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    Flavor compound by microbes.

    Describe the flavor compounds in foods produced by microbe more specific than perfore answers. Please write in detail about each flavor compound in food by microbes ex. how to react with microbes to produce flavor like that. benzaldehyde of cherry and fruit flavor, methyl with butter flavor methyl ketone flavor esters or

    Estimating microbial growth

    Describe the various methods used to estimate the amount of microbial growth that has taken place in a culture: a. viable/standard plate count b. serial dilutions c. turbidity measurement d. direct microscopic count e. coulter counter f. membrane filtration a. viable/standard plate count The viable

    Outbreak of a Disease as Recorded by the CDC

    Please help with the following problem. Search the CDC website and find an MMWR article describing an outbreak that involved multiple federal, state, and local agencies, and/or a public/private partnership. List the various players/agencies, and give a brief description of the roles of the various players/agencies in the out

    Scombroid Poisoning

    What is scombroid poisoning? How does it occur? What conditions would allow the toxin involved to thrive and to cause illness. Scombroid poisoning is just another name for "histamine fish poisoning." (1) It is a "fish food poisoning" that is associated with allergy-like symptoms. (1) Scombroid poisoning is cause by a high l

    Why are direct gram stains ordered on clinical specimens?

    Gram Stain 1. Why are direct gram stains ordered on clinical specimens? 2. Why is a direct gram stain performed on all anaerobic cultures, even if it is not specifically ordered by the physician? 3. Why is a gram stain performed on all CSFs? 4. List (By gram stain morphology) the three most expected organisms

    Microbiology: Epidemics

    Every morning as you are getting ready for the day, you listen to the national news. The newscaster describes how Disease X was reported in Montana. The newscaster mentions that this disease, which has been reported in Montana in the past, has a higher than normal frequency. He states that scientists are traveling to Montana and

    Koch's Postulates

    As a skilled microbiologist, you have been called to Farmer McDonald's farm to investigate an outbreak of sores on the udders of his cows. Your first task is to determine whether the causative agent of the sores is a microbe. Explain how you will you use Koch's postulates to accomplish this.

    Classification of Organisms

    Assistance with the following multiple choice science questions. 1. Paleontologists have found fossils dating back 3.6 billion years. These closely resemble.. 2. The endosymbiont hypothesis suggests that the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells are descended from captured 3. Eukaryotic cells are thought to have... 4. Of

    Differences and Similarities Between Bacteria and Fungi

    Discuss the differences and similarities between bacteria and fungi. Include a comparison of size, cell type, reproduction, mode of deriving food, and good versus bad effects on other organisms and the environment. Be sure to give specific examples of good and bad bacteria and fungi including their scientific names.

    Change in Temperature Affecting Growth

    1. What potential hazards do psychrophiles pose? 2. In what ways might an microorganism's ability to grow at low or high temperatures be reflected in the structure or expression of various proteins? 3. How might microorganisms growing in the soil or water adapt to seasonal changes in temperature?

    Immunodeficiencies and Type III Immunopathology

    Discuss how various immunodeficiencies would affect the ability to have a Type III immunopathology. For example, if someone was missing complement factor 1 (C1), would she be more likely to be adversely affected by immune complexes? What if she were missing C6 (complement factor 6)? Or someone who lacked TH-1 T cells or someone

    Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Organisms and Gram Stain Technique

    Please help to understand these concepts for an assignment: 1. Explain the difference between procaryotic and eucaryotic organisms. Name the different kingdoms that are included in each group. 2. Explain the procedure and significance of the Gram stain.

    Microorganism Growth

    Please help with the following problem. You inoculate tubes of thioglycollate agar with a species of bacteria. There is no oxygen available in the bottom on the tube, while there is exposure to atmospheric concentrations of oxygen (~20%) at the very top of the tube. Describe, or draw, where in the tube you would expect the f

    Microbiology Career Specialization

    The science and practice of Microbiology impact on many facets of life and the functioning of the Earth. Microbiology also plays important roles in human affairs. As a testament to this, every spring, thousands of microbiologists gather for the Annual General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), which is the w

    Microbiology - Mycoctic diseases

    Please help address the following problems. 1- List the regions of the human body where mycotic diseases can be observed. 2- Explain why fungi are characterized as being either saprophytic or parasitic. How does the fungi benefit by being saprophytic or parasitic?

    Bacterial/Viral infections

    Please help answer the following questions. Provide at least 300 words in the solution. Bacterial or viral infections can cause a fever directly (from chemical messages produced by the infectious agent itself) or indirectly (from chemical messages produced by the immune system). How does the human body produce and respond to

    compare mold and yeast

    Compare mold and yeast by family, media used to cultivate and enumerate, coducive enviorments for growth, pH, salt and sugar concentrations and such, classification scheme, industrial uses, pathogenic strains, spore formation schemes and their reproductive strategies.

    microbiology: cause-and-effect flow sheet

    Using the Internet to create a one-page cause-and-effect flow sheet. Your flow sheet should include the following: Various factors that lead to frequent outbreaks of the disease Stages of disease progression Clinical indicators of the disease

    Biology Multiple Choice: Damaging effects of light and UV radiation. etc.

    1. Which of the following statements about the damaging effects of light and UV radiation is NOT correct? a. Proteins of the photosynthesis apparatus may become damaged by radiation. b. Ozone prevents UV-A and UV-B radiation from reaching the surface of the Earth. c. Ultraviolet radiation may ionize important molecules like D

    Cell and Tissues

    I have to discuss cell and tissue types found in typical animals, but because it is so vast I am having a hard time finding one concept to elaborate on.

    Tumor Antigens

    Please explain the difference between a tumor antigen and a tumor marker. What are the two categories of tumor antigens? How are tumor markers used in diagnosis?

    Microbiology Formation of Bacterial Endospores

    Please help me answering the following questions; please give me enough explanation for each question, I will really appreciate it. The text book I am using is the following: Foundations in Microbiology (8th Ed.) Kathleen Park Talaro and Barry Chess. 5) Describe the formation of bacterial endospores. ?Describe the structure of

    Microbiology case study.

    You look in the refrigerator and find an orange drink you had forgotten was there. The drink now has an off-taste and it bubbles. What is the most likely explanation for the changes in the drink?

    Microbiology Questions

    - You have a rabbit with an unknown illness. Apply Koch's postulates to prove that a specific bacterial species is responsible for the rabbit's illness. Identify all four postulates in your answer and describe how you would set up experiments to specifically address each postulate. - List and describe 2 distinguishing feature