Apr22.html See attached file for full problem description.

    Revising Ethical Standards

    Http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A9086-2005Apr22.html Please propose a plan for revising the ethical standards and the communication of these standards in order to resolve the issue for the above article.

    Ethical intensity

    I've been ask to explain using the six factors of "ethical intensity", which are: 1) Magnitude of consequences; 2) Probability of effect; 3) Social consensus; 4) Temporal immediacy; 5) proximity; and 6) Concentration of effect how a person might view gun control as an issue facing the United States.


    You submitted what you thought was a masterful report to your boss over three weeks ago. The report analyzes current department productivity and recommends several steps that you think will improve employee output without increasing individual workloads. "Brilliant," you thought. But you haven't heard a word from your boss.

    Letters / Memos

    If you must persuade your audience to take some action, aren't you being manipulative and unethical?

    Organizational Behavior

    (see attached) Is it unethical for Zach's employer to force him to be a team player? Is his firm breaking an implied contract that it made with him at the time he was hired? Does his employer have any responsibly to provide Zach with an alternative that would allow him to continue to work independently?

    Ethical Issues in International Business

    Suppose a young female with a MBA who took a job at a bank right of college and within 3 years received 3 promotions and was succeeding in the business was given the opportunity to work at the banks Mexico City office. While there she was treated without respect and not viewed as authority from the clients and her co worker (a


    Would like more opinions on this: You recently attended a management workshop entitled, "Gender and Leadership," during which the workshop leader related the following statement:"We need not just a new generation of leadership but a new gender of leadership" Bill Clinton. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

    Ethical Issues in International Business

    Read the case study entitled "Foreign Assignment" on pages 621-622 attached. After the meeting with Sara, Tom Fried emailed you. In the email, he explained the situation and asked your advice. In your email reply back to Tom, address the following: What obligations do you feel the bank has to ensure that its employees are