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    Cognitive Psychology

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    Education and Learning Philosophies

    Using the topic of "learning", can you please help me explain what is interesting about that topic and apply it to your own experiences and observations?

    Turing Tests and Consciousness

    Turing tests may cause controversy by the argument that the test is concerned strictly with how the subject acts — the external behavior of the machine. In this regard, it takes a behaviorist or functionalist approach to the study of intelligence. The example of ELIZA suggests that a machine passing the test may be able to sim

    Does Visualizing Success Enhance Performance in Sports?

    Much attention was given to mental imagery in athletics (particularly tennis) in the 1960s and 1970s under the heading of visualization as a way to improve personal performance. The idea was to practice specific physical actions and to visualize them being successfully completed without actually doing them. 1. Scholarly refer

    Turing Test: Imitation

    When I initially pondered on the main premise of Turing's test -- that artificial intelligence could be based on the underlying principle of imitation -- I was rather skeptical, but the more I read into the matter, the more I realized how pervasive imitation is in regards to knowledge acquisition. Whether it is a child learning

    Validity of Turing Test

    1. Argue that the Turing Test is a strong and valid test for human-like intelligence in machines. Propose a single modification that would provide the greatest improvement to the test. 2. Locate research in which mainstream intelligence tests (Stanford-Binet or Wechsler) have been used to assess machine intelligence of syste

    Scientific Knowledge, Contributions, and Methodology

    Please give me the direction to analyze this article: Incarceration, Addiction and Harm Reduction: Inmates Experience Injecting Drugs in Prison. By: Small, Will; Kain, S.; Laliberte, Nancy; Schechter, Martin; O'shaughnessy, Michael; Spittal, Patricia. Substance Use & Misuse. 2005, Vol. 40 Issue 6, p831-843. 13p. 1. What

    Temporal coherence and auditory streaming

    1. I hear people who describe their children's academia improved once they began playing an instrument or singing. Could this be the result of increased attention and coherence as a result of the music? (150 word count or less) 2. The nativistic approach believes that language may be an inborn intelligence, in humans. Since t

    The Hardware of Mental Activities

    1. Rolls presents a model of visual consciousness. Mandik presents his view on the neurophilosophy of consciousness. In your opinion, is Rolls's model a trivial or substantive view of consciousness? [150 word count] 2. Neuroscience and linguistics have, at face value, little in common methodologically. Beginning with the Ling


    1. Look at the first few visual examples in Illusions and Paradoxes by Zamora. What model of the mind-brain seems closest to reality based on just these examples? Argue that there are or are not indications of multiple models among the illusions. (Do not discuss them all; choose a couple that strike you most powerfully.) 2. Is

    Definitions of terms relating to the brain

    Please provide definitions and explanations for the following terms: - Neurons - Axion, Dendrites, Milean Sheath - White Matter/Gray Matter - Synamptic Gap - Neurotransmitters and Receptor Sites - Three Types of Neurons: Sensory, Motor, Interneurons - How we study the Brain - Brodmann's Areas - Reptilian Brain, Li

    Areas of the Brain and Their Functions

    Please define the terms listed below and explain how they can be distinguished from each other. Brain: - Left/Right Hemisphere - Three Parts: Cerebral Cortex; Cerebellum; Brain Stem - Medulla Oblongata - Four Lobes and what they do: - Hippocampus, Hypothalamus, Amugdala - Limbis System as supporting Emotion and Memory -

    A Discussion On IP Theory, Encoding, Retrieval

    1) Draw/fill-in and explain IP Theory 2) Describe factors that may promote and hinder encoding 3) Describe factors that may promote and hinder retrieval 4) Compare and contrast and provide examples for 4Rs: Recall, Recollection, Recognition, and Relearning

    Learning Styles and Learning Disabilities

    Learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, may have an impact on learning but is not related to learning styles. It is still an impediment to one's learning process. Are learning styles related to learning disabilities? Please outline the primary learning styles and define them.

    Discovery of Learning Styles

    http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/12/091216162356.htm This article discussed a meta analysis (looking at several studies) and it discovered that many studies on learning styles were flawed. In what ways does it suggest that learning styles studies were flawed?

    Optimal Conditions For Learning

    Could you please help me to answer these questions?: Are there optimal conditions for learning? If so, what are they? If not, why not? Please relate your discussion to learning styles (you can readily find this information on the Internet). What has your own experience been with learning styles? Do you find that you learn

    Gambling Behaviours & B.F. Skinner

    Why do people continue behaviors even though there may not be an immediate reward? An example using gambling (slot machines) and B.F. Skinner.

    Pavlov's famous dog experiment

    Please help with the following problem: In this research study, scientists reversed Pavlov's famous dog experiment. Essentially the dog is given the treat after ringing the bell, so to speak. In this experiment with monkeys, what did the researchers learn and how does this apply to Pavlov's work? To answer this go to the

    Slot machine gamblers and addiction

    How is it that some individuals that play slot machines won't become addicted to gambling? Why and or how is this possible? Please discuss how addictive personalities play a role in this differential experience of addiction. What are some of the characteristics on people with addictive personalities?

    Biopsychosocial Model for the Mind

    Biopsychosocial Model for the Mind The brain injury of Phineas Gage in 1848 prompted renewed interest in localizing mental functions and dysfunctions in the brain. Galton's insight into hereditary traits reintroduced the nature/nurture debate in psychology. This assignment focuses on examining those two historical threads in

    B. F. Skinner: Theoretical Concepts

    What theoretical concepts are attributed to B. F. Skinner? Which one of these concepts had the greatest effect on the field of psychology? Why?

    Piaget's Four Stages of Development Criticism

    What would you see as some important criticisms of Piaget's research on the four stages of development? Although his research does validate that children are as intellectually as capable as adults, his studies may have used questions too difficult for children and therefore underestimated their competency. What do you think of t

    Central Impediment to Effective Problem Solving

    A central impediment to effective problem solving is functional fixedness, or the inability to use a familiar object in an unfamiliar way. Essentially, one is unable to adapt or incorporate changes into one's heuristics. In terms of cognitive deficits or other forms of pathology which compromise one's ability to problem-solve, c


    In terms of impasses being resolved and greater clarity obtained after one walks away from a difficult problem, how do you think this concept applies to studying and test-taking? For example, have you ever noticed or had the experience of studying or reviewing for a test the night before you take it and finding that you feel stu

    Problem Solving - Stop and Revisit Later

    When trying to solve a problem, you might have been instructed to "stop thinking about it and come back to it later." Based on what you have learned this week about impasses, do you think that this is good advice? Why or why not? 100 words.