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    Cognitive Psychology

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    Repressed Memories

    When we repress memories, are they really forgotten or just waiting to be brought back to the surface with the right external cue?

    Forgetting - Intentionally difficult or impossible?

    The more we focus on trying to forget something, the more energy we transfer to the memory. 1. Do you think that more attention to the information makes forgetting intentionally difficult or impossible? 2. An example might be an attorney or judge telling the jury to disregard the information they just heard. Is it poss

    Perceptions and memories

    Do you think it is the amount of importance we place on the information that forms our perceptions and memories? How so? References needed. Thank you.

    Statistical probability: a short essay answer

    If we rely on the likelihood principle and that principle was false, would our perception then be false, also? If we were in the middle of a study and the likelihood principle was not accurate, would we have to rely on other perceptions or start over with a whole new hypothesis?

    Reticular Activating System

    1. What is the main function of the Reticular Activating System? 2. If an individual suffered damage to this center in the brain, what residual deficits in learning and behavior would you expect to see?

    Gender related cognitive abilities

    Journal articles (professional) suggestions REQUIRED that include gender related cognitive issues. Report on an understanding of the gender related cognitive abilities. Look for flaws and strengths in specific examples and applications.


    How are the problems of ambiguity in understanding language similar or different to the problems of ambiguity in other perceptual processes that that has bee3n discussed such as a prevasive challege comprehension, speech perceptionrepresenting meaning, structural ambiguity, reading and language

    Making decisions - Sequence of Gambles

    Sequence of Gambles Consider the choice among pairs of casino gambles that are the staple of the most basic studies of decision making then think about an important personal decision how good is the analogy between gambling choice and your decision situation. Is life really a sequence of gambles? a. Identify the

    Emotional Intelligence

    Emotional Intelligence Please help me with the following: a. Define, in your own words, your understanding of emotional intelligence. b. Give two examples. c. From the reference of your choice, provide theoretical support for the two examples.

    Models of Intelligence - Sternberg, Spearman, and Gardner

    Explain the major points of the Sternberg, Spearman, and Gardner models of intelligence. Discuss specific similarities and differences from one model to another. Discuss which model appears to be the most comprehensive model of intellectual functioning and why. Defend your answer with data from the text and other sources, not pe


    I need help and ideas for these questions. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you. QUESTIONS: How bad of an injury would cause a hemianopsia? Would it depend on the object that was inflected upon the eye? Is there any form of surgery that could correct the problem or is this something that is life long? Is hemia

    Experiments on Sensory Adaptation

    Experiments: 1. Hypothetically by rubbing your index fingers gently over a piece of very coarse sandpaper a few times and rate its coarseness on a scale from 1 (very soft) to 7 (very coarse). After a minute or two, rub the same finger over the paper and again rate its coarseness. Did your perception of the coarseness change

    Kasparov and Deep Blue

    Considering the fact that Kasparov, a well-known Russian Chess Master, was able to defeat Deep Blue, a computer that was able to process 500,000 chess moves per second, how is it possible that a human being can rival the capabilities of most modern computers? Explain your answer.

    Why is cognitive functioning crucial to everyday existence?

    Why is cognitive functioning crucial to everyday existence, and How does cognitive functioning enhance diversity? I am using the text: Cognition: The Thinking Animal, 3e ISBN: 0131736884 Author: Daniel Willingham copyright ?2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company

    Principle of Operant Conditioning

    Explain the principles of operant conditioning. Clarify the differences among positive reinforcers, negative reinforcers,punishment and primary and secondary reinforcers. Give example of all.

    Threshold Auditory Stimuli

    Please provide examples of Threshold Auditory Stimuli cocktail party" phenomenon. Any suggestion and how would you use this above statement?

    Rewards vs reinforcers

    I was told that a reinforcer in classical conditioning can be an aversive stimulus which is hardly a reward at all. In instrumental conditioning, Skinnerians were also against equating a reinforcer and a reward. Skinner believed that a reinforcer strengthened any behavior that immediately came before the introduction of the rein

    Psychology's Early Schools and theorists

    Identify and briefly describe the four "Psychology's Early Schools" and who is associated with each. Choose one to explain in detail. How did this school contribute to the modern development of psychology? Define classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning. Please give an example of both types of conditioning.

    Cognitive Functions - Phineas Gage

    Explain the role of the brain in cognitive functions. Part of the explanation, describe what Phineas Gage's accident revealed about how brain areas support cognitive function. Please note this needs to include a description of the accident and its effect, but must also include the knowledge gained about brain functions involved

    Defining Cognitive Psychology as a Discipline

    Defining cognitive psychology - addressing the following: 1. Four key milestones in the development of psychology as a discipline 2. Importance of behavioral observation in cognitive psychology Minimum of two peer reviewed sources.